Principal Garcia's Newsletter
Friday, September 6, 2024
Torey J. Sabatini School
Welcome Back! It's a GREAT Day to be a Jaguar!
First day jitters are quickly behind us! We had a wonderful week with cool weather which allowed the students to adjust nicely into school. The staff and I enjoyed welcoming back familiar faces and new faces to our learning community. Students are acclimating to school routines and new classes. From community circle time, to diving into reading, writing, math, and more, your students are already on their way to learning and growing! I truly hope your children have enjoyed their first week of school.
Every Friday throughout the school year, you will receive my principal newsletter which includes important information regarding our school operations as well as instructional, programming, and academic highlights. In previous years, parents/guardians have shared that they find the newsletter extremely helpful in staying informed on all things Torey J.!
Wishing you all a wonderful weekend! Perhaps this weekend you can ask your child what their highlight of the week was.
Your partner in education,
Principal Ms. Garcia
Important Back to School Dates
- September 13, 2024 - MEF Adult Social
- September 17, 2024 - MPS BOE Meeting
- September 24, 2024 - Back to School Night @ 7:00 PM
- September 26, 2024 - Picture Day!
- October 3, 2024 - School Closed - Rosh Hashanah
- October 4, 2024 - TJS Spirit Wear Day
- October 7-11, 2024 - Week of Respect
- October 10, 2024 - General PTO Meeting at 9:00 AM in the Art Room
Start of the School Day Reminder
A reminder that school begins promptly at 8:30 AM each day. The doors will remain open for a five-minute drop off window from 8:30 - 8:35 AM. Morning announcements will begin promptly at 8:35 AM to maximize instructional minutes in our school day. Students dropped off after 8:35 AM will be marked tardy and will need to be signed in by an adult in the main office. Please ensure your child arrives to school on time each day.
Parent Drop-off and Pick-up Before, During, and After School Hours
A reminder that our BOE and TJS parking lot and parking spaces are for staff members only. Parents/guardians should not be parking in the TJS or BOE lots at any time BEFORE, DURING, or AFTER the school day. This includes when dropping off or picking up students at BASCC, PTO ASE classes, students being picked up early, parents dropping off items for a student during the school day. Parents/guardians are asked to please either park on other streets (Glenwild Road, Woodland Road) or walk to school. We thank you for your cooperation in this important matter as we are extremely limited on space and need to ensure that the areas are available to staff.
No Pets on School Property
While many of us love our furry friends, a reminder that pets are prohibited on school property, unless it is a certified therapy animal. Parents/guardians are asked to please leave furry friends at home during arrival and dismissal times.
School Security Drills
Under New Jersey fire safety regulations and legislation, all school districts must rehearse one fire drill and one security drill on a monthly basis. A security drill is defined by the state of NJ as an exercise, other than a fire drill, to practice procedures that respond to an emergency situation, similar in duration to a fire drill. We do not disclose to the community when these drills will occur and oftentimes, our local law enforcement officials are present to monitor our procedures.
This week students practiced a fire drill and a shelter in place with instruction drill. The purpose was to familiarize students with the sound of the fire alarm, their designated exit from their classroom, as well as the procedure during a security drill. The staff is well trained for emergency situations and will prepare the students for all drills and other potential scenarios. Your children were responsive and cooperative throughout the exercise. It is our goal to keep all students safe, secure, and happy in our school environment.
Torey J. Staff Spotlight!
Each year we like to highlight our amazing educators at Torey J. by sharing a Google Slides Presentation (linked below) culminating all of the faculty and staff bios into one place. I encourage you all to read about our teachers and teacher assistants to get to know the individuals who work so closely with your children each and everyday.
September Monthly Activity Calendar
Click the link below to access and print the SEPTEMBER calendar. As a family try to do as many of the boxes as you can during the entire month of September!
Our staff, with the help of parent volunteers, have been hard at work organizing our TJS library book collection to ensure it is ready for the 2024-2025 school year. Please note that at this time we are still missing over 200 library books that have not been returned, with an outstanding value of almost $2,500. Parents/guardians are asked to PLEASE check your homes for library books and return any books you find at your earliest convenience. Overdue library books may be sent into school with your child and brought to the library or dropped off in the main office.
News from Mrs. Bletcher in the Counseling Corner
Welcome back to school! I am excited to share that there will be a myriad of ways for your child to participate in social/emotional learning this year. First, for those students brand-new to Torey J. in grades 1-5, I am offering a four session, “IceBreakers” Program. This program will take place for four consecutive weeks from 3:15-3:45. Please click HERE to complete the registration form. Meeting dates are included in the link. The sign-up deadline is Wednesday, September 11th.
Our Jaguar Buddies Program will be up and running again this year. Students across all grade levels are paired with another class and meet monthly to practice leadership skills, good sportsmanship and conflict resolution skills. Students absolutely LOVE meeting with their younger or older school-mates, playing games and learning via experience.
On a more serious, but timely note, the TJS Behavioral Threat Assessment Team meets regularly to review and refine our practices in the event of a threat to our school, students, or school district. Our Behavioral Threat Assessment Team includes police, administration, medical, mental health staff, and teachers. Each team member has received mandatory training through The State of New Jersey. Our team meets monthly and on an as-needed basis. To learn more about NJ School Threat Assessment please feel free to view:
As always, if you have any social/emotional concerns or questions regarding your child, please reach out to me at
News from Mrs. Guarino in the Nurse's Office
Immunization and PE Forms: Thank you to all new student parents and guardians for your cooperation with providing the required health documentation for your child to begin school at TJS. For any outstanding forms, I will be reaching out directly in the upcoming week.
Medications: Any medication that is needed for your child during the school day must be brought into school directly by the parent or guardian with a signed and stamped prescription from your healthcare provider. This includes vitamins, supplements, and cough drops. Please use this link for required asthma and allergy paperwork
Snacks: Please provide your child with a peanut/tree nut-free snack and re-fillable water bottle daily. The TJS Food Allergy Guidelines are attached for your reference.
Absence/Tardy: Please report absences/tardiness to the TJS roll call line at (973) 593-3182 (#1) and leave a detailed message with your child’s name, teacher, and reason for absence or late arrival. Please try to report absences prior to the beginning of the school day at 8:35 AM. You may also email me directly at and copy Mrs. Dakss in the front office at
Illness: If your child is home sick, they must be fever free for 24 hours before returning to school,and symptom free for 24 hours if they have experienced vomiting or diarrhea.
News from Mrs. McEachern...TJS Chorus Schedule Fall 2024
* The chorus schedule rotates according to the letter day schedule and avoids conflicts with band and orchestra rehearsal. Please make note of these dates.*
Fall Rehearsals:
9/25/24 Wednesday, E Day
10/1/24 Tuesday, C Day
10/8/24 Tuesday, A Day
10/16/24 Wednesday, A Day
10/22/24 Tuesday, E Day
10/30/24 Wednesday, E Day
11/5/24 Tuesday, C Day
11/13/24 Wednesday, A Day
11/19/24 Tuesday, E Day
11/27/24 Wednesday, E Day
12/3/24 Tuesday, A Day
12/11/24 Tuesday, A Day
Fall Performances:
Bottle Hill Day: 10/5/24 @ 11:30am, meet at stage at 11:15am
Winter Concert: 12/10/24 daytime @TJS
Spring Performances:
Spring Concert: 5/14/24 @7pm at MJS
Megamusic Palooza: 5/17/24 @11am-4pm at MHS
Communication: I will send out a courtesy email and Remind message the day before each scheduled rehearsal.
Please make sure to fill out this Google Form so that you are on my email list.
Please make sure to join Remind. This is how you will receive text reminders from me.
Welcome back to school! We are Patricia Alvarez and Anna Italiano, and we are excited to serve as your co-president this year. Torey J. Sabatini is an exceptional school, and it’s a true honor to support and work with our talented administrators, teachers, staff, and parents. Please contact us with ideas and consider contributing your time! Our email is Check out our website,, for more helpful info.
Thank you to the many volunteers who worked hard this summer to start the year. Our New Student Committee already welcomed new students with a popsicle meet-and-greet on the playground. Our Hospitality Committee welcomed the teachers with a beautiful lunch spread during their first week back to work. The newly built outdoor classroom is ready for open-air lessons. And our TJS Garden Committee prepared the garden all summer, which looks fantastic.
- We look forward to presenting more about the PTO at Back to School Night on Sept. 24th from 7:00-8:30! See you there!
- Our first General PTO meeting is on Oct. 10th from 9-10 am in the TJS Art Room. We encourage you all to attend!
- Fall Adult Social in October - More info and ticket sales will be coming soon.
With the start of a new year comes many opportunities to support our fundraising efforts:
- PTO dues of $35/family
- Purchase fall mums for your home while supporting TJS (orders due Sept. 13; pickup @ J&M Sept. 18/21)
- Order Romanellis pizza slices to be delivered to your students in their classroom on the scheduled ½ days all year long!
➤ Click to submit membership dues, order mums & pizza, or make a donation!
Other Upcoming events for the kids!
- Fall After School Enrichment - opening soon.
- Spiritwear Shop - opening soon
- Sept. 13 - Learning Garden Meet & Greet with Popsicles at 3:30. Plant mums, sign up to volunteer, and get popsicles for the little ones. (Garden lessons will begin this fall, so please consider signing up to volunteer.)
- Sept. 26 - Picture Day
- Oct. 10 - 3:15-4:15 Pumpkin Patch - pick and decorate a pumpkin after school with your TJS friends
- Nov 2 - Turkey Trot and Scholastic Book Fair - join us for an early morning trot around the block, ending with hot chocolate and treats at the book fair
Follow us on @tjspto Instagram and
We look forward to working together to make this the best year yet at TJS!
-Patricia Alvarez & Anna Italiano
MEF Gala: A Lucky 21 Vintage Vegas Celebration
Tickets are going fast and sales will close before Monday, September 9th for the Madison Education Foundation’s annual Fall Gala. Join us on Friday, September 13, 2024 at the Mansion at FDU for a swanky adult-only casino night for a great cause; funding enrichment grants in our schools. No tickets will be sold at the door.
The Madison Education Foundation's 2024 "Vintage Vegas" Fall Gala will feature casino games, silent auction, wine pull, specialty cocktails, Vegas restaurant-themed bites, live entertainment, and more. Tickets are available for purchase here, and include $100 of casino cash! Can't attend but want to contribute? Donate a teacher ticket to offset the cost for our talented educators to have a fun night out. For more than two decades, MEF has funded great ideas that inspire educators and energize the academic and creative lives and social emotional health of students. By the numbers, this translates to more than 600 grants totaling over $2 million.
Follow Torey J. on Instagram
Don't forget to follow Torey J. on Instagram @toreyjsabatini to see all of the wonderful things happening in our school community.