Cougar News!
Week of September 23rd
i-Ready information for fall diagnostic
We will be getting ready for our Iready Fall diagnostic. 7th and 8th grade students will take the diagnostic on their teams the week of September 23rd. 5th and 6th grade students will be taking the diagnostic on their teams the week of September 30th. Students will be taking the fall baseline so that we can gauge what grade level they are performing at individually. Please talk to your child about the importance of this diagnostic as it will set the tone for their Iready Mypath lessons that take place on Mondays and Wednesdays in their WINN period (What I Need Now, previously advisory). After getting results back students will independently work on their Iready my path lessons that are geared to the grade they scored on the test.
For example: If your child doesn't take it seriously, is on grade level, but blows through the diagnostic and scores a grade 1, their my path lessons will start them there. This is wasted time for them and may discourage them to taking the mypath lessons seriously to show growth.
Everyone wants to see their child be successful in reading and math. Everyone wants their child reading on the grade level they are currently in. The Iready Mypath can and does make that growth happen. We have had some of the best growth in the district over many years here at McLaughlin and we take pride in that because a lot of our students take it seriously and work hard.
Teachers will be doing data chats with students about where they scored on their diagnostic, each child will set an individual goal to grow their skills and knowledge to see what their progress is on the winter diagnostic and then the spring.
21st century after school program starts this week!
This week 21st century after school program starts. This program is already wait listed but if you are interested on getting on the wait list please have your child bring home the sign up sheet if you have not already received one.
We had another great week
We had another great week of learning and fun here at McLaughlin. Overall, all the kids are doing great! Some need to tighten up our choices with words and behavior, but I truly think we have a great thing going here this year and I am honored and proud to be the principal of this school. The staff are amazing and because of their hard work, every child is getting the opportunity to learn in a safe, distraction free environment.
Student arrival and bad weather
While we have been very lucky with the weather so far, I'm sure our streak will be ending soon. If it is raining, snowing, icy or below 25 degrees fahrenheit we will be having students enter the building in the mornings upon arrival.
Because there are too many students to fit in the cafeteria all together the following designated spots are where students are to report to until the 7:20am bell rings.
5th and 6th grade: cafeteria
7th grade: Front lobby
8th grade: gym lobby
There will be supervision at all of these places. 7th and 8th graders will go get breakfast (a grab and go to class) on the days when 5th and 6th grade are in the cafeteria to reduce traffic in there. I will always put a text out to families the morning of (7am the latest) if students are to report to these areas upon arrival. If you can please review this with your student that would be great, so they know where they are going.
Please remember that it will get colder and we will not let students in unless we deem necessary, coats, sweatshirts, hats, long pants should all be factors when a child is leaving the house. In past years students have just sat in the cafeteria because they didn't want to be cold, students need to dress appropriately because we will not be allowing this to continue to occur. Fresh air is the best thing for anyone to start their day with!
Meet with the Principal Night
Mrs. Williams will hold a principal night on October 16th.
Two sessions: 3-4pm and 5-6pm in the library
There will be a brief presentation about our typical day and schedule, drills we practice, MTSS-B and what that looks like. There will be a brief time for Q&A as well.
Dates to know
Week of September 23rd: 7th and 8th grade will take their fall Iready diagnostic
Week of September 30th: 5th and 6th grade will take their fall Iready diagnostic
10/8: Picture day
10/9 First PTO meeting of the year! 6pm in the McLaughlin library
10/11 Teacher workshop day; no school
10/14 Indigenous People Day; No school
10/15 McLaughlin Dine Out Night at Five Guys Burgers and Fries
10/16 Meet with principal in the library 3-4pm and 5-6pm join which ever session you can make!
Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)
Our first PTO meeting will be on 10/9 at 6pm in the school library!
Get the inside scoop on the latest McLaughlin happenings, including all the stuff your child forgot to tell you :)
Have input on upcoming events and programs
Meet other McLaughlin families and staff
Sign up to volunteer-but only if you want to!
See you then!
First McLaughlin Dine Out of the year.....October 15th
McLaughlin Middle School PTO presents the first McLaughlin dine out!
October 15th from 11am-10pm
Five Guys Burgers and Fries
1111 South Willow Street, Manchester NH
Five Guys will donate 20% of fundraiser sales and an additional $1 for every milkshake. Make sure you identify yourself as a McLaughlin Cougar!
If you are in need of free or reduced priced lunch
Breakfast and lunch information
Meal Prices 2024–2025 School Year
~ All Schools Full Price $1.50 ~ All Schools Reduced Price $0.00 ~
~ Elementary Full Price $2.70 ~ Middle and High Full Price $2.95 ~
~ All Schools Reduced Price $0.40 ~
Ala Carte Milk
Prices Are $0.70
if you are in need of applying for free and reduced lunch please click the link to submit and application:
McLaughlin Swag
Want to buy some McLaughlin swag? Here is the link for McLaughlin Spirit Wear where you can order:
National Gear Up Week
Gear up is slated for 7th and 8th grade students. The following events for 7th and 8th grade will take place the week of September 23rd
Monday: Gear Up trivia games in 7th and 8th grade lunches
Event: Door Duel decorations begins
Tuesday: College and Career Trivia
Event: Thank you congress letters/signs
Wednesday: Gear Up Crossword
Event: My future is BRIGHT-7th and 8th graders wear neon or bright colors
Thursday: Students finalize door decorating
Event: I went to college interviews with teachers
Friday: Seed packets for growing my future upon completion of I am From poem
Event: College t-shirt/sweatshirt day
Door challenge winners announced.