Focus on Reading and Literacy Skills this Winter
Family Engagement
The Winter Holidays are in the books, and I hope you had some time to spend with family and friends.
As we begin the third quarter and second semester of the 2024-2025 school year, I wanted to share some informational articles with you. Learning Ally is a source for audiobooks for our students, and they have a guide to help you support your teen's literacy skills. PBS has some great information about winter weather activities and more in their PBS for Parents area online.
Report cards went out this week, and need to be signed and returned to school promptly. Remember, you can check your teen's grades at any time online using HAC (Home Access Center). Contact Bay High School for login information; we can help you get started!
Please be safe, stay warm, and stay off the roads as much as possible during our predicted winter weather! Make some coffee or hot chocolate, and play cards or a board game with your teen.
Ms. S
Literacy Toolkit for Families
This toolkit, linked above, is a collaboration between Dollar General and Learning Ally, and has tips for parents for students of all ages, including teens. Take some time to look around, and check out the tips for supporting your teen's literacy growth.
Set the Example
The cool thing about reading is that reading is more than just picking up a huge novel. Reading is Literacy. Audiobooks are reading, e-books are reading, graphic novels, manga, and comics are reading, magazines, brochures, and of course, print books are reading. READING IS READING, and Reading is fundamental to success and growth in your child's future. Make a commitment to promoting literacy at home by letting your teen see you read.
Arkansas PBS for Parents has several articles, including this one on Winter Activities for your family. Check out the great things Arkansas PBS has for you, including this article, here:
💡 Reminders
Bay School District closings and/or late openings will be broadcast on KAIT8, Bay School District Facebook page, and will be sent out via text to the parent/guardian listed on the Student Information Sheet you filled out for your teen at the beginning of the school year or at enrollment.
- Talk to your teen and let them know you love them and support their education.
- Reach out to your teen's teacher for assignment help or information.
- Reach out to our School Counselor or our Family Engagement Coordinator; we have resources to help you.