Archish IVF Clinic
Leading IVF clinic in Bangalore
What Age Should Women Consider Egg Freezing?
In the contemporary world, females are working together with males in many sectors like health, engineering, education, and technology. Due to being focused on career, they delay their marriage. However, their age does not wait for the right time. At a certain stage, usually after 35, females have a sharp decline in their fertility. And after 45, there is almost no chance of conception.
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Like other fields, technology advancements have facilitated the health sector a lot. And women opt for ART solutions like egg freezing to preserve their fertility and become a mother later on. In general, you opt to freeze your eggs:
Before starting cancer treatment
Having no life partner at the right time
Making a delay in your family expansion due to personal or professional responsibilities
Avoiding the formation and freezing of extra embryos after a cycle of the IVF treatment
At what age, you should freeze your eggs
Your age is a crucial factor when it comes to ovulation and egg release in a menstrual cycle. After 35, your eggs have a sharp decline in quantity and quality. Egg freezing allows you to preserve your fertility for optimal years and use your frozen egg for conceiving through ART treatments like IVF.
As per the experts of an Fertility centre in Bangalore, you should freeze your eggs at a younger age. The ideal time is your 20s and early 30s. At this age, you have enough healthy eggs in your ovaries. Before making any decision on egg freezing, you should consult a highly skilled and experienced fertility expert. Listen to the expert whatever he/she instructs you on your reproductive health and make a wise decision.
Email: ivfarchish@gmail.com
Website: https://www.archishivf.com/
Location: 128/9 Maruthi Sapphire, HAL Old Airport Rd, near Golden Enclave, Murgesh Pallya, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560017
Phone: +91 80888 86698
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/archishivf