Mastery Connect for Teachers
An online teacher tool and student assessment platform
What is Mastery Connect?
Mastery Connect is an online resource that will help Kershaw County School District (KCSD) teachers identify and track student mastery of South Carolina College and Career Readiness (SCCCR) Standards to inform teaching practice. Specifically, teachers will be able to share curriculum maps, resources, and assessments in one place. Also, this platform allows teachers to develop, administer, and score assessments easily. MasteryConnect has a social media component that enables schools - across the district and the state - to share assessments and resources with other teachers.
The innovative Mastery Tracker gives you an instant, visual view into student levels of understanding on any set of academic standards. This spotlight approach lets you quickly see which students need intervention and which standards may need reteaching in real time when they can best impact learning outcomes. You can clearly see students’ mastery of standards in an intuitive, visual way. This is how KCSD will deliver the required assessments each quarter.
How will this work in Kershaw County School District?
We will all speak the same language using comparable data. We all share the same goals and row in the same direction. This data will be used during Principal Data Huddles and Teacher Conferences, so we best meet the needs of all students.
There are two required assessments a quarter. There is a window of ten school days for each. Assessments will be pushed out when the window opens. All students will receive reteaching on unmastered standards.
Elementary Schools (Semester 2): Students can earn half-credit back for each question missed to receive a final score of up to 80%. 1st semester scores will not be for a grade.
Middle Schools (Semester 2): After reteaching, students can show mastery to earn up to 80%. 1st semester scores will not be for a grade.
High Schools (Quarters 2 & 4): After reteaching, students who scored less than 70% can show mastery on a comparable assessment in Mastery Connect for up to 70%. This comparable assessment must be taken within a week. Q1 and Q3 scores will not be for a grade.
How else can I use Mastery Connect?
- Creating Assessments:
Develop assessments that align with the specific standards you are teaching.
Utilize Mastery Connect's item banks or create your own questions to ensure assessments meet your instructional goals.
- Administering Assessments:
Use Mastery Connect to deliver formative and summative assessments.
Consider using quick checks or exit tickets to gather real-time data on student understanding during lessons.
- Analyzing Data:
After assessments are completed, review the data to see which standards students have mastered and which ones require more attention.
Utilize the color-coded mastery tracker to quickly identify students' proficiency levels.
- Providing Targeted Support:
Identify students who need additional support and provide targeted interventions.
Group students based on their mastery levels to provide differentiated instruction that meets their needs.
- Reflecting on Instruction:
Use the data to reflect on your teaching practices. Are there specific standards where many students are struggling? Consider revisiting these concepts or trying new instructional strategies.
Collaborate with colleagues to share insights and strategies for teaching challenging standards.