St Elizabeth's News
Rebecca Clarke | Principal
Dear parents and caregivers,
I hope everyone has had a lovely week and enjoyed the warm sunshine, although the mornings have been a bit fresh! The next four weeks are very busy, so please make sure you refer to the parent calendar and Seesaw reminders.
On Monday, myself and members of the P&F Executive joined other Catholic Schools in the North Coastal Region to attend the WA State Election Forum. We listened to the various political candidates from both the Labor and Liberal parties and had an opportunity to ask questions around funding and initiatives for CEWA. If you are interested in reading the proposal and requests that CEWA has presented, please see the document below.
Next week we will celebrate St Elizabeth’s Feast Day on Thursday, November 14 with a whole school Mass at 9am. I would like to extend an invitation to our school community who would like to join for mass as this will also be our 10 Year Anniversary Thanksgiving Mass for 2024. After mass, selected students will receive the ‘St Elizabeth’s Day’ Award which recognises a student from Kindergarten to Year Six who lives their life like St Elizabeth and demonstrated all the values that we strongly believe. We will also be celebrating those staff who have served our school community for the past ten years. To continue the celebrations, students will be provided with a small cake for morning tea, however, if your child has certain food allergies or dietary needs, please pack their normal recess. A whole school colour run will conclude the day. Please note that all students are to wear the correct school uniform for the morning and bring their colour run clothes to change into for the afternoon.
A final reminder regarding parking and student drop off and pick up. Please be patient and ensure that you are entering the carpark safely and aware of your surroundings. Students should be dropped off and collected in Kiss and Drive, not in the driveway or on the road outside the school gate. Please park in the allocated bays, avoid any driveways and follow the City of Wanneroo parking regulations. Thank you to those families that are adhering to the guidelines.
Wishing you all a wonderful weekend.
God bless,
Rebecca Clarke
Merit Awards - Thursday 14 November
The next merit awards will be presented after the St Elizabeth's Feast Day Mass on Thursday, November 14, 2024.
Important Dates Next Week
Monday 11 November
- Remembrance Day - Year 3 Liturgy 11.00am
- Swimming Lessons Year 3 to 6 continue
- 2025 Kindergarten Parent Information Session and Orientation 9am
Tuesday 12 November
- 2025 Pre-Kindergarten Parent Information Session and Orientation 9am
Thursday 14 November
- St Elizabeth's Feast Day Mass 9am
- Colour Run P&F Fundraiser for Kindy to Year 6
Thursday 21 November
- Vincent House Day (wear yellow) and Assembly 8.45 am
P&F Colour Fun Run
Students can fundraise by gathering sponsors, these can be per lap or a flat $ amount – please collect in cash and place in the bag provided or by using the QR code. Please note the QR code is for flat donation amounts only.
All funds will go towards the P & F ongoing projects for playground equipment!
There are no prizes – the prize is the amazing fun day, celebrating our school and St Elizabeth’s Day and the playground equipment to come!!!
What to wear
Children are to come to school in their regular school uniform and will change after lunch. A white or light coloured t-shirt, white is best for showing the explosion of colour! We recommend old shorts and old shoes to be worn – please note sometimes the colour does not wash out fully, so old items only please! Sunglasses will be given to each child, not only is this fun, but it also offers some eye protection. Powder will directed toward children’s torsos only. They will run through powder and water slides and bubbles.
Collection after school
Children will be going home in their colour run clothing – we recommend bringing a towel for the car or a change of clothing for children attending Camp Australia.
If your child does not wish to participate – please let your classroom teacher know! Spectators are welcome from the fence line only and not permitted on the oval.
Volunteers are needed – please email admin if you wish to volunteer – please note you will get powder on you!
This term, our Year Three students have been busy preparing for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Last Friday, they spent the day at St Anthony’s parish to participate in the Reconciliation Retreat. The day was facilitated by Youth Ministry 24/7 with students having the opportunity to reflect on choices they make and how they can live their lives more like Jesus. Throughout the week they have received the Sacrament of Reconciliation, and we thank Father Peter and the St Anthony of Padua parish for all they have done.
Christmas Markets
Christmas Markets
Please join the St Anthony of Padua Parish for Christmas Markets on the 30th November.
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Sacramental Dates
Sacrament of Reconciliation (Option 1) Tuesday, 5 November - 5:00pm - 6:00pm
Sacrament of Reconciliation (Option 2) Wednesday, 6 November - 5:00pm - 6:00pm
Sacrament of Reconciliation (Option 3) Thursday, 7 November - 5:00pm - 6:00pm
Uniform Reminder
With the warmer weather now upon us, please make sure you are heading to Tudor uniforms in Wangara for all your uniform purchases. A reminder that now is great time to purchase summer uniform in preparation for next year too, where our new uniform will be compulsory for all years.
Semester 2 Uniform Days
St Elizabeth's Colour Fun Run!
This will be a great event - so much fun and a great opportunity to raise funds for the nature play area!
Please see the form below for the details - Thank you
ATTENTION: ALL DAD'S ... 2025 Dad's Expressions of Interest
ATTENTION: ALL DAD'S ... 2025 Dad's Expressions of Interest
The P&F are seeking expressions of interest from DAD’s who are keen to form a special committee to arrange an event for Dad’s to spend time with their children at a school event.
We need at least four (4) Dad volunteers to come together and work as a team to decide what you would like to do, when you would like to do it and oversee the running of the event.
Possible ideas include;
- After school sports event with a sausage sizzle
- Games afternoon inc tug of war, egg and spoon race etc
- Movie night in the school hall
- Campout on the school grounds
If this is something you would like to be a part of, please email the P&F directly at pandfstelizabeths@gmail.com by 3rd November 2024.
Thank you for supporting the P&F!
Dear Parents and Guardians,
The City of Wanneroo is reaching out to ask for your help in making our roads safer for students in the City of Wanneroo. Your valuable feedback is crucial to our efforts to improve road safety and promote walking and cycling to school in your local area.
We're conducting a survey to better understand the challenges and find solutions to create safer environments for our children to get to school.
Please take a few minutes to complete the survey at: https://yoursay.wanneroo.wa.gov.au/projects/your-move-school-crossings-research
The survey asks the name of the student, but if you prefer not to share this information, simply enter "N/A" in that field.
Your input will help us create safer routes for our students. The survey will be open from the 4 November to the 1 December.
Thank you for your time and support.
City of Wanneroo
If you have any questions, please reach out.
Kind regards
Containers for Change
This year the Year 6 students are raising money through the Containers for Change initiative to donate to LifeLink. If you and your family have spare cans or bottles that you would like to contribute to our school collection, please scan this barcode when you are returning your containers, every container counts!
Term Dates 2024
Term 1: Wednesday 31 January - Thursday 28 March
Term 2: Monday 15 April - Friday 28 June
Term 3: Monday, 15 July - Friday, 20 September
Term 4: Tuesday 8 October - Friday 6 December
Student Free Dates 2024
Tuesday, 5 March
Tuesday, 4 June
Monday 15 July
Tuesday, 16 July (note date change)
Monday 26 August
Monday 7 October
Please note, these dates are subject to change. Parents will be notified well in advance.