News From Room 106
October 4, 2024
Fall seems to finally be here to stay! Please try and help your student remember to bring a sweatshirt or light jacket to wear, especially in the mornings, if the temperature is below 50 degrees.
*Looking ahead- if your student will need assistance in getting the appropriate winter outdoor gear, please let me know. This can include coats, boots, snow pants, gloves, and a hat.
Parent-Teacher Conferences- Parent-Teacher Conferences are on October 23 (11:45-4:15) and October 24 (4:00-6:30). A signup link has been sent home and also located below. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Halloween Party- Our party will be on October 31st. More information will be coming home soon.
Scholastic Book Orders- Each month, students will be bringing home Scholastic Book Club fliers. If you are interested, you can scan the QR code at the bottom and type in our class code: NH47R. Once we get closer to Christmas time, if you are interested in keeping an order a surprise for the students, please let me know and we can figure out a plan to get it to you!
Library- As a reminder, we have library on Fridays. Students are able to take their two books home. The books need to come back before new books can be checked out.
Please feel free to call, email, or text any questions you may have.
Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Arends
Email: arendsk@bas-k12.org
Classroom Phone: 794-4756
Google Voice/Text: 616-236-3820
Upcoming Important Dates:
10/16 Picture Retake Day
10/18 Half Day
10/18-10/25 Woodview Book Fair
10/21 No School- Fall Break
10/23 Half Day Elementary- Parent Teacher Conferences (12:30-5:00)
10/24 Parent Teacher Conferences (4:00-6:30)
10/31 Halloween Party (Time TBD. More information to come home soon)
11/1 No School
11/20 Mobile Dentist
11/27-11/29 No School
Spotlight Student
This past week's Spotlight Student was Finn! Finn does an excellent job in demonstrating great responsibility in the classroom each day! Finn also continues to be a great friend and role model to his peers. We are so thankful to have Finn a part of our classroom family!
Next week's Spotlight Student is Zella! Zella also does an excellent job in demonstrating great responsibility and kindness to all each day. She walks in the classroom each morning ready to learn! Zella does a great job in participating during whole group discussions and asking clarifying questions to help further her learning. Keep up the great work, Zella!
Inside the Classroom:
We have started our second Module. This involves place value and problem solving with units of measure. We have been working on using a clock to determine the time and elapsed time. This week, we have been studying the measurement of weight and liquid volume.
Any extra practice with multiplication and division facts at home will only benefit the students!
Language Arts
For spelling, students will be working on long i and u. For grammar, we will be working with different types of nouns.
Accelerated Reader is now available for students to take tests. As a guardian, you can check if a book has an AR level and test by going to http://www.arbookfind.com/
Science/Social Studies
Red Folder
We have also added a writing page. Some students have the prompt of: "Tell me how to carve a pumpkin." Some students have the prompt of: "At the pumpkin patch,..."
Parent Resources:
News From Around the School:
A Day to Believe 2024
A Day to Believe this year is October 25. Our spirit week during Believe Week will be announced soon!
Woodview's Character Trait of the Month- Responsibility
Throughout the month, we will focus on responsibility. We have discussed that this includes taking ownership of our actions, turning in our homework and classroom on time, and trying our best each day.