Legacy Living

Legacy Living - March 19, 2025
Leaving a Legacy One Paw at a Time - 20 years -
IMPORTANT DATES FOR THE 2024-2025 School Year
March 25: Kindergarten Letter Fashion Show, 8:30 AM
March 24-March 28: Volleyball Spirit Week
March 27: Staff Volleyball Game against Madison's Trust, 6:00 PM (Independence HS)
March 31: School Holiday (Eid)
April 4: Student Holiday, Teacher Planning Day
April 7: Student Holiday, Staff Professional Development Day
April 10: Multicultural Night, 6:00 - 8:00 PM
April 14-April 18: School Holiday, Spring Break
April 21: PTO Meeting, 7:00 PM
Free and Reduced Lunch for students
If you have not applied for or been approved for Free/Reduced Meals for the 2024-2025 school year, you can apply for this at any time. Circumstances can change during the school year. If you think you might qualify for assistance, please read more about this program and apply.
· More LCPS information on Free/Reduced Meals
· Online Free/Reduced Meals Application
· Link for Free/Reduced Meal Application to print and return to Legacy Main Office
Some tips regarding Free/Reduced Meals:
- Applying online is FASTER and SAFER than a paper application.
· An eligible family can save over $950/child during the school year.
· If you apply for our free/reduced meal program, you will receive an email response from Titan School Solutions with the subject Eligibility letter. If you don’t receive an email response within 3 business days, please check your spam/junk email folder. If it’s not in your spam/junk email folder, please send an email to LCPS Free and Reduced Email.
· Do not apply if you already received an Eligibility letter/email from us for 2024-2025 for all your children.
· Loudoun County Public Schools follows Federal and State regulations when administering the Free and Reduced Meal Program. Children from households that meet Federal Income Guidelines are eligible for either reduced prices or free meals. Eligibility under this program applies to both breakfast and lunch.
· Students eligible for free or reduced meals can receive a free Breakfast Meal and a Lunch Meal each school day. Extra items or a la carte items (cookies, ice cream, chips, 2nd entree) are not included in the meal benefits.
· Lunch Meal means that students need to receive a complete meal to be free. Lunch must include Fruit or Veggies - it is a USDA Regulation.
· Approval of application does not remove any charges that are already on your child's account.
If at any time during the school year your family is facing a hardship or a change in circumstances, our Family Liaison, Kim Catterton, can provide assistance and resources that may help your family. All information shared will be treated with the utmost discretion.
Below please see the sign up genius for our PAWS dates for the first semester. Come in for a half a day 7am -11:30 with the option of staying through lunch. We hope that each family has an opportunity to come to school with their child to experience Legacy! Parents may only sign up one time per each semester in order to allow others the opportunity to volunteer.
Thanks and have a great week.
Summer Portzel, President
Legacy Elementary School
Email: LEG-FrontOffice@lcps.org
Website: https://www.lcps.org/LEGACY
Location: 22995 Minerva Drive, Brambleton, VA, USA
Phone: (703) 957-4425
Twitter: @lcpslegacy