Principal Update 10/3
AppleFest & Trabbic Farm Notes
Volunteers are needed for this weekend's AppleFest. Fulfill part of your required service hours volunteering using this link.
The Athletic Booster Club is looking for Applefest Parking Volunteers. Service hours are available. Use this link to sign up.
Please use this link for signing up for AppleFest Pie Making or use the QR Code.
St. Stephen families can walk in the AppleFest Parade Saturday October 5th. Please meet Mr. & Mrs. Frank with the St. Stephen banner at the entrance to Huron Metropark on Waltz Road. Line-up begins at 11:30, but the parade doesn't start until 1:00 PM. The parade route will begin at the park entrance and will continue over the blue bridge into downtown New Boston and straight out Huron River Drive. The parade may begin dispersing anytime outside of town and you may park your cars at the end at Casper Studios or at the beginning at Metropark in the field. Please see https://www.hurontownshipapplefest.com/parade for more details.
All parents/guardians volunteering in any capacity for St. Stephen are REQUIRED to complete Protecting God’s Children. This includes volunteer drivers. Please read the information here. Use the following link to register here.
Any parent planning to drive for field trips will need to complete the form linked here and submit the required driving information to the front office.
Additionally, volunteers who have not already completed a background check this year should complete this form and return it to the front office OR e-mail to schooloffice@ststephennb.education
Parent Support Group (PSG) Update
The Parent Support Group (PSG) October Newsletter is linked here.
Quilt raffle tickets are now available, and the quilt is on display in the school in the Parent Support Group (PSG) display cabinet. See the flier.
The PSG is excited to announce a new Nursing Nest for nursing mothers at AppleFest. See here for more details.
Church & Community Updates
Time is running out to sell St. Stephen Parish Raffle Tickets. The Drawing will be held on Saturday, October 5th at 6 PM. Please see Mrs. Fluent in the Parish office if you wish to sell more tickets. Each ticket directly helps offset the costs for the school.
1st Prize- $10,000
2nd Prize - $2,000
3rd Prize- $1,000
Trabbic Farm Notes
Dress Code for Field Trip: Red St. Stephen shirt and EITHER Gym Sweatpants or Jeans (school appropriate).
I will be "checking in" and "checking out" families/drivers at Trabbic farm. While there have not been firm start and end times to this field trip in the past, I am asking that drivers check-in with me at arrival & check-out with me before departing.
Social Media
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@StStephenNewBoston
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StStephenNB/
Facebook Parent Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/805655842880562/?ref=share&mibextid=adzO7l
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ststephennb/