💛🖤💛 Cortland Eagle Express
April 1 - 5
Due to the Eclipse, April 8 will be an Asynchronous eLearning day
April 8th
Asynchronous eLearning Day -
Assignments will be posted online by 9:00 am.
Appointments During Testing Time
Make sure to avoid making appointments during school time during ILEARN (3rd - 4th Gr) (April 15 - May 10) testing window dates.
• Make sure to get plenty of rest.
• Start each morning with a good breakfast.
• Arrive at school in plenty of time to start your day.
• Relax and do your very best each day.
Make sure your child comes to school with their Chromebook charged ready to start the day!
We will be offering 2024 - 2025 Back-to-School Supply Kits for
next school year. Watch for information to be emailed and
updated here in the Cortland Eagle Express in the next couples
of weeks.
School attendance is very important
One of the key things for you to know is that you will need to call in every time your child is out of school. We do worry about the kids when they are not in school. Your child's absence will be marked as unexcused if the office does not receive a call, note, or email. If your child is out sick and visited the doctor, is late, or absent because of an appointment, please send in, email, or fax the doctor's note to the office so that we have the letter on fi le stating when the child can return. Plus, we can mark the absence accordingly. If a doctor's slip is not turned in, these will be marked as Parental Excused absences. Absences caused by family trips, vacations, and special circumstances require the submission of a Pre-arranged Absence Form before the absence. If a pre-arranged absence form is not filled out before the absence, these will be marked as Parental Excuse absences. If you have questions about the policy, please get in touch with me.
kleberb@scsc.k12.in.us Cortland phone # 812-522-7483 Cortland Fax # 812-522-6164
Inclement Weather Options Explained eLearning Information
Printable forms
Click on the link to see when and where you can watch our Cortland Alumni.
Seymour High School Spring Sports - Cortland Alumni
Lady Owls Softball - Emma Kae Sweet (Freshman)
Owls Baseball - Sawyer Smith (Sophomore)
Owls Track & Field - Owen Kruse and Jadrix Zumhingst (Seniors)
Lady Owls Track & Field - Sydney Montgomery (Senior), AnnMarie Shuler (Sophomore)
Unified Track - Aleia Findley, Delaney Thomasma (Seniors) Mollie Findley (Junior)
Owls Golf - Jay Herbert and Aden Kruse (Juniors)
Cortland School Hours
7:45 AM - Arrival Bell (Students should report to the cafeteria for breakfast or gym)
7:45 AM - 8:10 AM Breakfast served
8:00 AM - Office Opens
8:15 AM - Tardy Bell (Parents must sign their student in by scanning the QR code and filling out the Check-in form. You can click on the QR code can also be clicked on to go straight to the form to fill out or save on your smartphone.)
8:15 AM - Classroom instruction begins
3:15 PM - Dismissal Bell (Car riders & Early bus)
3:30 PM - Bus Stations
3:55 PM - Late Bus
4:00 PM - Office closed
Cortland Elementary School
Email: cortlandprincipal@scsc.k12.in.us
Website: http://cortland.scsc.k12.in.us/
Location: 6687 N CR 400 E, Seymour, IN, USA
Phone: 812-522-7483
Fax: 812-522-6164
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Cortland-Elementary-285453384895358/