The Buzz
Spring Term - 23rd February 2023

Message From The Executive Head Teacher
It was wonderful to see the children skip into school on Monday, eager to learn again after their week's holiday.
This week we were also pleased to welcome parents and carers from 1K and 1B for their showcase; the hall was packed with excited children and their parents as they happily shared the children's work. Many parents commented on the impressive progress the children had made which was clearly evident in their books. The next year 1 showcase for classes 1H and 1C is on the 15th March so please put that date in your diary.
Today, we welcomed well know author Mike Brownlow to HISN, he worked with all the children, inspiring them and continuing to develop their love of books and reading. We are very lucky to have such a visit and I can't thank the team at HISNA enough who have supported us with this visit, it makes such a difference to the children.
Finally, a reminder that Ripley Road is a school street and closed to traffic at drop off and pick up times, many parents have received penalty notices as the cameras capture number plates. Parking with care and attention is also key, this area is very busy in the morning and parking on double yellow lines, even if only for a minute, is dangerous and illegal. As the weather improves, I encourage you to walk to school which is a great way to start the morning.
Helen Lockey
Executive Head Teacher
Entrance to School
Please do not walk into school via the car park, even if the gates are open. This is dangerous as the car park is busy with staff parking or exiting the car park. It is not a safe place for children and parents to be cutting across.
Thank you for your co-operation.
Nursery Admissions
The 2023 application process for nursery will close on Friday 3rd March 2023, with decisions made by Friday 5th May 2023.
Please use the following link to register your interest Nursery 2023 Admissions
w/c 06.02.2023
The class with the best attendance w/c 06.02.23 was RK
The class with the least numbers of lates w/c 06.02.23 was 1H
w/c 06/02/2023
Last week certificates were given out to children who focussed on the HPP principle of PRIDE
RC Angelina
RDC Jelssie
RF Oliver
RK Jack
1B Solomon
1C Lyla
1H Alice C
1K Ahmed
2A Olivia T
2D Pearl
2J Luna
2T Emily
This week we have begun our new topic 'Growing'. The children loved listening to and joining in with the familiar story of 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' by Eric Carle. We began talking about the life cycle of a caterpillar and what things they actually like to eat and will continue to explore this further next week. We have also focused on the days of the week and learnt a new song to help us remember them.
In maths we learnt about the order-irrelevance principle and that we can count objects left to right, right to left, top to bottom, bottom to top and the amount will remain the same. Alongside this we also revisited tally charts and how to record our friends favourite fruit.
In phonics we consolidated our understanding of rhyme whilst playing a game of 'Odd One Out'.
Other highlights this week include making pancakes using playdough, weaving using ribbons and great teamwork in our PE lesson.
As part of our growing topic we are learning about our environment. This week, the children have been investigating how the world around us changes and grows and have loved discovering the life cycle of a butterfly. With the help of our story of the week, 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar', the children learnt lots of new science vocabulary, such as cocoon, egg, caterpillar and butterfly and discussed the order in which a caterpillar grows into a beautiful butterfly. The children have been busy creating colourful butterflies in the painting area as well as using their funky fingers to collage a toilet roll caterpillar with pipe cleaner antennas. Alongside our learning about growing, the children have also been excited to learn about Pancake Day. We discovered that it always happens on a Tuesday and wrote shopping lists to help them remember the three main ingredients: eggs, milk and flour. The children also enthusiastically chatted about their favourite pancake toppings and even had a go at squeezing lemon juice onto a pancake before eating them!
In maths, this week, we have been investigating the number 9 and 10, where they have been using tens frames and counters to help them discover the pairs of numbers that when added together make 9 and 10. The children have also been super spotters as they find different representations of each number and chatting with their talk partner to find out if their friend next to them has the same number.
Year 1 have been delving into the world of rhyming words in English this week. We have been using the book ‘Oi Frog!’ by Kes Gray as our inspiration.
Maths - We have been working with numbers to 50. We have been counting by making groups of ten and partitioning numbers by identifying how many tens and ones are in each, e.g. 27 has two tens and 7 ones. We worked out that this helps us when adding larger numbers together.
Our Science topic this half term sees us looking at various plants. This week we have begun to investigate what plants need to grow healthily, using cress seeds as our focus.
Our focus in PE this half term is gymnastics and net and wall games. We have been exploring shape, balances, rolls and jumps in gymnastics, and practising our footwork, rallying, feeding and hitting during games.
The Geography topic sees us travelling the world! We have begun by identifying the seven continents as well as looking at where Hampton is situated in the world.
PSHE, we have looking at how we are all different and how our differences are what make us special, as well as learning how to move a robot in Computing.
Year 2
English: In English we have moved onto reading 'Ignis' by Gina Wilson which includes the mythical creatures of dragons. We have thought about writing instructions and how important commands and imperative verbs are when telling someone what to do. This week we are building towards the children writing their own instructions.
Science: Over the spring term, we have been observing and recording the growth of broad bean plants. We have changed what each of the plants receive in order to see the impact each has on a plant growing healthy.
Art: Last week, the children used their modelling skills to shape and manipulate clay to create their own dragon eye. Through twisting, rolling and pinching to create different shapes and textures along the surface of the clay.
World Book Day - Wednesday 1st March 2023
World book day has been changed from 2nd March to 1st of March due to possible industrial action by the NEU.
Children should come to school dressed as their favourite book character.
Contact details
Email: office.hisn@hpp.school
Website: hpp.school
Location: Hampton Infant School and Nursery, Ripley Road, Hampton, UK
Phone: 0208 979 1815