Panther Weekly
May 3, 2024
Spring pictures are ready!
To order, log in to your account on mylifetouch.com or create an account using your student's school ID number. All families can also log on and order a free Digital SmileSafe card. More about the Smilesafe program here
PTC News
- Teacher Appreciation Week starts May 6! We are excited to celebrate our teachers and staff with the PTC. Don't forget to turn in that paper that was in your folders for your teacher by Monday - Shhh... Shhh....
- Thursday May 9: PTC Volunteer Appreciation/Year End Meeting at Reserve 22 at 7:30 p.m. All are welcome to join!
- Friday May 17: Olympic Field Day (Monday 20 rain date)
- Wednesday May 29: Andy's Frozen Custard Fundraiser! Flyer coming next week!
Fifth grade transition to middle school
Last day of school year: morning attendance on May 31
Reminder: The last day for students will be a half-day (morning attendance) on Friday, May 31. Read more: https://bit.ly/3TI5PV1
The updated 2023-24 calendar can be viewed here: www.ccsd89.org/2324calendar
The 2024-25 calendar can be viewed here: www.ccsd89.org/2425calendar
Upcoming Events
May 8: Kindergarten music performance, 3 p.m.
May 10: Third grade Shedd field trip
May 10: Spring orchestra concert at Glenbard South, 6 p.m.
May 15: First grade zoo field trip
May 15: Blood drive at Glen Crest, 2-6:30 p.m.
May 17: Park View Field Day
May 17: Spring chorus concert at Glen Crest, 7 p.m.
May 20: Rain date field day
May 20: Board of Education meeting, 7 p.m.
May 21: Fourth grade field trip Isla a la Cache
May 21: Spring band concert at Glen Crest, 6 p.m., 7 p.m., 8 p.m.
May 22: Second grade zoo field trip
May 24: Fifth grade field trip to Police Department
May 27: NO SCHOOL (Memorial Day)
May 28: Fifth grade Step up Day to Glen Crest
May 29: Fifth grade celebration
May 30: Eighth-grade promotion at Glenbard South, 7:30 p.m.
Community invited to donate blood May 15 at Glen Crest
Community members can support the urgent need for blood by donating between 2 and 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, May 15, at Glen Crest Middle School, 725 Sheehan Avenue, Glen Ellyn. Sign up for the May 15 blood drive at this link. Future blood drives will be held at Glen Crest on August 28 and November 6. Learn more about the process of donating blood at www.ccsd89.org/blood
It is critical you complete registration for 2024-25 school year ASAP
Registration for the 2024-25 school year is now open. It is critical that families complete registration as soon as possible. Letters were sent in the U.S. mail with the unique “SnapCode” you will use to complete registration. Register at: www.ccsd89.org/register2425
More info: https://bit.ly/4cS2rOW
Summer construction is scheduled to begin May 31
Construction projects at CCSD 89 buildings are scheduled to begin on the last day for students: Friday, May 31. Access to some buildings will be limited throughout the summer. You can see a list of scheduled and completed construction here: www.ccsd89.org/24construction
Families are encouraged to stay off the school’s playground equipment when construction crews are actively working at the school. (At the end of the summer, crews may also be at the buildings on weekends.) Read more: https://bit.ly/3vht66D
Resources for helping your child through difficult times
Tragedy can affect a nation or a single family. Some crises happen suddenly while others build over time. Each situation can be difficult for children to understand and challenging for families to navigate. Our school has a counselor, social worker, and psychologist available to help students and families with strategies for transparent, age-appropriate conversations. The district has posted additional resources at www.ccsd89.org/crisis
Need tech support for your student’s school computer?
Families that need support for iPad or Chromebook issues should use the district’s online help system. Enter your contact information and some details about the problem at: https://bit.ly/89techsupport
Online backpack
See all the CCSD 89 community fliers at www.ccsd89.org/backpack
History Center presentation on Lilly Pulitzer (May 11)
Glen Ellyn Public Works Open House (May 23)
Martial arts at Butterfield Park District (winter, spring)
Dodgeball Nights at Butterfield Park District (through May)
Home-based Child Care Kit (through May 31)
College of DuPage Youth Academy (June-August)
Junior lifeguard and junior swim instructor lessons (June-August)
Park District Big Boss and the Toes concert (June 2)
World’s Largest Swim Lesson (June 20)
DuPage Community Health Fair (June 21)
Park District Funk Brotherz summer concert (July 14)
Park District Prairie Station summer concert (July 28)
Butterfield Park District pool memberships (summer)
Butterfield Park District summer camp (summer)
B.R. Ryall YMCA Summer Camp (summer)
Park View Elementary School
Attendance phone: (630) 858-1600, press 1
Online backpackEmail: info@ccsd89.org
Website: www.ccsd89.org/parkview
Location: Park View Elementary School, South Park Boulevard, Glen Ellyn, IL, USA
Phone: (630) 858-1600
Facebook: facebook.com/CCSD89
Twitter: @ParkViewCCSD89