Cougar Chronicle
Important Dates to Remember
9/2 - Labor Day (school closed)
9/3 - Teacher Workday (no school for students)
9/4 - Professional Development (no school for students)
Talented & Gifted Program Information
If you are interested in learning more about the Fulton County Schools' TAG program, please click on the link provided.
Notification to Parents of the Screening and Referral Process for Gifted Students 2024-25.pdf
Counselor's Corner
Student Success Skills are a set of standards that will be taught in all schools to all students throughout the school year. For more information regarding this program, please click on the link below.
Student Success Skills Parent Packet 24-25SY English
SSS topic for the week of August 12: Learning Skills
Jenise Greene: greenej@fultonschools.org
Annie Woodworth: woodwortha@fultonschools.org