Cougar Weekly
What's happening the week of August 24 -28, 2020
Virtual Learning Continues!
We have streamlined our zooms and will MAXIMIZE our time for planning and recording lessons for asynchronous learning. We will continue to reach out to and assist parents as they learn to help their students navigate Schoology and Seesaw. We will meet in PLCs on Tuesday and plan for next week (asynchronous) as well as discuss next steps. We will take it one day at a time, and enjoy our time bonding as a staff in this unprecedented time!
Supplies are here -
Instructional assistants will help organize these to begin moving into classrooms tomorrow and Tuesday. We'll work on this in the library; please come at 8:00 so we can talk through our plans.
to Anthony Ammaturo, Sooszie Virgadamo, Brynn McKinniss, Rocio Castelan, Colleen Zepeda, Linda Gardner, and Alicia Newman for all the TECH SUPPORT for our parents this week! We couldn't do this without your help!
coming soon - our new t-shirts!
Brynn's husband Brandon, at Logos in Thread, is making our shirts! We should have them sometime this week. They are using the design on the right (circled in the picture).
This week...
WEEK TWO of virtual learning!
August 24
- All staff 7:30-3:45 p.m. each day
- Have you published your Monday Coursework?
- By 9:30, mark ALL students absent "ATT"
- PLC-Planning (in classrooms for social distancing)
- By 9:30, mark ALL students absent "ATT"
- School Board Meeting 6:00 p.m.
- By 9:30, mark ALL students absent "ATT"
- By 9:30, mark ALL students absent "ATT"
- Wear JEANS and a grade level or team t-shirt!
- By 9:30, mark ALL students absent "ATT"
- Wear jeans and a Clifton Park t-shirt
- Please post your Week 3 Weekly Progression Chart in your ATT Folder
A Look Ahead:
A look ahead:
- September 4: Professional Learning Day (all about MATH)
- September 7: Labor Day-no school!
- September 8: Face-to-face learning begins
- September 11: Patriot's Day - details to come
- September 14: Faculty Meeting at 3:15
- September 16: Progress Reports go home
- September 17: Tentative Title 1 Parent Meeting, ESL/GT/Dyslexia Night (Zoom meeting)
- September 28: SBDM meeting at 3:15 - in cafeteria for social distancing
- September 30 SLO and Professional Goal submitted to appraiser
HAPPY BIRTHDAY this week to:
Larae Arreguin - TODAY, August 23!
Alisha Norman - TOMORROW, August 24!