Cerro Villa Vikings Newsletter
November 10 - November 16, 2024
"Win the Day" at Cerro Villa
Here are a few ways to "Win the Day"
- "Flip the Script" on struggles/challenges and make them successes!
- Follow "Kaizen" - strive for continuous improvement each day!
- "Be Kind" - smile, say hello, look out for your fellow vikings! Remember - everyone is going through a battle we may not know.. Be Kind Always!
Cerro Villa Highlights - Building a Positive Culture One Week At a Time!
Mrs. Freestone highlighted in OUSD MOVE Newsletter!
Inaugural Girls Flag Football Game vs El Rancho!
Rosa looking to pass
Destiny on Defense
Audrey running the ball
Lunch Time Games - Blindfolded Pictionary
CV Talent Show
Great show of Talent!
Audience is star struck!
Thank you Mrs. Nunez, Ms. Dao, Mrs. Marx!
Cerro Villa Announcements
Veterans Day Holiday - No School
In observance of Veterans Day on Monday, November 11th, there is no school.
Cerro Villa would like to thank all our community members who are currently serving, have served or gave the ultimate price to our country.
City of Orange - Field of Valor pics (Handy Park)
Attendance Champions! School Wide BBQ, Thursday 11/14
Cerro Villa has been named the October Attendance Champions for having the highest attendance rate in our pool of schools! This is the 2nd consecutive month that CV has earned this award! Thank you students, families, and teachers for this team effort! Providing engaging instruction and school wide activities allows CV to be a place kids enjoy attending!
In recognition of this prestigious award, Cerro Villa students have earned a school wide BBQ! On Thursday, November 14th, Nutrition services will provide BBQ hamburgers to all students!
ELAC Meeting: Thursday, November 14th, 8:30am
CV's next ELAC (English Language Acquisition Committee) meeting is scheduled for Thursday, November 14th at 8:30 am in CV's Library.
End of Trimester 1 - Friday, November 15th - Minimum Day
Friday, November 15th marks the end of Trimester 1. Students are on a minimum day schedule:
Dismissal is at 12:34pm
Kindness Club Food Drive
CV's Kindness Club annual food drive is taking place NOW through November 22. The bins were placed in different areas on campus, including the front office!
CVTV Season 14 Episode 7
CVTV "Student Led Student Made" is in its 14th season under the leadership of Mr. Tayag! Students in CVTV; film, edit, and produce their own episodes! CVTV episodes provide a glimpse into the great activities happening at CV. Enjoy!
In this weeks episode:
- Girls Volleyball Tryouts
- Craft Tuesday
- Trivia Time
- Girls Soccer 3
The Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) survey is now open! Your feedback will directly impact our programs, services, and student success.
Why Participate?
- Share your ideas on school improvement
- Contribute to student achievement and well-being
- Help allocate resources where they are needed best
LCAP Survey FlyerPARENT2024-25.pdf ; https://tinyurl.com/ousdfamily24
LCAP Survey FlyerStudent2024-25.pdf ; https://tinyurl.com/ousdsec24
City of Orange - Field of Valor
A decade of dedication ~ Join us for our 10th Anniversary!
We're celebrating our 10th anniversary and we have some special events planned! We want you to be a part of the celebration. All events take place at Handy Park, 2143 E. Oakmont Avenue, Orange 92867.
No RSVP required.
Details on our website: www.OrangeFieldofValor.org
Sunday, November 10th
U.S. Marine Corps Birthday Celebration with the Orange Police Department
10 AM: Recognition of Veterans, Reflection on the MIssing Man table, Celebration of 249th birthday of the U.S. Marine Corps (we'll eat cake!)
Monday, November 111th
Veteran's Day Celebration
11 AM: 106th Anniversary of Armistice Day
Recognition of Veterans
Flag Tributes may be purchased at any time through Thursday, Nov. 14th. The Field is open daily from 10 am-8 pm, and will close for the year on Friday, Nov 15th at 12 pm. Tributes are $35 for one year, and $90 for three years. Click the button below to submit your Flag Tribute.
Villa Park Marines Thanksgiving
Let's Celebrate Our Blessings Together with Our Servicemen
Check out the website for more details on how to support a marine for Thanksgiving...providing a home-cooked meal for someone who is away from home!
CV Shelf Life November Newsletter
November Edition of CV Shelf Life November Newsletter is now available! Check out the happenings of CV's wonderful Library!
CV's Library Hours posted below!
VPHS Dance Clinic
2025 Annual Spartan Mini Dance Clinic
Villa Park High School Dance Team is holding a dance clinic for students grades K-8th this February. They would love for CV Vikings to join!
- Dance Clinic: Saturday, February 1st
- Basketball Game Performance: Tuesday, February 4th
Orange Mandarin Community Booster Club (OMCBC)
Check out the latest news with OMCBC (Orange Mandarin Community Booster Club).
- Become a member!
CV Student Store Webpage
CV's Student Store allows the purchase of many CV items! Check out all the options!
- Birthday Marquee
- Dance tickets
- ASB card
- School Planners
- School Uniforms..
Homework Help Is Available!
Homework is available for all students. Mrs. Itani will hold before school sessions on Tuesday / Thursday, and Friday's after school. Mr. Tanenbaum will host after school on Tuesday / Thursday.
Tuesday / Thursday
7:50 - 8:10 am: Mrs. Itani, Room 109
3:00 - 4:00 pm: Mr. Tanenbaum, Room 122
3:00 - 4:00 pm: Mrs. Itani, Room 109
Important Dates
November 11: Veterans Day Holiday - No School
November 14: ELAC meeting - 8:30 am, CV Library
November 14: School Wide BBQ - Attendance Champions
November 14: School Site Council Meeting - 3:15, CV Library
November 15: End of Trimester 1 - Minimum Day, 12:34pm dismissal
November 20: X-Country Race @ Santiago Charter, 3:00pm
November 25-29: Thanksgiving Break, No School
Leadership / Activities Announcements
CV Athletic News / Events
Last Week:
- Girls Flag Football: Loss to El Rancho
- Boys Flag Football: Varsity - Loss, JV - Loss vs El Rancho
- Girls Volleyball: 8th grade - Loss, 7th grade - Loss vs El Rancho
- Boys Volleyball: Loss to El Rancho
GAMES: Monday, November 18th
- Flag Football (Boys and Girls) Home vs Yorba, 3:00 pm
- Volleyball (Girls and Boys) @ Yorba, 3:00pm
X-Country Race:
- November 20th @ Santiago Charter School
- Girls Race: 3:00
- Boys Race: 3:30
All athletes looking to try-out for after school sports need to turn in a Sports Waiver form to the coaches. Sports Waivers can be found here OR picked-up from their PE teachers.
Middle School X-Country Race - November 20th
The annual Middle School X-Country Race will be held on November 20th at Santiago Charter Middle School.
Girls race will begin at 3:00
Boys race will begin at 3:30
Students will travel by school bus, which will leave CV at 2:00. Please check in with your Physical Education Teacher for details! Let's Go CV!
All-New CV PFSO Newsetter
For the latest information on the CV PFSO, as well as opportunities to support or partner with us, please check out the ALL-NEW CV PFSO NEWSLETTER!
This is information is updated at our website as well. We invite you to visit cvpfso.org, a proud one-stop resource for CV Families!
Reminder: It is never too late to join the PFSO and support our work with your $10 annual family membership. Your donation directly benefits CV’s students, faculty, and staff. Let’s work together to make CV the thriving community it’s meant to be!
About PFSO
https://www.cvpfso.org/ - visit the PFSO website to learn about all the opportunities to get involved.
Cerro Villa Student Store
Cerro Villa has a student store where students can redeem their 5 star points for awesome items!! PFSO and ASB are asking for donated items to help supply the student store! Please use the following link or QR code to check out how to donate!
Earn Free Money for Cerro Villa
Did you know that the CV PFSO can receive “free money” from Ralphs every time you shop? This summer we received $31.51 from just 8 participating families' grocery runs. Imagine how much more we could earn if you, your friends, and family sign up too!
This one-time sign-up will take just a few minutes of your time:
Step 1: Go to www.ralphs.com
Step 2: Sign in or create an account with your Ralphs Rewards account number (found on the back of your shopping card)
Step 3: Go to My Account, then to Community Contributions
Step 4: Enroll for free and designate "Cerro Villa PFSO" as your program of choice
Step 5: Forget about it! You just shop as usual from now on in-store or online :)
For more information, visit: https://www.ralphs.com/i/community/community-contribution-program
And if you have any issues, please email cvpfso@gmail.com - we're happy to help get you set up. Thanks! - CV PFSO
Parent / Orange Unified Information
Native American Heritage Month
OUSD Native American PAC invite you to join in celebration of the rich cultures of Native Americans.
DATE: November 20th
TIME: 6:00pm - 7:30pm
LOCATION: District Board Rooms
Cerro Villa on Social Media
Follow Cerro Villa on the school instagram, PFSO instagram, and on X! Make sure you are following the correct account, as there are many sites not associated with Cerro Villa:
Cerro Villa school instagram: @cvms_ousd
Cerro Villa PFSO instagram: @cerrovillapfso
Cerro Villa on X: @CerroOusd
Cerro Villa 2024-2025 Bell Schedule
*Every Wednesday is an Early Release Day
Please view the Bell Schedule page on our Cerro Villa webpage for all published bell schedules.
Cerro Villa Uniform Policy
Cerro Villa is a uniform school. Please view the following document regarding School Uniform Policy:
- 2024-2025 CV Uniform Policy
- Kustom Imprints - Flyer
- NEW Crew Neck Shirts available!! (see picture below)
- CV webpage with School Policies: https://www.cerrovilla.org/about/additional-info
2024-2025 Student Calendar / Attendance
2024-2025 Student Calendar - OUSD
Cerro Villa Calendar & Events - Cerro Villa
*Every Wednesday is an Early Release Day
Positive Information on Student Attendance:
OUSD Parent Corner
Please visit the OUSD Parent Corner webpage for information on:
- News & Bulletins
- OUSD News
- Student Information & Services
- Public Notices
- Addressing concerns and formal complaints
- Title IX Information
- Uniform Complaint Procedures
- Proclamations by the Board of Education
- Employment & Internships