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Week 2 Term 3 Panui
Monday/Rāhina - 1st August 2022
Contact Us
Email: office@witherlea.school.nz
Website: https://witherlea.school.nz
Location: 214-216 Weld Street, Witherlea, Blenheim 7201, New Zealand
Phone: 64 (03) 578 5568
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/witherleablenheim
Principal Message
Tēnā koutou katoa Witherlea whānau,
I feel privileged to be the Acting Principal of Witherlea School for the next six months and am genuinely impressed with the school culture and quality of teaching and learning. I want to thank the school community, staff and students for the warm welcome and support that I have been shown to date. I am taking the opportunity of having ‘fresh eyes’ on the school, to identify strengths to sustain and opportunities for enhancement. If you have any thoughts you wish to share with me, please get in touch as I would value hearing your perspective.
I am originally from Christchurch but have lived in Nelson for most of my life where I am fortunate to be surrounded by my extended family. I have worked in four Nelson schools over the last 20 years with the most recent seven years as Principal of a small rural school. My wife Mel is a teacher also and our daughters Isla (11) and Maddy (6) attend Henley School where Mel works. My interests include a range of watersports and mountain biking which I love to share with students through enrichment programmes at school.
As an experienced principal and father, I acknowledge that while the goals of education may be common between professionals and parents the perspectives are very different. My role is to effectively balance both individual and collective interests while keeping the kids at the centre of our conversations. I respect that your role, like mine as a parent, is to advocate for your own child/children to ensure their social, emotional and academic needs are met. The best outcomes are achieved when we work in partnership with a common goal and methodology to achieve it. Covid has weakened the home school partnership in all schools and we need to rebuild this as we move forward. Please know that:
Parents/whanāu are invited to attend the weekly flag raising assembly in the hall from 9.00-9.15am.
You are welcome to enter the school grounds before and after school to visit classrooms and connect with others in the school community.
Teachers are available to meet if you have any questions or concerns about your child/children's learning. To arrange a meeting, please contact the office.
My door is always open should you wish to connect and discuss anything.
The Grocery Grab fundraiser got off to a good start last week with $4,500 in sales banked. We are aiming to sell all 8000 tickets by Friday 19 August, so let's aim to increase our sales this week! Money and ticket stubs can be returned to the office between 8.30-9.00am and 3.00-3.30pm Monday-Friday.
For parents of children in years 4-6, many thanks for your support with getting them back into mask wearing this term. The children are doing an exceptional job managing masks and it seems to be paying off with very little sickness in the school at present.
I look forward to getting to know you and your children over the coming weeks.
Ngā mihi nui,
Symon Beattie
Acting Principal
Welcome to Witherlea School
We wish to welcome these new students and their families and whānau to our school and community;
George T, Hunter G, Ivy B, Hazel B, Shaylen I, Juan Jose G, Isabella G
Welcome to School Certificates are given out at our Flag Raising on a Monday morning at 9am.
Message from the Board
At our June 2022 meeting we co-opted and welcomed Sam Forrest onto the school board.
Sam was co-opted for her experience in property and governance.
Sam has experience in property and project management, she also is accredited by the Ministry of Education as a property consultant, this includes advising and developing property plans for schools to ensure that they are well maintained, and the physical environment supports teaching and learning.
Sam’s governance experience is as a current Trustee of Marlborough Lines Stadium 2000.
We look forward to Sam being part of our team and all the knowledge and experience she brings.
Khalid Suleiman
Presiding Member
Witherlea School Board
School Board Elections
Nominations are open for the election of 5 parent representatives to the school board.
Term 3 Events
Week 2 - Wiki Tuarua
Monday 1st August - Friday 5th August
Monday 1st August
Flag raising Assembly = Welcome to School, Early Words, Shoutouts, Sports Certificates
Friday 5th August
Subway School Lunches
Week 3 - Wiki Tuatoru
Monday 8th August - Friday 12th August
Monday 8th August
Flag raising Assembly = Welcome to School, Early Words, Shoutouts, Sports Certificates
Thursday 11th August
Kauri Sausage Sizzle
Friday 12th August
Subway School Lunches
Week 4 - Wiki Tuawhā
Monday 15th August - Friday 19th August
Monday 15th August
Flag raising Assembly = Welcome to School, Early Words, Shoutouts, Sports Certificates
Friday 19th August
Grocery Grab Final Day
Subway School Lunches
Week 5 - Wiki Tuarima
Monday 22nd August - Friday 26th August
Monday 22nd August
Flag raising Assembly = Welcome to School, Early Words, Shoutouts, Sports Certificates
Wednesday 24th August
Grocery Grab Winner drawn/announced
Friday 26th August
Daffodil Day
Subway School Lunches
Week 6 - Wiki Tuaono
Monday 29th August - Friday 2nd September
Monday 29th August
Flag raising Assembly = Welcome to School, Early Words, Shoutouts, Sports Certificates
Friday 2nd September
Subway School Lunches
Week 7 - Wiki Tuawhitu
Monday 5th September - Friday 9th September
Monday 5th September
Flag raising Assembly = Welcome to School, Early Words, Shoutouts, Sports Certificates
Friday 9th September
Subway School Lunches
Week 8 - Wiki Tuawaru (Maori Language Week)
Monday 12th September - Friday 16th September
Monday 12th September
Teacher Only Day - School Closed
Wednesday 14th September
Kiwi Spelling Bee Comp
Friday 16th September
Subway School Lunches
Week 9 - Wiki Tuaiwa
Monday 19th September - Friday 23rd September
Monday 19th September
Flag Raising = Welcome to School, Early Words and Be Kind, Be Safe, Be Fair Shoutouts
Friday 23rd September
Subway School Lunches
Week 10 - Wiki Tekau
Monday 26th September - Friday 30th September
Monday 26th September
Flag Raising = Welcome to School, Early Words and Be Kind, Be Safe, Be Fair Shoutouts
Thursday 29th September
Dance festival at Stadium 2000
Friday 30th September
Subway School Lunches
Be Kind, Be Safe, Be Fair Shoutouts
Congratulations to these students who have displayed one or all of our school behaviour expectations and are a model to others;
Corbin W - being a kind and caring class mate and for continuing to step out of her comfort zone!
Charlie M - Putting in the effort to manage himself at independent learning time. Charlie you are beginning to manage your time well to ensure you complete all your work keep this up!
Charlotte S - You are so kind and thoughtful in the way you treat others. Keep up the great attitude Charlotte!
Petra V - Always showing kindness to your teachers and friends. We love the positivity you bring to Room 11.
Oli D - Showing fair play and great sportsmanship in class. Ka pai!
Ryley M - Continually showing the Witherlea School values keep up the great attitude in class.
Early Words Recognition
Poppy A
We are very proud of the effort towards learning that our youngest students put in as the Early Words is the start of mastery at Witherlea School.