Pick-up and Drop-off Loop
For the first several days of school, construction will be helping families navigate our new car/bus loop. Thank you so much for your understanding and cooperation as the construction crews continue to finish our beautiful new campus!
We are updating our processes nearly every day, so that we can make adjustments to speed up pick-up. Please pay careful attention in the loop, follow the instructions of staff and construction, and DO NOT EXIT YOUR CARS WHEN IN THE LOOP.
Please notice the updated loop map above--we did change the location of bus pick-up and drop-off on the first day of school, so that is was safer for students (the map shows this change).
Please continue to allow for extra time for pick-up and drop-off for the first several days as we navigate these changes together.
Please continue to pull forward, leaving minimal space between cars, so that the line moves as quickly as possible.
Please review the map with your child, especially if they are walking or riding their bikes to school, so that they are aware of the crosswalks and where to enter campus safely.
Thank you so much for helping our students get to school and enter campus safely! We greatly appreciate your patience.
Please Carefully Review Our Schedule Change Policy
This week students will be able to request a schedule change. Starting on Monday, August 19th, students may come to the office before or after school to get a Schedule Change Request Form (the form is also linked below--click on the red button to open the document).
Schedule changes will only be considered for the following reasons:
A student would like to move from a grade-level class to an Honors class or vice versa
A student would like to change their elective class
Schedule changes will not be considered for the following reasonsL
A student wants to change teachers
A student wants to switch lunch periods
All schedule change request forms must be submitted by the end of the school day on Wednesday, August 28th. Schedule change requests will only be considered if the form is signed by a parent/family member.
After we have received all of the schedule change requests, we will examine them carefully to see how many we can accommodate given current class sizes. We will communicate all schedule changes to families and students; please have your student continue their current schedule until notified by the office.
If you have any questions regarding schedule changes, please contact Vice Principal Philip Tateishi at
Breakfast Service
Campus Opens at 7:30 A.M. & Breakfast Service
We are very excited to welcome our Spartans back!
Some important things to note as we approach the first day of school:
The school gates will open at 7:30 A.M. each morning. Once the school gates open, students will enter into the MP room. In the MP room, students will receive breakfast. Breakfast service begins at 7:30 A.M. daily. Students can eat in the MP room and then can move about the rest of campus, starting at 7:45 A.M.
ONLY students are allowed through the school gates. If a parent or guardian needs to speak with a school staff member, that person must enter through the Front Office entrance.
Lunch Assignments
Arcade has two lunch periods. Lunch assignments are based on your student's 4th period teacher. Your student's lunch assignment was also printed on their schedule.
In alignment with San Juan Unified’s Strategic Plan and to support our 8-Point Commitment to Educational Justice, this dress code applies to San Juan schools.
Please see the graphic below of Riley, a visual representation of the dress code intended to illustrate what students may wear.
Tops- Cover the front, back, and sides under the arms, covering the rib cage
Bottoms- Pants, jeans, sweatpants, shorts, skirts, dresses, leggings, fitted pants, ripped jeans
Headwear- Any headwear that does not cover the face
Hate, discrimination, illegal activity, profanity, violence, drugs or alcohol, threats
Here are some important details about Arcade:
Our website is accessible here:
Office hours: 7:30 A.M. - 3:30 P.M.
Main Office Phone: 916-971-7300
Attendance Line: 916-7300, Option 1
Fax: 916-971-7821
Principal: Lindsey McManigal
Vice Principal: Michele Lorenzo
Vice Principal: Philip Tateishi
Office Staff:
Secretary: Renae Howell
Records & Reports (and Attendance): Jennifer Augusta
ICT: Kristen Reznich
Student Support Staff:
Counselor: Andrea Myers
Counselor: Anthony Derum
Social Worker: Lillian Alhafez
Social Worker: Lonnie Webb
Whether you have an incoming 6th grader or just need a refresher on the procedures at Arcade, take a look below to get familiar with our school policies and procedures!
Early Dismissals:
If you would like to pick your student up from school early for any reason, you may:
- Send a note in the morning with your student
- Call the office prior to pick-up
- Have your student called out of class after you arrive
*ID is required to check a student out of school.
*Students can only be released to individuals listed in our system as primary or emergency contacts. Please make sure anyone approved to pick up your student is listed in the parent portal as such to avoid delays in check-out.
Please avoid early dismissals during the lunch period or within 30 minutes before the end of school.
Meal and Medication Guidelines:
- No food delivery to students on campus
- Free breakfast and lunch offered on campus during designated meal times
- No over-the-counter medication allowed on campus without a medication authorization form that has been signed by the student’s physician and given to the school nurse
All students in transitional Kindergarten through 12th grade can ride Sacramento Regional Transit District (SacRT) for free through the RydeFreeRT program. With RydeFreeRT, students can ride the entire SacRT transit network, including SacRT buses, light rail and SmaRT Ride on-demand microtransit service for FREE!
RydeFreeRT is available all day, any day of the week, all year during regular SacRT service hours.
To ride free, students need to show a valid RydeFreeRT card. Youth who are experiencing homelessness or taking part in foster programs are also allowed to participate in the program, regardless of current residence or school address.
RydeFreeRT cards are available at school locations, including at Arcade, or at the SacRT Customer Service Center at 1225 R Street (adjacent to the 13th Street light rail station) and Sacramento Public Libraries.
Learn more about the program at
Pick up a free SacRT card from the Arcade front office!
Emergency Contact information MUST be completed before your student may pick up their schedule.
To update and complete your student's Emergency Card information, Visit Q Parent Connection (SJUSD Parent Portal) at the website below and sign in with your parent PIN and password.
*If you forgot your PIN or password, click the "Need Your Login Information?" link at the login screen and enter your email address.
1. Select the "Re-enrollment" or "Information Update" tab to update the emergency card for all students.
2. Select "Edit" to update your contact information.
3. Select "Edit" for each student to review and update their demographic, emergency contact, and health information.
4. Review the Acknowledgements Area, check the confirmation checkbox, and click on the Submit button to complete the process. You MUST click Submit in order for the information to be processed.
5. Review for completeness.
Thank you very much for helping Arcade be ready to welcome your student back on campus!
Ribbon Cutting Ceremony and Back-to-School Night!
Mark your calendars for September 19, 2024! Our first formal event on our new campus will be the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at the start of Back-to-School Night. We are filled with excitement to officially kick off the year with a special event with our community!
More details to come. We hope to see you there!
CALENDAR ITEMS - Looking Ahead
- August 15: First Day of School
- September 2: No School, Labor Day
- September 4: 6th Grade WEB Game Night, 3:00
- September 11: Minimum Day; school ends at 11:10 A.M.
- September 19: Ribbon Cutting Ceremony, 5:00 P.M.
- September 19: Back to School Night, 6:00 - 8:00 P.M.
- September 20: Minimum Day; school ends at 11:10 A.M.
- Monday - Friday from 7:30 A.M. to 3:30 P.M.
- Attendance Phone Number: 916-971-7300, ext. 1
Location: 3500 Edison Avenue, Sacramento, CA, USA
Phone: 916-971-7300