JD Weekly News
September 20th
Kindergarten Playground Update
We had a lot of excitement on the FDK yard this week! Our new playground structure is already up and the children are buzzing with excitement as they watch it come together. While there is still some final work to be done, we are so close to having a fantastic new space for our youngest Dolphins to enjoy. We can't wait to see their smiles when they can start playing on it! Thank you for your continued support. As you will see from the pictures below, even Ms. Woods pitched in with moving some dirt for the cause!
Hot Lunch Update from School Council:
We would love to bring Hot Lunch back this year and we. need. your. help! This program is a big commitment for the entire school year but many hands make light work as they say! We'd like parent volunteers for individual Hot Lunch days to ensure this program can continue. This should require just over an hour of your time during second lunch (12:50-1:45pm). Please click the link below for more information and to sign up for a date. This is our greatest fundraising program and we would hate to see it go under. Huge shout out to Jenn Hocking for taking on the administrative side of the Hot Lunch program!
Terry Fox Update
With one week to go until our Terry Fox Run on Friday, September, 27th, we have already raised $790! Well done, Dolphin families!! Last year, John Dearness raised a staggering $5 622.00 to help find the cure for cancer. Please consider helping our students break another fundraising record here at John Dearness this year by donating at:
LF: Parent Volunteer for Girls Basketball Team
We are looking for a coach for our Girls Volleyball Team! If you have experience with basketball and have a passion for helping our young athletes grow, we would love for you to be involved! Practices will be held at lunch , either from 10:40-11:20am or 1:20-2:10 pm depending on your availability. Please contact Denyse at d.woods@tvdsb.ca by Monday, Sept 23rd at 4:00pm if you are willing to help out. Your involvement will make a big difference in our girls' athletic journey!
Meet the Family Night
Thank you to Olivia B and Yara for the amazing poster!
3:30 - all students will exit to Chalfont Road. Parents who typically meet their children on the tarmac are asked to meet them on Chalfton Road. Students who normally walk down Santa Monica will exit to Chalfont Road and then walk the perimeter of the school back to Santa Monica.
3:30-4:30 - Food trucks are getting situated
4:30-6:30 - Food trucks open for business!
5:30-6:30 - Classrooms open for visits
- Be sure to visit the gym as well to check out Spirit Wear that will be available for purchasing and volunteer opportunities to support our school!
Volunteers Needed for Clean-Up!
We are looking for some volunteers to help put away the tables and chairs at 6:30 after our Meet the Family Night. If you are available to help out, please sign up on the form below. Thank you! Many hands DO make for light work!
Little Caesar's Fundraiser
Hi Dolphins! We wanted to give you an early heads up about a fundraiser with Little Caesar's starting late next week. It is to support the Grade 3's and their adventurous endeavour to attend Museum School through Heritage London. Stay tuned!
Important Upcoming Dates:
September 24th - Soccer Tournament (Grade 7-8)
September 26th, 4:30-6:30pm - Meet the Family Night
September 27th -Terry Fox Run in the morning
September 30th - National Day of Truth and Reconciliation (Orange Shirt Day)
October 4th - Fall Photo Day
October 10th- SPIRIT DAY - Dolphin Spirit Day
October 11th- PD Day
October 14th - Thanksgiving Holiday