March 21st, 2024 www.briarwoodpta.org
Kansas State Assessments
Every spring our students in grades 3-6 participate in Kansas State Assessments for Reading and Math, as well as Science for 5th grade students and Social Studies for 4th grade students. For more information about the state assessments please visit the Kansas Assessment website, https://ksassessments.org/families. Below is a list of our testing date.
3rd Grade Reading : March 26,27
3rd Grade Math: April 2,3
4th Grade Reading: April 3,4
4th Grade Math: 10, 11
5th Grade Reading: March 26, 28
5th Grade Math: April 2, 4
5th Grade Science: April 9
6th Grade Reading: April 2, 4
6th Grade Math: April 9, 11
Save the Date: Open House - April 18
The staff and I are looking forward to Open House and hope you will be able to attend so you can see your student’s classroom and see some of their amazing work.
If your last name begins with the letters A-L you will attend from 6:00-6:45
If your last name begins with M-Z you will attend from 7:00-7:45.
Kindergarten Enrollment
Calling all future kindergartners! Now is the time to enroll for the coming school year. If you haven’t already enrolled, please do so now as we need your student in our count. Our projected staffing is based on the enrollment numbers so if you know that you will be attending Briarwood next school year, please enroll today. You don’t have to wait to submit an enrollment until after your student’s physical. Upload the current immunizations and we can update the immunizations and physical later.
To enroll your student, go to www.smsd.org and look for the Families tab and then click on Enrollment and follow the directions listed there. If you already have a student in SMSD, go to Skyward and look for the new enrollment tab on the left side.
Kindergarten Kick-Off will be April 10, 2024. More information will be sent out to all enrolled families. We look forward to meeting all of our incoming Kindergartners!
SMSD Mathletics Contest Final
- Congratulations to Kaison Holsch, Liam Langford, and Wilson Murray for finishing 1st in the 5th grade district wide competition! This was the final contest of the year and all teams competing won their high school area contest first.
- I want to thank Tracy Stotts for being the Math Club and Mathletics sponsor. Tracy has a love for math and learning that is contagious and students are excited to participate!
Thursday, March 21st
Culvers Night
Friday, March 29th
Last day to purchase yearbooks- buy your student's yearbook here
Tuesday, April 2nd
Final General PTA Membership meeting via Zoom at 7:00pm- details below
Tuesday, April 9th
Skate Party 6-8
Wednesday, April 10th
Kindergarten Kickoff
Friday, April 12th
No School
Monday, April 15th
No School
Wednesday, April 17th
Landscape workday- volunteer sign-up below
Wednesday, April 17th-19th
Used Book Fair- details below
Full BW PTA Calendar is available here
PTA General Membership Meeting: Tuesday, April 2, 7:00 PM (via Zoom)
Join us for a brief PTA General Membership meeting to approve the proposed 2024-2025 PTA Slate.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 913 481 6375
Passcode: 5300
Briarwood Parent/Caregiver Survey
The Briarwood PTA wants to hear from you! Please take a few minutes to tell us how we did this year and how we can improve for next year. Your feedback is important to us and we appreciate all your support this year.
Last day to order your yearbook is Friday, March 29th
We only have yearbook orders from 54% of Briarwood students. Get your yearbook order in to ensure your student gets a copy.
Not sure if you are in the 54% that have already ordered?
Here is how to check your online orders:
STEP 1 - Visit the Bulldog Store at www.briarwoodPTA.org
STEP 2 - Locate My Account and select Previous Orders
STEP 3 - Review previous orders for Yearbook purchase for this school year
If you are not a member of the PTA yet, look for an email from: Briarwood Elementary PTA notify@membershiptoolkit.com for your order confirmation.
Donations needed for the Briarwood Used Book Fair - April 17-19
As you start your spring cleaning, please set aside any gently used books to donate to the annual Briarwood Used Book Fair. We're looking for books for grade levels Kindergarten through 8th. Donation details will be shared shortly, as well as volunteer opportunities.
*We will not be accepting any board, baby or adult books
Briarwood Community, thank you! The auction on March 2nd was an absolute blast, and we met our goal to raise money that will help fund our terrific PTA programming! The event was a HUGE success thanks to many months of work from our Auction Committee.
A big round of applause to our incredible auction co-chairs Katie Enger and Clarissa McMillan! Many thanks to the rest of the awesome committee who volunteered time and talents.
Allison Stedman - Angie DalBello - Becky Ediger - Carrie Murray - Craig Dawson - Denise Harris - Emily Luea - Emmy Rice - Erin Reddell - Erin Winters - Halley French - Heather Rowe - Jamie Carr - Jamie Smith - Jenny Lentz - Jessica Becker - Karen Moore - - Kathleen Walker - Kelly Kelley - Kim Hill - Lauren Hannawald - Libby Abbruzzese - Lindsay Schulze - Margaret Bruce - Melissa Gray - Michelle le Roux - Nick Reddell - Rachel Brower - Rachel Wymore - Sarah Poplinger - Sarah Sampson - Terra Snyder - Valerie Moeder
Thank you again for your support, and we’ll see you at the next auction in 2026!
Children's Mercy Toy Drive- March 25th-29th
The toy drive to benefit Children’s Mercy Hospital is starting soon! Bring your new items to Briarwood the week of March 25th.
Children’s Mercy is currently in need of rattles, teething rings, toys that light up and make noise for little ones. Children’s Mercy also needs art supplies, card games, and books. Some other things you can donate include hot wheels, toy cars, Barbie’s, Lego sets, My Little Pony’s and much more. For the teenagers at Children’s Mercy, you can donate accessories for iPhone / Androids, gift cards , and newer water bottles.
For the health and safety of patients, Children's Mercy only accepts new items with tags, in original packaging, non-toxic and latex-free, and odor-free.
In addition, the grade that collects the most of these items will earn a popsicle–Bomb Pop party!
Makerspace Donations
Ms Martens is in need of supplies for the Makerspace. Below are items we need. Donations can be sent in with your student.
Pipe cleaners
Colorful duct tape
Cotton balls
Q Tips
Scotch tape
Googly eyes
Markers-washable any size
Washi tape
Popsicle sticks
Volunteers needed- Comanche Mobile Food Pantry
2024 dates: April 13 and May 11
Grad your family & friends and help our friends in the Comanche community. The Mobile Food Pantry distributes food primarily and is intended for families in need of emergency food assistance.
March Celebrations & Recognitions
Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month
March 8 — International Women’s Day
March 18th – 24th — Neurodiversity Celebration Week
March 21 — International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
Citizenship: Using electronics and social media in a healthy and responsible manner. Service project awareness. Panorama Survey.
Great Reads & Recipes
15 Children’s Books to Celebrate Women’s History Month
Tales from old Ireland
by Malachy Doyle; illustrated by Niamh Sharkey
This rich collection is full of short stories from Irish legends, folklore, and myths, and makes for a perfect read before bedtime.
Lailah’s Lunchbox: A Ramadan Story
by Reem Faruqi; illustrated by Lea Lyon
Lailah is in a new school in a new country, thousands of miles from her old home, and missing her old friends. When Ramadan begins, she is excited that she is finally old enough to participate in the fasting but worried that her classmates won’t understand why she doesn’t join them in the lunchroom.
Holie Hai!
by Chitra Soundar; illustrated by Darshika Varma
Gauri is excited to splash colors on everyone for Holi. But when she doesn't get her favorite color, Gauri gets mad. Will she find a way to overcome her anger and join in the festivities?
A Collection of Recipes from Ireland and America – Irish American Mom Blog
One KC for Women
Volunteers can connect directly with women through the OneKC for Women affiliates — Women’s Employment Network (WEN), Women’s Business Center (WBC) and Women’s Capital Connection (WCC) — to make an immediate impact on the lives of women in the Kansas City community. Volunteering is flexible to fit various schedules and interests. Join OneKC for Women in making a difference in the lives of women and their families.
Please help Briarwood students get to school safely! The intersection at 86th and Juniper does not have a SMSD-staffed crossing guard; the school relies on volunteers. All volunteers are welcome, but if your student uses this intersection, please consider signing up once per month.
- 7:50 - 8:10 am (school starts at 8:10 a.m. for all grades)
- 3:05 - 3:20 (dismissal at 3:10 p.m. for all grades)
- 12:25 - 12:40 p.m. on half days (half-day dismissal is at 12:30 for all grades; half days are indicated on the sign-up calendar)
- Cars are not permitted to turn LEFT off 86th Street onto Juniper (you may have to remind drivers)
- Students must walk themselves and/or their bikes/scooters across the crosswalk
- Manage pedestrian and vehicle traffic for safe street crossing
- Remind students to follow street crossing rules
- Help control car and pedestrian traffic conditions
Thank you!
Read Across SMSD
Middle Grade
Young Adult
- On the right side of the newsletter, a bar will appear with the Translation feature.
- Click on the Translation bar then click on the Select Language button.
- Choose your language of choice from the drop-down menu of languages and click close. The newsletter will now be translated.
En el lado derecho de la pagina, aparecerá una barra con la función de traducción. Haga clic en la barra de traducción y luego haga clic en el botón Seleccionar idioma. Elija español en el menú desplegable de idiomas y haga clic en cerrar. El boletín ahora se traducirá.
GET SOCIAL - Connect With Us Online!
Website: https://www.briarwoodpta.org/
Twitter: @BriarwoodElem
Instagram: @BriarwoodBulldogs
Facebook: facebook.com/BriarwoodBulldogs
Grade-level Facebook Groups (private):
Briarwood Elementary Class of 2030 (6th grade)
Briarwood Elementary Class of 2031 (5th grade)
Briarwood Elementary Class of 2032 (4th grade)
Briarwood Elementary Class of 2033 (3rd grade)
Briarwood Elementary Class of 2034 (2nd Grade)
Briarwood Elementary Class of 2035 (1st Grade)
Briarwood Elementary Class of 2036 (Kindergarten)
Briarwood Elementary Class of 2037 (NEW- incoming Kindergarten!!)
Deana Curtin • deanacurtin@gmail.com
Ashley Hunt • ashleyhunt910@gmail.com
Rachel Wymore • rla08@hotmail.com
VP Administration:
Heather Rowe • hgreenlaw_01@yahoo.com
VP Communications:
Terra Snyder • walker_terra@hotmail.com
VP Community Events:
Kristin McClasky • Kdp1202@gmail.com
VP Student Services:
Susan Jarrold • susan.jarrold@gmail.com
VP Funding:
Jessica Becker • jessica.becker85@gmail.com
VP Finance:
Denise Wheeler • denisetompkins@mac.com
Michelle Wiens mwiens678@gmail.com
Diana Beckman • dianalbeckman@gmail.com
Briarwood Foundation:
Valerie Moeder • ValerieLMoeder@gmail.com
Diversity & Inclusion Chair:
Craig Dawson • craigdawson@icloud.com