Ivy Hill PTA Happenings
This Week...
- Room Rep for classroom parties - Sign up Below
- Student Party Fee - form and online link below
- Fun Run - Still time to donate through October 13!
Thank you for an awesome Eagle Fun Run!
Great job fundraising to All!
The kids had an amazing time and we have reached our $12,000 goal for this year. Donations are still accepted through the end of the day Sunday, October 13th.
We'd like to THANK everyone below for their help and collaboration to make this event a success!
- The Ivy Hill Staff, Principal Kaese, Assistant Principal Wodzinski, and Facilities Manager Erik Bocek
- All our incredible teachers
- Bach 2 Rock for donating DJ Matt
- The Fun Run Committee: Anna Russo, Jen Underwood, Alice & Mark Sylvester
- PTA board members Erin Lakomski, Megan Martin, Emily Brito, Jackie Sengenberger, Cheryl & John Poletto
- The awesome parents for cheering on the students
Please be sure to get any final donations submitted by the end of the day Sunday!
We did it!! Take a look at our school's fundraising webpage:
Room Rep Signup
Please sign up to become a PTA member before signing up to be a Room Rep. Then, sign up for the classroom you would like to help out in! We are limiting each class to 8 volunteers (4 per party), so please volunteer in the class(es) you will be able to attend for the Halloween (10/31) OR Valentine's Day party (2/13).
Sign up is below to be a Room Rep and volunteer in your child's classroom for the Halloween or Valentine's Day party.
Classroom Party Fee 2024-25 School Year
$10 Donation towards Classroom Parties and Teachers/Staff Appreciation Week
Your classroom Room Reps are kindly asking for a $10 per child contribution.
- $8 - Classroom Parties! Provides funds for the crafts, games, and prizes during the Halloween and Valentine's classroom parties.
- $2 - Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week Fund! Provides funds to acknowledge our amazing staff with food and small gifts during teacher/staff appreciation week in May.
Reminder: Please send in your Classroom Party and Teachers/Staff Appreciation Week Fee to help fund your students' class parties and teacher/staff appreciate week.
You can send in your $10/student online at https://ivyhill.givebacks.com/store/items/1102554 or send $10/student cash with the following information:
Classroom Party Fee
2024-25 School Year
Child’s first and last name: ______________________________________
Teacher’s name: ______________________________________________
My $10/student CASH contribution is enclosed.
National Red Ribbon Week October 21 - 25
Ivy Hill will be participating in the National Red Ribbon Week campaign for a healthy lifestyle and to raise awareness about violence and bullying from October 21 – October 25.
We would love to have each student join in the daily themes.
Monday 10/21: Wear Red to kickoff Red Ribbon Week!
Tuesday 10/22: Neon Colors Day
Wednesday 10/23: Mismatched Clothes Day
Thursday 10/24: Inside Out Shirt Day
Friday 10/25: Ivy Hill Spirit Wear Day
Ivy Hill Spirit wear
Spirit Wear is always available for purchase, click the link below.
2024-25 Ivy Hill PTA Committee & Board Member Listing
Are you interested in planning an event? Being a liaison for Thomas Middle School or the School Board? Or reading the Spring Scholarship applications? If YES, take a look at the PTA Committee Sheet linked below. There are plenty of events happening this year and opportunities to be on a PTA Committee.
Members may add themselves to this sheet if they are interested in joining a committee this year.
If you are looking to volunteer time or donate items, watch for Sign Up Geniuses throughout the year as things come up. Some items are one time events (Ex: Fall Fest) and some are spread throughout the year (Ex: Staff Events). **This is NOT the sign up for Room Rep (room parents who plan parties).
Join the PTA!
- PTA provides the opportunity for parents to take an active role in their child's educational environment.
- PTA sponsors many school events such as Fall Fest, Field Day, Movie Night, Book Fair, Picture Day and Yearbooks.
- The PTA provides birthday books for all students.
- Opportunities to volunteer in your kids classroom and lunch periods.
- Get access to the school directory. (Please note the district compiles the directory and when it is available (typically Sept/Oct) those that signed up for it during PTA registration will receive an email how to set up the app.)
- Priority volunteer opportunities for school events such as Fall Fest, Field Day, Movie Night and Book Fair.
- Visit pta.org for membership discounts available.
To Register:
- Scan the QR code or click the link below to purchase a membership. https://ivyhill.memberhub.com/store?limit=21&live=true
Yearbook Picture Submission
The Yearbook committee will be accepting the pictures from the following events to include in this year's yearbook:
Last School Year (2023-24)
- Field Day May 29, 2024
Current School Year (2024-25)
- Welcome to Kindergarten August 20, 2024
- New Family Welcome Night August 21, 2024
- Meet the Teacher and Ice Cream Social August 28, 2024
- First Day of School August 29, 2024
- Picture Day September 16, 2024
- Fall Fest September 20, 2024
- Movie Night September 27, 2024
- Fun Run October 9, 2024
Please submit these photos to Megan Cook at ptayearbookivyhill@gmail.com
Thank You:
Monday October 21 through Friday October 25 - Red Ribbon Week
- Friday November 8 - Picture retakes
- Monday November 11 - Spirit Day Red, White & Blue day
- Wednesday November 13 - PTA General meeting
- Friday November 15 - Scholastic Book Fair
PTA General Meeting
Please join us for the PTA General Meeting in the LMC of Ivy Hill at 6:30pm for a Meet and Greet followed by 7pm meeting.
Wednesday, Nov 13, 2024, 06:30 PM
Ivy Hill Elementary School, North Burke Drive, Arlington Heights, IL, USA
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
Contact Us
Email: ivyhillhappenings@gmail.com
Location: 2211 N Burke Dr, Arlington Heights, IL 60004
Facebook: facebook.com/ivyhillelementarypta
Twitter: @ivyhillpta