SHMS Family Newsletter
December 29, 2024
Principal's Message
Greetings SHMS Community!
I hope that everyone has been enjoying a rejuvenating winter break and is excited to return for school in 2025! Before the break started our team of educators began preparations to carry our many successes forward and initiated adjustments to help us in our pursuit of excellence.
I am so proud of some of our shared achievements already this year. One the Fall Panorama survey student responses to questions about "Sense of Belonging" put our school in the 90th percentile for urban middle schools nationally. Additionally, our school attendance rate is almost 95% which is more than two full percentage points higher than where it was at the same time last school year. These two data points demonstrate that we are creating conditions and experiences that make students excited about being at school and that SHMS is a place where they find authentic community and connection with adults, programs, and each other.
What we have also learned from the Panorama survey is that students want our support with navigating their many and diverse social interactions throughout the school day. Whether it is discourse in class, a debate at a lunch table, or making the right call during a recess football game, students need us to support them in having intense and meaningful interactions while maintaining high levels of respect and safety for everyone involved - even when we cannot agree in the end. We will be working to revisit norms for respectful and safe interactions throughout the rest of the school year in classrooms, shared spaces, and extra-curricular activities.
Shortly after students return we will also begin middle of year assessments. These tests will be our last chance to gauge students' progress against grade level expectations in ELA, math, and science before we begin State (DC CAPE) testing later this Spring. I hope that everyone is excited to seize the many opportunities that will help all students achieve excellence in the second half of the school year and 2025. We will be back and as busy as always soon.
Enjoy these last few days of break and I look forward to seeing everyone dressed cozily when we return on Thursday!
Warm regards,
Eric Fraser
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Weekly Calendar & Upcoming Dates
Weekly Calendar
Monday, 12/30
- Winter Recess, schools closed for students and teachers
Tuesday, 12/31
- Winter Recess, schools closed for students and teachers
Wednesday, 1/1
- New Year's Day observed, schools closed
Thursday, 1/2
- First Day of School in 2025 & Pajama Day!
Friday, 1/3
- New Year, New Outfit: Show off your freshest look!
Upcoming Dates
- January 7, LSAT Meeting, 6:30-8:00 PM (virtual)
- January 17, No school for students, professional development day for teachers
- January 20, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day observed, schools closed
- January 24, Last instructional day of Term 2
- January 27, End of Term 2 Records-Keeping & PD day, no school for students
- January 28, First day of Term 3!
New Information and Important Updates
2024-2025 Athletics' Participation Packet
The 2024-2025 Athletics’ Participation packet has been released. All students must complete a participation packet every school year. Additionally, the medical forms must be completed within the prior 365 days. We encourage you to have your healthcare provider complete these forms before the school year and attach them to your participation packet. If your student’s UHC has been updated recently, you are encouraged to complete the participation packet as soon as possible.
Universal Health Certificate (UHC).
Students with certain medical conditions may also need to complete an Asthma Action Plan or an Anaphylaxis Action Plan
Please note that it is not necessary to submit a new participation packet for each season. A complete packet includes the DCIAA forms filled out in their entirety along with a Universal Health Certificate that was completed within the last year. ALL STUDENTS MUST HAVE REQUIRED DOCUMENTS SUBMITTED AND APPROVED BEFORE PARTICIPATION.
SHMS Athletics is seeking to hire coaches for the following teams. Professional and coaching résumés can be sent directly to Coach Drakeford.
Coaching Openings:
Indoor Track (Winter), and Track and Field (Spring), Head and Assistant Coaches
Please direct any questions about athletics to our Athletic Director, Coach Drakeford, latavia.drakeford-allen@k12.dc.gov.
Food Services at Stuart-Hobson
Food Service Menus for this Week
Below please find food service menus for breakfast and lunch for this week!
Student Clubs & Extra-Curriculars
Supports for Students & Families
Counseling Team at Stuart-Hobson MS
Do you have questions about mental health and behavioral health services at Stuart-Hobson? Would you like to talk to one of the counseling staff about support services for your student? Submit a request via https://bit.ly/referralSHMS or contact SHMS Social Worker Bernadette Wittschen at bernadette.wittschen@k12.dc.gov.
Stuart-Hobson Student Attendance
Previous Announcements & Resources
**The information below is new or an updated version of something announced previously! **
All Newsletters
You can find previously released newsletters and information here.
Stuart-Hobson Middle School
Email: stuart-hobsonms@k12.dc.gov
Website: www.stuart-hobson.org
Location: 410 E Street Northeast, Washington, DC, USA
Phone: 202-671-6010
Twitter: @StuartHobsonMS
Important Links
Aspen DCPS Student and Family Login
DCPS School Mental Health Resources
Stuart-Hobson Special Education and 504 Plans
Stuart-Hobson Communications Plan - SY2024-25
Stuart-Hobson Uniform Policy
Stuart-Hobson Food Service Breakfast-Lunch-Supper Menus
Stuart-Hobson Behavior Expectation Matrices
Stuart-Hobson Student and Family Handbook