Nurture your child's creativity.
How to help children with their story writing
Reading, writing and creativity
Creative people are never bored and neither are creative children !
Well before a child is able to write they will be 'telling stories'. Sometimes the delivery will be verbal. At other times visual and you may be presented with, often unrecognisable, scribble but it is so important for self esteem that children feel you are listening and interested!
There are lots of ways you can encourage these bursts of creativity, far too many to go into detail here but I have suggested a few.
- Preschool children will enjoy using toys and puppets to act out a story.
- Try to use something that has sparked an interest, however strange. For example a pebble on the beach . Ask questions like, 'where do you think it came from? How did it get here? Why is it that shape? ' If you Join in this game adding some of your own funny suggestions you will find your child will be encouraged to think of even better ones!
- Another way is to play the 'Why?' game. A game over breakfast with the family is fun and gets the brain cells going! I used to do this as a starter with classes at school. At first the answers are a bit boring but then as kids get the idea and encouragement it's amazing what they come out with! The nice thing with this is that it's fun for all ages and so makes a good family or party game. Some starters:
Why is the fridge empty? 'Because we have eaten all the food'. BORING!
'Because a monster came during the night and ate up all the food' MUCH BETTER!
'It's not really empty. It's just that we can't see the food because it's invisible because ....................' A GREAT STORY STARTER!
Just because a child can't write doesn't mean a story can't be recorded. They can be encouraged to tell the story in pictures and the pictures can then be made into a book they can share with the family and visitors. Picture books are great for language development too as they encourage the child to use language to express their ideas.
Technology shouldn't be ignored! Let them record a story onto a mobile or iPad.
Older children will also enjoy using toys to tell a story. They can then video and edit the story on the iPad. Exactly how I make the JUMBLES videos!
But THE most important way to expand a child's imagination and to improve their vocabulary is to read books together. Children remember their childhood books for ever. The more stories they read the more characters and plots and images and vocabulary are absorbed to be drawn upon when they write their own stories.
It's also important that they see you enjoying books because then they will appreciate that a love of reading lasts a lifetime.
The story featured below is one of four we wrote at Jumble House during a month of story writing workshops on my channel JUMBLE FUN. ( I say WE WROTE because, as you will see, the authors are the different JUMBLE toys!)
This series of writing workshops was designed for children around the age of seven to nine.
Topics covered included characterisation, development of plots, choosing good beginnings and endings, illustrations and even sharing and publishing stories. There is a 'challenge' at the end of every workshop designed to motivate children to 'have a go' !
The workshops are still available on the channel and you will find the link to the playlist below.
Science with Lizzie Witch
Sunday Challenges to get them thinking!
Stories from Jumble House
The content varies. It may be a story, or a counting activity or a pre reading activity or nature, or art, or a bit of fun (and learning) with Lizzie Witch.
I am a teacher, speaker, mother and grandmother who still loves teaching and coming up with new ideas!
I created the JUMBLES a year ago for my little granddaughter and then, when local children became fascinated, decided to go public and share the toys and ideas and activities.
So now I have a website and a channel with over 130 videos and lessons. So, I guess you couid call me a kind of online school'. Which is fine.
I taught for more than thirty years in the UK before retiring and have experience teaching all key stages plus in addition to specialising in educational needs and the gifted and talented.
Now I teach English in Italy and over Skype to adults and youngsters and the rest of my time is devoted to creating new Jumble fun videos and writing books.
In my spare time I walk, paint and invent! At the moment I'm into making clocks! Most of my inventions, however, are usually related to some Jumbke topic or other.
It is an online source of lessons and workshops and activities designed to develop motive childre to think creatively. To develop a lifetime love of learning. To become budding entrepaneurs!
There are activities for the pre-school, infant and primary age ranges and the topics covered include:
Art and craft
Science and Nature
Story writing
Cooking and healthy eating
Festivals and celebrations
Parents will find it a useful resource of fun outdoor and indoor activities and teachers will find it useful for planning. The videos also make good introductions to topics.
Twitter: @JumblesThe