Primary Newsletter
March 2025
- March 3 - "Cat in th Hat" Hat Day
- March 4 - "Fox in Socks" Crazy Socks
- March 5 - "Wacky Wednesday" - Mismatched/backwards/inside out clothes
- Green Eggs and Ham will be served in the lunchroom on this day!
- March 6 - "My Many Colored Days" Wear as many colors as you can
- March 7 - "The Sleep Book" PJ Day!
- March 11th - Kindergarten Registration from 9am -2pm
- The registration packet has been posted to the Facebook page and the website.
March 13th - Spring Pictures
March 17th - Food Day for Kindergarten
March 18th - Report Cards
March 24th -28th - Spring Break
Upcoming Dates:
April 1st - Kindergarten Cap & Gown Pictures
April 4th - Kinderbuck Store for March & Birthday Celebrations for March/April
April 8th - Kindergarten Registration 5 pm - 7 pm
April 15th - PreK Music Program 6 pm & 7:15 pm
April 17th - Egg Hunts & Food Day
April 25th - Kindergarten Zoo Trip
Kindergarten Registration Information.......
To streamline the registration process on this day we ask that if you are able, please print the registration packet and fill it out prior to coming on this date. The registration packet was posted on the Primary Facebook page and the Primary Wesite. If you are not able to print this packet, we will have copies available for you at our office.
You must also bring the following documents with you on this day for us to make copies:
- Birth Certificate
- Social Security Card
- Proof of Residency (utility bill)
- An updated physical for your child (Within the last 12 months)
- Immunization Records
Without these documents, students will not be able to register.
What's Happening In Special Classes?
Teacher: Jessica Riley
March brings all things green and spring in CAT Time. We will start the month exploring wind power by creating marble mazes and analyzing balanced/unbalanced forces. In the spirit of St. Patrick's Day, students will engineer contraptions that will lure in and potentially capture a sneaky leprechaun. We will wrap up the month of by learning about arches and building rainbows that will support the weight of a "pot of gold".
Teacher: Dana Gamble
This month in the library we will be celebrating Read Across America. March 2nd is Dr. Suess's birthday and it's a great way to celebrate him and his books. Read Across America is a way to get kids excited about reading. The goal is to not only get students to participate during the month of March, but all year long! Dr. Suess books are great books for Elementary students to begin reading. They have support skills such as counting, rhyming, repetition and decoding CVC words. These books could help children cultivate a love of reading.
Teacher: Shane Duncan
I'm excited about March and spring getting here. We had a blast with our parachute unit and that just ended. It is time to move on to some new activities. We are going to work on doing some track activities the next few weeks. We will work on jumping, running, and throwing like at track meets.
Teacher: Megan Jones
In art class through the month of March, we will be learning how to create 3D sculptures using clay. Students will create a sculpture that connects them to the world around them. Students will be responding to each others sculptures in a classroom discussion.
Teacher: Kari Metheny
For the Month of March, kindergarten students will be focusing on the following music concepts: movement with music, high-low (prepared solfege of sol-mi), world music study, and concert etiquette. We will also continue to focus on our Kindergarten graduation music.
In the month of March, my guidance classes will focus on two important things: Responsibility and Growth Mindset. I aim to help your child understand the importance of taking responsibility for their actions and having a positive attitude towards challenges. I want them to learn how to handle tasks independently and to see mistakes as opportunities to learn and grow. These skills will not only help them do well in school but also in life!
March is the month when we start anticipating spring weather. The long, cold months are mostly behind us and we can start looking forward to warmer days. During this month we will be learning about Dr. Seuss, Fairy Tales, dinosaurs and weather. Check your child’s daily folders for detailed information about the upcoming activities specific to your child’s class. Continue to reinforce number recognition, letter recognition, letter sounds, counting, and practice with your child on writing their name at home. Make sure your child uses a capital letter for their first letter and lowercase letters for the rest. These activities will help your child be successful at school.
Make sure to send weather appropriate clothing for your child. We will be going outside when the windchill is 33° and it is not actively raining. Label all items with your child’s name
Kindergarten is coming into March hot! Students are gaining more confidence with their reading skills day by day! This quarter your student should have mastered identifying ALL upper and lowercase letters, identify ALL the sounds letters make along with the sounds for ch, sh, th, wh, forming ALL upper and lowercase letters on the line correctly, sight words, producing rhyme, identifying beginning and ending sounds, identify the number of syllables in a word and decoding CVC words. Students have also started weekly spelling tests.
In math students should have mastered: number identification to 20, writing numbers to 20 correctly on the line, counting to 100, recognizing 2D and 3D shapes, counting by 10 to 100, identifying groups of more or less, and addition facts to 10, identifying coins (penny and dime) and their values. Please make sure you are reviewing these skills with your student on a regular basis.
A Message From the Principal......
Did you know it is against the law to be on your phone while in a loading / unloading zone at school? Several parents are on their cellphones daily in our car line and this is becoming a HUGE safety issue for students and staff. Please protect the lives of my staff and your students and stay off your phones in our loading zones!
Spring is just around the corner and our lives will get busier and busier! Please remember as we begin to plan activities after school and on weekends, our students still need their normal routines. At this age, our little ones still need plenty of rest each night and practice to retain their academic skills. They also need a consistent schedule, even if our schedules get hectic. Our spring break is scheduled soon and I hope each of you have time to simply play outside with your children.