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Guildford West Public School
NEWSLETTER - 2019 Term 3, Week 10
Principal's News
Bike track/basketball and netball court.
This week has been very busy. We celebrated the official opening of our Bike Track and dual courts. We are excited about this regenerated area that will benefit all students at Guildford West Public School. Our purpose designed track and courts, will enable us to offer a unique learning space for students to not only learn road safety but to increase their confidence in riding a bike.
Bike riding has enormous health benefits for anyone participating. We know that increased outdoor activity helps to improve muscle strength and overall confidence, which we hope will have an added benefit in the classroom across all Key learning areas (KLAs).
The Department acknowledges these benefits and now provides recognised training to teachers across NSW to ensure they are able teach students effectively and safely. Guildford West Public School is actually a hosting venue for this training and we welcomed course delegates to our opening day as well.
For a long time now, we have planned for the establishment of 'Wheels Up Wednesdays' at Guildford West Public School. 'Wheels up Wednesday' will be a day where all students are encouraged to ride their bike to school – to practise safe road skills and enjoy the exercise. As we all increase our skills, I’m sure there will be more wheels up activities here at school.
I personally would like to thank everyone that has been involved in the development and delivery of our track, especially the Department’s Sport Unit. This has been a long time in the planning. Three years ago when I arrived it was my plan to revamp this area so that our students can be active – I’m sure you will agree its state of the art and very multi- functional.
As a staff we are looking at the playground areas, the supervision and the use of our new amenities. We will be developing new areas for the students to play safely. We will also be implementing a transition process for our Year 2 students in Term 4 so that they are not overwhelmed when they move into Year 3 next year. This will include playgrounds and developing independence both for the students and the parents. Year 3 students are expected to be independent in their learning and be responsible for arriving and departing the school.
Teachers in Years 3-6 have gate duties each day and need to be vigilant in their supervision, so they need to move from their classrooms at the end of the day. If you need to speak to your child’s teacher please come to the office and they will make a time suitable for both you and your child’s teacher.
Supervision of students.
As I mentioned in the last newsletter our priority is to keep children safe at school. The supervision of students by staff begins at 8:30am and ends at 3:00pm. I am seeing a lot of students being dropped off before 8:30am in the morning and sitting out in the cold for a long time unsupervised. If your work arrangements have changed and your children require to be dropped off early the OOSH is the place for them. The OOSH has activities and supervision for the student’s before 8:30am.
Since the last newsletter we have had some serious incidents when students have arrived very early resulting in serious implications. We have had groups of students making arrangements to meet at school very early to have handball competitions, some even leaving the school and walking to 7 Eleven. I understand some of you are working parents and need to get to work. However, you all expect your child to be safe and as a school, the Department sets supervision requirements which we must follow.
In the afternoon the office is only open until 3:15pm. If you on the odd occasion are running late, your child will be in the office where the off class Executive will supervise until you arrive. Parents must come to the office to pick up their children and sign them out through a book so we know they are safe. Children are not to wait across the road in the park or outside the school. Again, if your work arrangements change and you cannot pick up at 3:00pm, arrangements should be made through the OOSH. On those occasions where a teacher or teachers remain on duty after school, they may be engaged in a range of activities including meetings with parents, preparation for the next day, professional development and staff meetings. These activities do not permit them to also supervise your child. The school will be monitoring the sign out book and will be discussing with parents if this is a regular occurrence and how we can work to support you in making other arrangements.
Enrolments for 2020.
We are in the process of preparing numbers, classes and staff for 2020. If you have a child who is school age (already 5 or turning 5 early next year) and you have not come up to the school and filled in an enrolment form with your paperwork, please come to the office as soon as possible. The transition program has started and we have Kindy orientation happening in Term 4. If your older child is at our school, you still need to complete a new enrolment form. If out of area, there is a new Department policy that all schools must follow.
If you have moved, or planning to move, and will not be returning to our school in 2020, we will be requesting you to fill out a form with intention of moving and details of your new school. Again, this is part of the enrolment process so that schools know the correct numbers for 2020.
Term 4 is a very busy term with Stage 3 camp, K-2 incursion from Ranger Jamie, reports and Carols on the Green. I hope everyone has a safe holiday and enjoys the warmer weather.
Ms. K. Weston
Bike Track, Basketball/Netball Court
Support Unit News
S Cottee & S Thomas
This term, S Thomas and S Cottee enjoyed looking after the chickens for a week each. Students fed the chickens every morning and collected their eggs to deliver to the office. We loved learning how to care for the chickens and visiting them each day. We learnt about what they needed to survive and had so much fun interacting with them! We even made some delicious food using the eggs we collected.
In week 9, students in the support unit began two weeks of Swim school. Students have had so much fun practicing and developing their swimming skills, as well as gaining confidence in the water and learning about water safety.
In S Cottee this term, we have enjoyed exploring what each season looks and feels like. We painted what trees look like in each season and looked at photos of our class garden in each season. We also dressed up for hot and cold weather and spoke about what we wear when it is sunny or raining.
This term in S Thomas, we have been thoroughly enjoying our weekly cooking sessions every Friday in the Learning Hub. As a class, we have made a range of food including pumpkin soup, vegetarian wraps, chicken burgers and watermelon pizzas. We have enjoyed learning how to chop different fruit and vegetables and learnt about the process of cooking our favourite foods. The highlight of our cooking sessions has been eating all the wonderful food we have made every week!
Early Stage One News
It has been another term full of learning and fun in Kindergarten! Students have continued to participate in learning centres. We have just finished learning about the stories people tell of the past. It was a lovely experience to see students share photographs or items that are special to them. See below for some photos of students and what they brought in.
This term, each kindergarten class was responsible for looking after the chickens for one week. We visited the chicken coop to feed them and collect the eggs every day. Students were very excited about looking after the chickens and did some amazing writing in class about their experience! Here are some photos of the students with the eggs.
Stage One News
This term, the students have been busy exploring different technologies from the past. Some teachers and community members kindly loaned us artefacts such as record players, radios, old toys, phones, typewriters and many more. Students had a great time comparing how technology has changed and made our lives easier.
Stage 1 have also been learning about the weather, using their senses to observe and investigate seasonal changes and how this effects our daily lives. Students have created rain gauges, sun dials, wind socks and rain clouds in jars to record and explore their understanding of how weather works.
Stage 2 News
Ranger Jamie
On the 5th of September, Stage 2 experienced a day full of action-packed adventure. Students were transported back in time, learning about the First Fleet and discussing the lives and adventures of early European explorers like James Cook, Abel Tasman, Matthew Flinders and Joseph Banks. Students learnt about Australia’s colonisation and the HMAS Endeavour. Some lucky Stage 2 students enjoyed dressing up as soldier and Captain Arthur Phillip. All of Stage 2 had the chance to wear convict costumes!
Stage 2 thoroughly enjoyed exploring The Rocks, finding out about what life was like on the First Fleet and after European settlement. We then ended the day with a First Contacts Olympics, where students competed in teams to reinforce what they had learnt throughout the day.
Stage 2 had an extremely enjoyable experience and learnt a lot about Captain Cook, the First Fleet and Australia’s colonisation. Thank you to all the teachers, SLSO’s and students who attended and to the Rangers who guided Stage 2 around!
Stage 3 News
This term, Stage 3 have been learning about Government. We have been learning to understand the three levels of government, why we have laws and Aboriginal rights. While learning about laws, students in S3 Wentworth wrote a persuasive text about a law they would like to introduce to the classroom. They were able to come up with some great ideas! These paragraphs below were written by Alina Khair and Ranim Kaber.
In the last few weeks, Stage 3 have also begun learning about space and how the Earth compares to other planets in the Solar System. Students in S3 Wentworth have been completing a research task to learn all they can about a planet and share their learning with the class. Here are some examples below of information that has been learnt!
WOW Writing
Just a section to show off some of the writing Stage 3 have been producing. Please enjoy a persuasive writing task from S3 Flannery with Miss Clarke.
Students Should Bring Phones to School
By Youssef Jebara
There should be phones allowed in school?
It is crucially important that phones should be allowed at school because it would make teachers lives easier. This is because teachers won’t need to spend money on Chromebooks.
It is imperative that we eliminate teachers from banning phones from school as it would help students research, search for meanings and much more. I know sometimes kids could go on their phone at the wrong time, that’s why there are consequences. It is that your phone gets taken off you for the day, if you go on it at the wrong time. Phones are really helpful tool to use while students are working because it is easier doing it on your phone then on a book.
Secondly, some people might think that children might look up inappropriate things and show others, however I also have a consequence just for that. The consequence is that they will not be allowed to bring your phone to school. Also you’re only allowed to take out your phone unless you’re under supervision. We must do this! If we don’t, the whole world is going to start thinking that that we’re the most failing government that the country has ever had. Children are children you can’t just take the fun out of everything!
Lastly, phones were made for people to learn but also to have fun. They mostly help you to learn. Phones helps you learn by searching meanings, synonyms, antonyms and much more. One other rule, you wouldn’t be allowed to play with your phone at recess and lunch. We must act now before it’s too late!
In conclusion, without phones school would be making a mistake. All kids should have the right to bring their phone into school for learning. It is vital that phones should be allowed in school. Please make it legal to bring phones to school.
Creative and Performing Arts (CAPA)
At the beginning of Term 3, students attended the Community of Schools Creative and Performing Arts showcase that was held at Merrylands High School. Guildford West Public School had a senior dance group that was led by Mrs Flack and the junior dance group was led by Miss Chen. We also had our choir students participate in the Showcase which was led by Miss Wong. Ms Slattery and Miss Mezin attended afternoon meetings that were filled with information to allow students to be involved in the fantastic showcase. Artworks were created during Term 1 and Term 2 within the Creative Arts club with Miss Mezin and displayed at the Showcase.
The students were well behaved and were On Track while at Merrylands High School. The students listened to all staff from Guildford West Public School and other schools. They remained quiet throughout and performed amazingly for the audience, including Ms Weston and Miss Mezin..
In Week 7, Miss Wong and Miss Mezin took 21 students to the Opera House to perform in the Our School Spectacular for the 2019 performance. Students from Guildford West Public School joined other schools, performing songs based on the different seasons that Australia experiences. The students practised all morning and performed their best in the evening for a large crowd. Students went to the Museum of Contemporary Art while they waited for their evening show. We were able to walk around the city and attend different exhibitions. The students were a perfect representation for Guildford West Public School.
It has been amazing to see students involved in Creative and Performing Arts this year and we can only hope for just as much success next year! Well done everyone and thank you for the cooperation from staff and families to ensure the students received this opportunity.
Tear Drops
Community of schools CAPA Arts Showcase
Koinobori Fish
Community of schools CAPA Arts Showcase
Junior Dance Group
Combined Choir
CAPA Arts Showcase
Opera House
Art Gallery
Finale - Our School Spectacular
Swim Scheme
This Term, students from year 2-6 have been attending the Swim Scheme lessons at Guildford Pool. Unfortunately the weather has not been so kind to us for some of the days. We were all getting wet in the pool anyway and the students have had a great time learning. We can see improvements in their confidence and swimming ability already. We look forward to seeing even more improvements each day and the excitement on the students faces when they achieve.
A big thank you to the teachers taking time out of their classroom and responsibilities to join the students during this enjoyable experience. We as teachers love seeing them outside our usual school environment and getting to know them better in a different setting.
Class Floating
Guildford West Children's Centre
Enrolments 2020
Guildford West Children’s Centre is located at 50 Princes Street Guildford West, sharing part of Guildford West Public School’s ground. The centre will shortly begin taking enrolments for 2020 for children aged 0-5. To register for a position please follow the below link to add your child’s name to the waiting list. There are limited vacancies available. If you have any questions please contact Kate Whalan by emailing gwcc@cumberland.nsw.gov.au or calling 8757 9073.
Guildford West Public School
Email: guildfordw-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au
Website: www.guildfordw-p.schools.nsw.edu.au
Location: 23-51 Palmer Street, Guildford West NSW, Australia
Phone: (02) 9632-9942
Facebook: guildfordwestps