Mighty Mustangs
Parkview Family Newsletter October 13, 2020
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School Site Council and the English Learner Advisory Committee
Eliseo Mendez, Vanessa Villalobos, and Lucia Aguilar have been elected to serve on Parkview's School Site Council for the next two years. Daniela Moreno and Gricet Renteria are both returning to serve their second year. Eliseo Mendez, Ana Barranco, Brigida Santos, and Gricet Renteria are repesenting English Learners on the English Learner Advisory Committee this year. Our first public meeting will be held this Thursday, October 15 with ELAC meeting at 5:30 and School Site Coucil meeting at 6:00 via zoom. Please email Mrs. Comstock at ccomstock@hueneme.org if you would like the link to the meeting. The agenda will be posted on the school website and outside of the school office.
Parkview Spirit Days
Let's have some fun and show our Parkview spirit with some Spirit Days! Follow the schedule below and show up to your Google Meet or Zoom showing your Parkview Spirit.
easyCBM Math Test
On Monday, October 19th, students in 3rd through 5th grade will take a new math test called the easyCBM benchmark screener. This math test will help us to see where each child is in their math learning and help us to plan interventions for students who are struggling as well as extension activities for children who are ahead. The children will take the test online during their synchronous learning time with their teacher. Encourage your child to do their best so that we can then plan the best teaching for them according to their learning needs.
Office Hours
Please note that our front office is open to the public between 10:00 - 1:00 PM or by appointment. The offic is open for phone calls from 7:30 to 4:00 Monday through Friday. For questions or to schedule an appointment, please contact Cindy Perez at (805)986-8730 ext. 2695 or Norma Bolish at (805)986-8730 ext. 2694.
Contact Us
Email: ccomstock@hueneme.org
Website: http://parkview.hueneme.org/
Location: 1416 North 6th Place, Port Hueneme, CA, USA
Phone: 805-986-8730
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Parkviewhueneme/
Twitter: @ParkviewMustang