AE Weekly Newsletter
December 22, 2024
Giant Feeding School Kids Initiative
The Annville-Cleona School District is proud to be a part of the @GIANT Feeding School Kids initiative! From January 1 – March 31, you can round up at the register to support our school district’s efforts working to eliminate childhood hunger.
Through this initiative, the Annville-Cleona School District and other public school districts can use funds to support meal programs to expand food distribution programs, create on-campus food pantries and gardens, supply extra weekend meals, and eliminate outstanding student meal debt.
Join us as we round up to fight hunger within the Annville-Cleona School District!
#FeedingSchoolKids #EliminatingHunger
6th Grade Vape Prevention Program
We are pleased to partner with Compass Mark to present the CATCH My Breath program to our sixth-grade students. In the coming weeks, due to grant funding from the Lebanon County Drug and Alcohol Commission, Compass Mark will offer an evidence-based prevention program to our students.
Students will participate in CATCH My Breath, a research-based curriculum designed to prevent youth vaping. Research shows that most students are curious about e-cigarettes and that vaping is a growing problem in middle and high schools nationwide. CATCH My Breath was developed by health education experts from The University of Texas School of Public Health. Survey data shows most teens believe e-cigarettes are safe. This program explains misconceptions about vaping/e-cigarettes, peer and advertising pressure to use e-cigarettes, and the health impact/hazards of e-cigarettes/vaping.
CATCH My Breath is a curriculum used in regional school districts, including Cornwall Lebanon, Palmyra, Northern Lebanon, and Lebanon.
As part of the CATCH My Breath program, students will be asked to complete a pre-and post-program survey. This survey is completely anonymous and is used to gain an understanding of the level of increased knowledge the students have after participating in the program. Compass Mark uses the outcome data to ensure the CATCH My Breath program is effective and reports the findings to the County when applying for additional funding opportunities.
As a parent and caregiver, you may request that your child not participate in the CATCH My Breath survey and/or program. If you do not want your child to participate, please submit your request in writing to Mrs. Erica Bachman by January 6th. She can be reached at
Additional Information:
AE Events
- 12/23-1/3 - Winter Break - No School
- 1/20 - Act 80 Day - No School
- 2/13 - Spring Picture Day
- 2/17 - Act 80 Day - No School
Thank you, Mr. Gardner!
This week, we celebrated Mr. Gardner as he enters retirement. Mr. Gardner spent forty-one years in education, all serving the students and families of the Annville-Cleona School District. He has profoundly and positively impacted so many in the A-C community. His presence at AE will be significantly missed, though we wish him well in all the adventures his retirement will bring!
A-C Community Bulletin Page
Don't forget to check out the Community Bulletin Page on the District Website for the many events happening in our A-C Community linked here!
Student Spotlight
It was an exciting week at AE! We participated in field trips, built gingerbread houses, and celebrated Red Ticket Winners! We had visitors and carolers, themed dress days, holiday programs for third and fourth grades, elf pranks, snowball fights, and reindeer games! We hope that your winter break is filled with this much fun, laughter, and excitement!
Stay Connected
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