Lion Tribe Newsletter
February 23, 2024
Hello Arcadia Lions!
Welcome to our School Newsletter!
Welcome to the latest edition of our school newsletter! We are excited to share with you the latest updates on school events and activities that have been keeping our campus buzzing with energy and enthusiasm.
School Events and Activities
Arcadia 4H Daddy Daughter Dance: This event was a huge success! We had a lot in attendance. Thank you to our Arcadia 4H students and parents that made this possible.
Kicked Off $5 Fundraiser: We kicked off the $5 Let's Go Lions Spring Fundraiser. We have received great feedback and look forward to rewarding the students with their prizes. Everyone is excited for the 100% participation prize = School Wide Glow Dance Party!
Paper Drive Ends March 7th: Thank you all that have been able to help with this need. We have enjoyed getting to see all of the students that have brought in paper enjoying their ice cream at lunch. It is not too late to bring in paper.
MOD Pizza Spirit Day: March 7th All Day (Victory Lakes - League City)
Upcoming Events
Book Fair is NEXT WEEK: Everyone is so excited as the countdown continues. Monday will look a little different, as we will be setting up & decorating starting at 7:20am - 11am (instead of Sunday set up). Then the teachers will have the rest of the day to create their classroom wish list.
ACSI Day of Prayer: Tuesday, February 27, 2024 AFBCS is participating in the ACSI Day of Prayer. Scripture Focus: Isaiah 25:1. Secondary: Devotion in each class period. Elementary: Teachers will read a prayer to the students. Prayer Circle in the Gym: Secondary & Elementary student prayer circle to pray over the elementary students and sing the Hymn Great is Thy Faithfulness. Prayer Wall Activity: Secondary students will be creating a prayer wall to go in the gym. Each class will write down their prayer request and decorate their prayer cards with stickers to place on the prayer wall.
Spring Break: Early Release - Friday, March 8, 2024 @ 11am & Spring Break March 11th - 15th.
Re-Enrollment for the 2024-2025 School Year
We also want to take this opportunity to remind you about the re-enrollment process for the upcoming school year. Your continued support and commitment to our school are invaluable, and we are eager to welcome your children back for another year of growth, discovery, and success.
We encourage you to take advantage of the re-enrollment period to secure your child's place in our nurturing educational environment. Re-Enrollment Deadline is: March 31st.
As we reflect on the past events and look forward to the upcoming ones, it's evident that our school continues to thrive with the active participation and enthusiasm of our students and staff. Thank you for being a part of our vibrant school community, and we look forward to sharing more exciting updates!
Many Blessings,
Katy Wheeler & Julie Beanland
Arcadia Admin Team
- Re-Enrollment Opened Jan. 3rd
- New Student Enrollment Opened - Feb. 1st
- Spring Book Fair - Feb. 26th - March 1st
- MOD Pizza Day - League City - March 7th 11am - 8pm
- Spring Break: Early Release March 8th @ 11am
- March 11th - 15th
- End of 3rd 9 Weeks March 8th
- Arcadia 4H Meeting: March 19th
- March 22nd Early Release @ 11am: Parent/Teacher Conferences
- IOWA Achievement Testing: March 25th - 28th (1st-12th grade)
- Easter Holiday: March 29th - April 1st
Let's Go Lions! $5 Spring Fundraiser
Spring Book Fair: Blast off with a Good Book!
School Paper Drive
Arcadia Re-Enrollment
Re-enrollment is open for the upcoming school year. On February 1st enrollment was opened to the public. If you do not re-enroll or withdraw by March 31st, your student will be withdrawn.
**(See pdf letter and tuition and fee schedule below for more information.)**
Faculty & Staff Shout Outs
Let's give a big shout out to our amazing private school faculty and staff! Do you have a favorite teacher or staff member who's made a difference in your child's life?
Fill out the Google form to give them a special shout-out and let them know how much they're appreciated. Your kind words will mean the world to them!
Click Below:
Spring Break 2024
MOD Pizza Day
NOW HIRING: Arcadia First Baptist Church Child Care Program
2024 - 2025 School Calendar
Caught Being Kind!
Arcadia Student Celebration!
Mrs. Alegra's News & CHARACTER ED. Newsletter
This school year we will focus on learning the 9 pillars of Building Godly Character:
- Compassion
- Honor
- Accountability
- Respect
- Ambition
- Control
- Truthfulness
- Excellence
- Responsibility
Arcadia School Wide Goal: Make disciples within our student body.
Scripture: Matthew 28:19-20
Many Blessings,
Alegra Blackford
Student Life Advisor
Join us on March 19th at 7pm in F4 for our monthly Arcadia 4H meeting. It is not too late to join or come learn more about what we are all about. The 4H program is such a great opportunity for students and their families to come together with their club to participate in all types of activities and leadership opportunities.
If you need more information, please contact us:
Shelly Brock, Club Co-Leader - email@shellybrock.com
Katy Wheeler, Club Co-Leader - katywheeler@afbcs.org
We are revamping our website and going for the "less is more" approach. Faculty & Staff Favorites and the Birthday List has been moved to FACTS.
Login to FACTS:
Resource Documents can be found under:
- Family Portal
- Resource Documents
- Faculty & Staff Favorites Document
- Birthday List Document
We greatly appreciate our Arcadia Family!
Arcadia Lion Tribe Volunteers
Here are a few volunteer opportunities that we need help with on campus. Please complete the information where necessary or email us back to let us know what you are able to help with. Thank you for your support!
- Spring Book Fair - Feb. 26th - March 1st: Sign up to volunteer or stop by the book fair: https://forms.gle/Q6WQwk4oot8CyRiAA
Thank you so much for considering any of the opportunities above. We are blessed with amazing families at AFBCS! Please let us know if you have any questions or need any additional information.
Families Welcome
- Weekly Chapel:
- Elementary Wed. 10:10-10:40 - Parent led prayer immediately following.
- Secondary Thurs. 9:25-10:10 - Parent led prayer immediately following.
- Friday Parent/Family Lunch:
- K-2nd: 10:45-11:15
- 3rd-5th: 11:20-11:50
- 6th-12th: 11:55-12:35
- Monday, February 26th - Book Fair Set Up 7:20am - 11:00am - Opens at 11am / Teacher Preview During Lunch Time.
- Tuesday, February 27th - Open 7:20am - 3:30pm - Pastries w/Parents & Family 7:20am-8am
- Wednesday, February 28th - Open 7:20am - 3:30pm - GRANDS @ Lunch Times
- Thursday, February 29th - Open 7:20am - 6pm - Family Night & Guessing Game 3pm-6pm
- Friday, March 1st - Open 7:20am - 12:00pm - Pack Up 12pm - 3pm
Contact Us
Email: office@afbcs.org
School Committee: committee@afbcs.org
Website: afbcs.org
Location: 14828 Highway 6, Santa Fe, TX, USA
Phone: (409) 925-2825 Ext. 2
Facebook: facebook.com/ArcadiaFirstBaptistChristianSchool/
Instagram: @afbchristianschool