September Parent Newsletter
La Primaria Elementary - 626-652-4150
Parents please mark your calendars! Wednesday, August 28th is a Modified Day for all students in TK - 3rd grade. Students will be dismissed at 1:50 p.m.
1ST Fall Picture Day
Studio 1 will be photographing your child on Wednesday, August 28th. You may order your photos with the color order form sent home witgh your child. If you did not receive one we have extras in the front office. You are also able to order the photos online at: and use code P498. All questions could be directed to Studio 1. For your convenience, you may text your questions to 413-287-1234. On this day, students must wear their school uniform. All students will be photographed for our school records.
Once again, students are able to join after school programs at La Primaria School. Our Think Together program is available Monday - Friday from dismissal until 6:00 p.m. To register please contact Brianna Hernandez at 626-354-0673 or scan the QR code below.
We also have the SPARK after school program. This program is open to all Kindergarten - 3rd grade students Monday - Friday from dismissal until 6:00 p.m. Please see flyer at the below.
MAX Learning has also opened for students to sign up. MAX Learning is formerly ELOP/Culture Bytes. If you would like your child to participate in these programs please scan the QR Code at the below of this newsletter and register as soon as possible. Spaces are limited.
SPARKS After School
If interested please scan the QR Code on left bottom of this flyer
Think Together After School Program
MAX Learning
Enrichment Activities open: Robotics, Arts and Music, Language Academy Healthy Cooking and Sports!
The Parent Advisory Committee’s (PAC) mission is to provide an authentic parent voice through engaging in review and generating advice and comment to the Mountain View School District Board of Education and Superintendent, to ensure that the District’s Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) reflects the input of District parents, a key stakeholder group.
To become a member of the Parent Advisory Committee, we invite families to attend the our regular PAC meetings. During these meetings our Community Liaison will go over many important information.
Our first PAC Meeting will be held on September 18th at 8:15 a.m. in our school cafeteria. We will provide a continental breakfast. Please come and join us on this very important beginning of the year PAC meeting.
CPAC Meeting
Mark your calendars!
Every month, we will hold a COFFEE WITH THE PRINCIPAL, and I invite all of you to come. This is an opportunity to connect with other families and learn additional information about our school . Our first Coffee w/Principal will be held on September 26th at 8:15 a.m. in our school cafeteria. Come and get to know our new principal, Mrs. Hamilton! All parents are welcome to attend.
We are excited to inform you that the So. California Honda Helpers will be visiting La Primaria on September 10th.
SoCal Honda Helpers are Honda dealers across Southern California that have teamed up to offer Random Acts of Helpfulness to local residents and organizations. They have events, gift-giving projects, and volunteer services throughout the entire calendar year that uplift members of our community.
Since they will be here to visit at La Primaria and will be providing some media coverage we ask that you please sign the Photo Shoot Release form and Waiver Liability form. Each student will be given the form and we ask that you return it no later than September 6th.
Mrs. Maria Rivera, Attendance Clerk
Daily attendance for students is critical for student achievement. Every day that your child is absent they are missing critical classroom instruction. Students are expected to be in line with their class by 7:55 and in their seats by 8am. If students arrive after 8am, they must check-in at the main office and get a tardy slip.
Attendance policies:
- If your child is absent, please call the office and report the absence by 9am.
- Excused Absences include: illness, bereavement, religious holiday
- Unexcused Absences: all other absences
- Verified Absences: Official note from doctor or dentist
- You will receive a notice for a SART (attendance review meeting) after 6 absences.
- Once your student has had 10 absences, every absence needs to be accompanied by a doctor's note.
*If your child is ill please keep them at home until they are symptom free for 24 hours. If you have any questions regarding attendance please speak with Mrs. Rivera, Attendance Clerk in the front office.
Beginning on September 3rd we will be celebrating our good attendance. ALL STUDENTS NEED TO BE PRESENT AT SCHOOL MONDAY THROUGH THURSDAY to take part of the awesome Spirit days! Please take a look at the schedule below.
Ms. Yulianna Diaz, Community Liaison
We are always eager to welcome parents who would like to assist on field trips or assist with school events. In order to be an approved volunteer you must complete the following:
- Complete the Mt. View School District Volunteer Registration Form
- Complete Mt. View School District volunteer Background Verification Form
- Provide proof of current negative TB test (TB tests are valid for 4 years)
- Livescan/Finger Printing
- A special Introduction on the do and dont's for Parent Volunteers will be discussed on September 18th at 8:15 during our PAC Meeting. Please attend if you would like to become a parent volunteer.
If you want to volunteer on field trips with your child, please apply early to be a volunteer so you can attend the trips. If you would like the volunteer forms please stop by the office for the packet. We will not be able to approve your attendance for field trips unless the above is completed. For more information please see Yulianna Diaz, Community Liaison or phone her at 626-652-4159.
Mrs. Cintia Ramirez, Health Clerk
Just a few reminders from the health office.
Doctor's notes are required when:
- -Medical Equipment has been prescribed (crutches, casts, orthopedic braces & supports, etc.),
- -Sprains or injuries are affecting mobility
Without a doctor's note, students will be sent home.
PE Exemptions:
Any PE exemptions or special accommodations require a doctor's note as well. If there is no doctors note on file the student will need to participate in PE.
Please ensure your primary and emergency contacts are up to date.
Medications are not permitted on campus without Health Office clearance. Please bring all medications to the Health Office and obtain a form for you and your doctor to fill out and sign.
For students who may experience bowel or bladder accidents, please ensure they have a change of clothes on hand.
Just a quick reminder for parents. Please make sure that your child brings to school a water bottle or thermus to fill water during PE. Please have your child wear comfortable shoes during their PE. All students will need to participate in PE unless there is a doctors note on file in the health office.
PE schedule is as follows:
THURSDAY - All 2nd and 3rd Grade students have participate in PE
FRIDAY - All TK, SDC, Kindergarten and first grade students participate in PE
Mountain View School district has a uniform policy for all of our K-8 schools. Students are expected to wear uniforms daily, except during Spirit Weeks and Free Dress days . The uniform consists of:
- Pants/shorts/skits/Jumpers: navy blue or khaki
- Collared shirts/blouses: navy blue, white, light blue
- Shoes: close toed shoes that are safe for recess and PE
- La Primaria Spirit LP Cub Shirts are considered uniform and can be worn every Friday.
If you are in need of uniforms please contact Yulianna Diaz, Community Liaison or Cinthia Ramirez, Health Clerk. If you have any questions, please contact the office.
Parents are encouraged to support our district's nutrition program when selecting snacks which they may donate for classroom and birthday celebrations. If you are planning on purchasing snacks for your child’s birthday celebration at school, teachers will only be able to distribute them at the end of school day. We are very happy to acknowledge and celebrate your child’s birthday at school however, we have a few suggestions to help with the celebration for example you can make goodie bags with pencils, stickers, crayons, etc.
Healthy Snacks in School rule mandates that any national school district ensure that foods and beverages served to students at District Schools meet federal, state, local, and school board nutritional standards and policies. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact the school office.