Paw Prints
Westridge Elementary
From the Office
We had another great week here at Westridge Elementary. The students have done a great job getting back into the routines and working hard in their classrooms. Next week, we start practicing some of our emergency response drills. Monday, we will have our first fire drill. Friday, we will have our first lockdown drill. We are required to do ten fire drills throughout the school year. We will also have one lockdown drill per quarter. We tell students that we are doing these drills ahead of time, so they know that they are just drills. If you have any questions, please reach out.
Overall the flow of the traffic during drop-off and pick-up has been fairly smooth. Here are a couple of reminders when dropping off or picking up at school.
First, if you are using the drop-off/pick-up loop, you should remain in your vehicle at all times. If you need to help your child get in and out of the vehicle, you should use the upper parking lot and walk your child over to the front sidewalk.
Second, please do not use the lower parking lot to park and walk students over to school. You should use the upper parking lot. When people park in the lower lot, they have to cross lots of traffic to get to the front sidewalk. This can be dangerous for kids and adults. It also disrupts the flow of traffic.
Finally, the upper parking lot gets very busy in the mornings with middle school drop-off and the school buses. If you are not parking and walking your child over to school grounds, please use the drop-off loop by the front of the school. I would discourage you from pulling up to the curb in the upper parking lot to let your child out of the vehicle.
Thank you for your help in ensuring the safety of all of our students at Westridge.
Finally, I am collecting t-shirt sizes for each student at Westridge. Our annual Westridge Walkathon will be Friday, October 11th. Each student will receive a FREE Westridge Walkathon t-shirt. In order to make sure your child gets the correct size, I need you to complete the Google form for your child. Please submit your child's size by Friday, August 30th.
Walk-a-thon T-shirt Sizes 24-25
Thank you,
Ryan Broshar
Principal- Westridge Elementary
402-289-2559, rbroshar@epsne.org
August Events
September 2nd- Labor Day, No School
September 3rd- PTO Meeting @ 6:30 PM- Westridge Library
September 13th- Picture Day & Fall into Books
September 19th & 20th- Outdoor Ed (5th Grade only)
September 24th & 25th- Parent/Teacher Conference 3 to 6 PM, 2:00 dismissal
September 25th- Walk-a-thon Kick-off
September 26th & 27th- No School
Subscribe to our calendar at- WR Calendar
Starting September 6th, guardians will be able to receive email summaries about their student’s activity in Google Classroom. Guardians will receive an email invitation on September 6th and will need to accept the invitation in order to receive Google Classroom email summaries. When you receive the invite email and click the accept button, you will be taken to a page verifying your email address. Please make sure this is the email address you would like to use before clicking accept. If it is not the correct email address, do NOT click decline or accept, and see bullet number 3 under "Get email summaries" in this document Guardian Email Summaries - for Guardians.
You may not receive an invite email if you are still signed up from last year or if teacher(s) have not enabled email notifications in their Google Classrooms.
In email summaries, you can review:
- Missing work—Work not turned in when the summary was sent
- Upcoming work—Work that is due today and tomorrow (for daily emails) or that is due in the upcoming week (for weekly emails)
- Class activities—Announcements, assignments, and questions recently posted by teachers
- Email summaries do not include grades.
If there’s no activity to report, or if a teacher turns off email notifications, you might not get an email summary.
Please see this document for more information Guardian Email Summaries - for Guardians.
Talented Wildcats
In music we are recognizing ways Wildcats use music outside of school. Do they...
- play an instrument?
- sing?
- Perform using music (dance, gymnastics...)?
- go to a concert?
- Enjoy music in another way?
Share it with Mrs. Colwin! Bring in a picture or email one (tcolwin@epsne.org) and she will put it on the music room fridge (bulletin board in the classroom)!
Title I Math Intervention Program
Please see the links below for information on Elkhorn Public School's Title I Math Intervention Program.
School Day Hours 8:10-3:06
As was shared with all families in an email from Elkhorn Public Schools on July 24, updated cell phone expectations will be implemented at all EPS schools for the 2024-25 school year. Links to our student handbook and the EPS email that was sent to families can be found below.
2024-25 Elementary Student Handbook -- Cell Phone Policy found on Page 8
Elkhorn Public Schools Email sent to all EPS Families on July 24, 2024
Please take a moment ahead of the first day of school to review the updated expectations as outlined in the handbook, and discuss them with your student.
Westridge PTO Information
Welcome back Wildcats!
Thank you to everyone that came to the first PTO meeting last week. We are looking forward to all the fun events planned for this year!
Our next PTO meeting will be Tuesday, September 3rd at 6:30pm. We will meet upstairs in the Media Center. Childcare will be available.
The Westridge Directory is available to use for the year! It is important to update your information if you are returning family and register for an account.
Again, everyone is considered outdated until they go into update their information and publish their directory preferences. We’ve attached some tip sheets to help you get started. Contact Andrea Bakenhus at bakenhusa@gmail.com if you need assistance or have any questions.
*Please see attached documents*
School Spirit Store is up and live until September 8th.
Be sure to grab your new Westridge apparel! Our spirit wear store is officially open! Many new designs including a Tie Dye Option that can be worn on many of Student Council’s Spirit Days!
How can you stay in the know? Follow us on Facebook at
For Reminders and updates that come straight to your phone, please TEXT @wewildcat to 81010
Megan Cain, PharmD
New Directory Users
Returning Parent Users
August Minutes
All About Westridge...
Email: rbroshar@epsne.org
Website: https://www.elkhornweb.org/westridge/
Location: 3100 North 206th Street, Elkhorn, NE, USA
Phone: 402-289-2559
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ElkhornPSWR/
Twitter: @ElkhornPS_WR