One District United e-Newsletter
A publication of Ferguson-Florissant School District
November 4, 2021
Are you ready for snow? What to expect on inclement weather days
As we move into the winter season, it’s a great time to remind families and staff about Ferguson-Florissant School District’s inclement weather procedures. FFSD will conduct a test of its emergency notification system for staff and families Monday, Nov. 8 at 7 p.m. This test ensures that we have accurate contact information for you in case of an emergency. FFSD’s goal is to ensure the safety of all during inclement weather events while minimizing the disruption to student learning. If weather conditions or other unexpected, short-term events make it unsafe for students to attend in person, the District may use one of the following options:
School may start two hours late. (Delayed start)
Students may be released early. (Early dismissal)
Students may learn during a ‘virtual snow day.’ (Asynchronous or Synchronous learning day)
In-person classes may be cancelled entirely. (A regular snow day)
To update or change your contact information, please log in to the Parent Portal.
School closing and emergency information will also be available on local TV and radio broadcasts, FFSD's website at, FFSD's mobile app, and FFSD's Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Help shape the future of our schools
Ferguson-Florissant School District is currently working to update its strategic plan that will establish goals and outline top priorities for the District for the next five years. In preparation for goal setting, we are asking all students, parents, staff, and community members to participate in a brief survey.
The process will include stakeholder input, community data collection, and other efforts to create a shared vision and goals for the future of the District. Stakeholder feedback is an important part of the strategic planning process. We need and value your input to help shape the future of our schools.
Please provide your thoughts, ideas, and suggestions by taking this quick survey.
All of the resources created around the development of the next strategic plan will be available so that staff, students, parents, and the school community can follow along as the development process unfolds over the next several months.
Thank you for assisting with developing the 2022-2027 Strategic Plan for Ferguson-Florissant School District.
Health and safety reminders
As we move into the colder months, we need to work together to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in our schools. Please remember to keep your child at home if they experience any symptoms associated with COVID-19, if they have had close contact with someone positive for COVID-19, or are awaiting COVID-19 test results.
Families, please help us keep our schools safe and open in these ways:
Complete a morning health screener on your student every morning before sending them to school.
Please send your child to school every day with a well-fitted mask. This also includes the federal requirement to wear masks on school buses.
COVID-19 symptoms resemble other respiratory illnesses. Symptoms can include cough, runny nose, sore throat, fever, nasal congestion, and fever. If they are sick, please stay home, notify your child's school, and contact your primary doctor to consider getting tested.
If the student has any of the above symptoms of COVID-19, they should stay home from school and notify the school nurse immediately so that contact tracing can begin.
COVID-19 is undistinguishable without testing -- please do not assume symptoms are just something else. If we all work together, we can safely and effectively keep our schools open for in-person learning.
Biomedical Sciences program holds White Coat Ceremony to recognize students
Three McCluer North seniors were recognized during PLTW - Project Lead The Way Biomedical Science Program White Coat Ceremony. The ceremony honors students who have successfully completed coursework in Ferguson-Florissant School District's nationally certified biomedical sciences program. Learn more here.
Harris Stowe State University scholarship bus tour visits FFSD
As part of their scholarship bus tour, Harris Stowe State University stopped by McCluer, McCluer North, and STEAM Academy at McCluer South-Berkeley High School. During the visit, HSSU representatives shared information about the university, the programs offered, and a glimpse into campus life. Photo gallery here. Learn more here.
FFSD offers yoga for District families and staff
Ferguson-Florissant families and staff are invited to join weekly virtual classes to learn the effective and practical techniques of yoga and mindfulness, as a resource for stress management and self-care, in a fun way. All ages are welcome!
What to expect:
● Breathing, movement, meditation, and relaxation techniques that you can easily use throughout the day.
● Resources for staying grounded, focused, and calm in your personal and professional life.
● A practice that meets you where you are, no matter your age, body type, physical or mental state.
Join every Monday from 6-7 p.m. Learn more here.
Upcoming Events
Wednesday, Nov. 10 @ 6 p.m.(Watch Live)
Board of Education Meeting
Nov. 22-26
No School - District Closed for Self-Care Days & Thanksgiving Break
School resumes Monday, Nov. 29
Wednesday, Dec. 8 @ 6 p.m. (Watch Live)
Board of Education Meeting
Dec. 20-31
No School - District Closed for Winter Break
School resumes Monday, Jan. 3, 2022
Stay Connected - Find us on Facebook/Twitter/Instagram -
Ferguson-Florissant School District
8855 Dunn Road
Hazelwood, MO 63042
Location: 8855 Dunn Road, Hazelwood, MO, USA
Phone: 314-687-1910
Twitter: @FergFlorSchools