Test December 2024 Newsletter

Winding down 2024.
The month of December is busy, busy, busy for many families as students have holiday parties, first concerts, and visits with family. While this can bring lots of joy, changes in routine can be hard on kids too. At Test Intermediate we do have some special fun planned, but will also do our best to continue routines that support teaching and learning. At home, give your Tiger encouragement to take care of themselves and get enough sleep!
Students will also be completing their middle of the year IReady tests in math and reading. This test helps teachers see student progress from August to now. Though we don't want students to be stressed or worried, we do want them to do their best so we get good information about what they've learned. Students will begin on Dec. 5. Make-ups will be held the following week.
Our last day of school before break is Friday, Dec. 20. Students will return for the New Year on Monday, January 6. We hope the break is fun and restful for all our families.
Cold Weather is Here
Winter weather has arrived, so make sure your student has what they need to stay warm at the bus stop or during recess. Please let us know if your student needs warmer weather clothing. Communities in Schools can help. Contact Ms. Toni Johnson at tjohnson2@rcs.k12.in.us or 973-7207.
Upcoming Events at Test
Dec. 2 - Girls Inc. presentations about puberty begin. (Notice and opt out sent via Parent Square.)
Dec. 5 - iReady MOY testing begins (Math and Reading)
Dec. 6 - Spirit Wear Orders and Payment due
Dec. 10 - Field trip and payment for Bowling Incentive Trip due (invited students)
Dec. 10 - Orchestra Concert at Civic Hall, 6:30 pm
Dec. 12 - 5th grade Bowling Incentive Trip
Dec. 12 - Band Concert at Civic Hall, 6:00 pm
Dec. 18 - Choir Concert at Civic Hall, 6:30 pm
Dec. 19 - 6th grade Bowling Incentive Trip
Dec. 20 - 5th grade Field Trip to Doctor Kaboom: Science of Santa at Civic Hall
Dec. 20 - LAST DAY OF SCHOOL before Winter Break
Last Month in Pictures
Thanks to Lions Club...
... for 5th grade vision screenings.
Orchestra in action.
On Veterans Day...
... we honored service...
... and learned from Senator Raatz.
Parent Teacher Organization
Help the PTO - NO meetings required!
The PTO works to create extra special events for the school, including academic extenders like the book fair and special events like student dances. Every family can support us in some way! Click the button below to join the Parent Square Group where the PTO conducts business and sends requests for help. Every family can support the school in some way! There are no dues and no meetings required.
Will Your Student Be Absent?
Please let us know!
Being present at school is super important for kids! But sometimes they have to miss. When that happens, please make sure you report your child's absence to the school office (765-973-3412) OR by responding to a ParentSquare message that your student was marked absent.
Mr. Stolle tracks our attendance and will communicate with families about student absences. Please help him out and report your child's absence! His email is jstolle@rcs.k12.in.us.
Lunch Menu - December
Sometimes the menu changes. Click on the menu to link to the always up-to-date website. We DO have school on Dec. 20 - the website will be updated when that menu is determined.
More Than Words
December's Value: Service
This month's value is service: Lending a hand to help someone else.
There are a few ways to think about service. Some people think about service as an event or “week of service” they might do with another organization; for example, serving at the soup kitchen or engaging in a week-long service project in the community. These ways of helping others are great and usually give our kids an opportunity to serve someone other than themselves. However, there are other ways to serve, even at home. For example, service might look like picking up extra responsibilities around the house on a week when a parent is sick, or maybe sitting and talking a bit longer with a grandparent who is grieving. These acts of lending a hand to help someone else might take smaller investments of time, but may also provide great assistance to the person in need.
This month is a busy time for schools and families, so it might be helpful for you to make a plan for how you might lend a hand now and in the future. Because we can get caught up with other things and let time fly by, it is important to be intentional about looking for ways to serve.
Checking the Athletics Website is the best way to keep up with our teams. Please come support our students and be part of the fun.
Winter sports will be starting soon. Basketball teams have formed, but many students also participate with the YMCA basketball league. Wrestling information should be coming soon.
Partners for Student Support
Students With Purpose Mentoring
Communities in Schools
Communities in Schools is here to support students and families with basic needs and academic support so kids can concentrate on learning. Ms. Toni Johnson serves Test Intermediate: contact her at tjohnson@rcs.k12.in.us or 973-7207.
Centerstone & Meridian
Some students are already connected to counselors through Centerstone and Meridian. We have Centerstone services in the school building every day for existing Centerstone clients, and Meridian counselors frequently stop by to check on their caseloads. If you believe your student needs mental health support, we are happy to help with a referral to one of these agencies. Please contact Ms. DeDe Deloney, our Test School Counselor, who can assist with this. Email pwrightdeloney@rcs.k12.in.us or call 765-973-3412.
Resources for Families
School Cancellation Information
If school were to be delayed or cancelled due to weather, families will be notified by text and phone call.
- 2-hour delays do not have to be made up - school just starts at 10 am instead of 8 am. If there is a 2-hour delay, school will end at 3:15 (even if it's a Tuesday).
- If school is cancelled, the days will be made up in person on January 20 and February 17.
- On the third and fourth cancellation, students will complete Asynchronous eLearning Days.
- If there are five or more cancellations, students and teachers will meet online for live virtual learning as Synchronous eLearning Days.
Mission Statement
“Test Intermediate School provides a caring, challenging environment where dedicated educators strive to prepare students academically, physically, socially, and emotionally to be productive members of society.”