Fox Hill Family Newsletter
August 27th, 2024
Upcoming Dates
- Monday, September 2nd: No School (Labor Day)
- Friday, September 6th: Booster Club Fundraiser Kick-Off
- Thursday, September 12th: Booster Club Meeting (5:30 PM @ FH)
Microsoft TEAMS link for Online Access
Meeting ID: 256 244 251 071
Passcode: HaPxBF
- Wednesday, September 18th: Picture Day and Fundraiser Ends
- Friday, September 20th: No School (Staff Professional Development)
- Tuesday, October 1st: Fall Parent-Teacher Conferences (4:30-8PM)
- Wednesday, October 2nd: Fall Parent-Teacher Conferences (4:30-8PM)
MAP (Missouri Assessment Program) Individual Student Reports
For 4th and 5th grade students, last year's (2023-2024) MAP Individual Student Reports will be sent home this week with students. Please check your child's backpack!
You Need to Know...
Picture Day!
Please save the date! Wednesday, September 18th will be school picture day at Fox Hill. We anticipate sending our picture order forms in the next couple of weeks, so please be on the lookout in your child's backpack. If you'd like to order online, please click HERE to place your order after August 30th.
Students in kindergarten through twelfth grade are assigned a district device to support their learning. We encourage all families to consider device insurance to minimize risk. Insurance may be purchased on MyPaymentsPlus.
Booster Club Meeting
If you'd like to join Fox Hill's Booster Club, see below for the Booster Club Flyer and Enrollment Form! Our first Booster Club meeting will be on Thursday, September 12th at 5:30 at Fox Hill--dinner will be provided! If you'd like you join virtually, here is the Microsoft TEAMS link.
Meeting ID: 256 244 251 071
Passcode: HaPxBF
Booster Club Fundraiser
Our annual Booster Club fundraiser will kick off Friday, September 6th, through Wednesday, September 18th. We will again be selling trash bags to support Fox Hill students. Please be looking for flyers to come home in backpacks soon. We look forward to partnering with you in this fundraising effort!
Fox Hill (Business and Community) Partners in Education
Staff Shout Outs and Celebrations
Communications and Fox Hill Staff Shout Outs!
Do you have a compliment or shout out for one of our staff members? We always want to hear from our Fox Hill families! A great way to let staff members know what they are doing well is to send communications through North Kansas City Schools' Let's Talk Link (see below). This program allows you to send communications to Fox Hill or other district departments. We do our best to celebrate the good work our staff is doing, this is a great way to let us know what you like!
Staff Favorite Things
Each year we collect a list of our staff's favorite things. If you would like to celebrate a teacher or staff member, take a look at a few of their favorite things.
Lunchroom Updates
Lunchroom Visitors
Visitors are welcomed to join students for lunch on or after September 16th. Due to space in the cafe, each visitor is only allowed once a week. Visitors must be listed on the student’s enrollment form or the parent/guardian must contact the office to give approval prior to the lunch visitor's arrival. Visitors at Fox Hill and all NKCSD schools are required to show their driver’s license in order to enter the building. Driver’s licenses will be scanned into the Raptor program and then a photo ID sticker will be printed to wear while you are on school grounds.
Once your child's lunch has ended, parents will say their goodbyes in the cafe and return back to the front office. For the safety and security of all students, parents will not be allowed to walk their child back to class.
PBIS at School and Home
Family Resource Help
Need Help with Resources?
If you or your family need resources (food, clothing, shelter, school supplies, therapy/counseling, vision/dental, or others), please contact our social worker, Meghan Shipley.
816-321-4098 (office)
816-556-6609 (cell)
Join our School Messenger Text Group
If you have not done so already, please opt in to text message alerts from FH and NKC. We don’t use this method of communication that often and promise not to flood you with text messages. It’s an extremely helpful way to communication any last minute changes, for example, snow day alerts, emergencies, or reminders. To opt in, text YES to 67587.
Join the Fox Hill Booster Club
We would love to have 100% of our families join the Booster Club. You can also access the form via the below link. Please complete the form and return it to the Fox Hill office.
Arrival & Dismissal Reminders
We want to make dismissal as quick and efficient as possible. You can help us by following these procedures:
Parents in the car rider line:
- Please continue to use your child's name card in your front window to assist us in getting your child out to the curb as quickly as possible,
- Please stay in your car to keep the line moving. If you need to buckle in your child, please pull into a parking space to do so after you have been released from the line.
- Please stay in line--pulling out of line causes traffic jams in the parking lot and slows down the dismissal process for car riders and buses.
Parents with transportation changes:
- Please let the office know as soon as you know there will be a transportation change for your child, this helps us communicate with teachers to ensure students are where they need to be.
Thank you for your help making dismissal a smooth and orderly process!
Bus Information
Download the Bus App & Always Know Where Your Child Is!
NKC Schools uses the Versatrans My Stop app to track all buses. When setting up this app, be sure to select "Allow" when it asks to send you notifications. This means it will send you updates on where your child's bus is currently located, how many stops away it is, the estimated arrival time, the overall route of the bus, and so much more. There is also an option to turn on "Delayed Bus Notifications." This will notify you automatically if the bus is more than 10 minutes late leaving the school. This is especially helpful for the first week of school and on poor weather days that sometimes cause bus delays.
You can download this app on both Apple and Android devices. You will be asked to select your child's school district. Please select, "North Kansas City Schools (MO)." Log in with your child's student number (same as their lunch number) for BOTH the username and password. Please change the password after you log in for the first time. You can do this from the "Setup" option on the main screen.
For more detailed directions, please see the documents below for how to set up the app on an Apple device and an Android device.
Breakfast and Lunch Accounts
Meal Prices (2024-25 School Year)
Elementary Lunch $3.10, Breakfast $1.85
Adult Lunch $4.40, Breakfast $2.40
We encourage every family to complete the lunch application process as quickly as possible. Click here for more Information. Click here for the complete Free and Reduced Application.
You can also go to the district web site at , click on Families, Family Resources, scroll down to Food & Nutrition services, and click apply here.
Adding Money to Lunch Accounts
You may go online to deposit money into your student’s lunch account and to check their current balance. Visit MyPaymentsPlus You will need your student’s lunch number (student's school ID) to access their account. For instructions on how to set up a MyPaymentsPlus account, please click here! You can also contact MyPaymentsPlus for support at 1-877-237-0946. You can also make restrictions on their account through MyPaymentsPlus. Examples of restrictions include: no juice, only 1 extra snack a week, alert me when my child's account is below $____, etc.
Fox Hill Parent Handbook
Location: 545 NE 106th St, Kansas City, MO 64155
FOX HILL VISION: Empowering students to achieve individual success.
FOX HILL MISSION: The Fox Hill School Community will encourage and motivate young minds through diverse experiences to prepare lifelong learning in a global society.
FOX HILL EXPECTATIONS: We are kind, respectful, responsible, and the best we can be.