GJM Family Connection
November 2023
November is a short month, but again a busy one. We have the Veteran's Day Program coming up and we will be sending home letters to third grade parents in regard to the "Fast Pass" for the program. Our teachers will continue with rigorous lessons each day, so it is important that your student is here and on time each and every day. Research has shown that your child's attendance record may be the biggest factor influencing their success.
November reminds us to be grateful. It's a perfect time to reflect and practice gratitude. Do you have a moment to send a quick thank you note or email to a staff member? A simple note can brighten their day. Positive connections between home and school foster mutual respect, which in turn creates a stronger learning environment for all. THANK YOU PARENTS for getting your student to school each day and for working with your student at home. We appreciate your partnership. Our work together creates a team of support for your student that allows great learning, to happen academically, socially, and emotionally. Thank you for your hard work and ongoing support.
1st Place 3rd grade
2nd Place 3rd Grade
3rd Place Tie 3rd Grade
1st Place 4th grade
2nd Place 4th grade
3rd Place 4th grade
1st Place 5th grade
2nd Place 5th grade
3rd Place 5th grade
Counselor's Corner: by Mrs. Jimenez
We all experience conflict in life. Whether we are frustrated with a friend or in an argument with a family member, we need tools to help us navigate conflict successfully and keep our relationships healthy. This month's focus at GJM is on practicing Empathy by practicing perspective-taking, conflict resolution and leadership skills.
Empathy is “understanding and connecting with other people’s feelings.” Empathy is a practice that can help us grow strong relationships.
Empathy is 1 of 3 traits we will focus on throughout the year that helps students Be Kind. Throughout the school, students will be developing skills like perspective-taking, conflict resolution, and leadership.
In the Classroom
Looking at someone else’s point of view is an important way for us to understand others. Alongside Empathy, our focus this month is perspective-taking. Perspective-taking is the ability to consider a situation from another person’s point of view.
Perspective-Taking Skills we are building include:
Working to understand what others may be seeing, thinking, or feeling in different situations.
Considering how best to respond after understanding other people’s point of view.
Family Focus
One way to practice Perspective -taking at home with your child is asking questions like, “What was that like for you?” or “What do you think made you feel that way?”
Schedule a family movie night and watch for feelings and emotions. Discuss the characters and their feelings. Pause the show to get your child’s perspective of how they feel.
National Young Readers Week November 13th - 17th
GJM will celebrate National Young Readers Week from November 13 - 17. National Young Readers Week was established to remind Americans of the importance of reading for kids. We have a week filled with excitement. We hope each child will participate to show our love for reading!
11/13 Monday - Share a book (Bring your favorite book or magazine to share with your class)
11/14 Tuesday – Guest Read-Alouds during WIN time
11/15 Wednesday – Book Scavenger Hunt - Students will search for a variety of books in their classroom library or GJM library.
11/16 Thursday – Dress as your favorite book character (must have a copy of the book when presenting your character) Remember our Dress Code!
11/17 Friday – Pajama Reading Celebration! Wear your PJ’s and bring Slippers. (Remember our Dress Code!) Bring your slippers in your backpack!
Nurse News by: Nurse Willams
Hello GJM Family,
Parents are the first step in reducing the spread of illness at school. Check in with your child
each morning for signs of sickness. If your child has any of the following symptoms, please
keep them home.
Temperature 100 degrees Fahrenheit or higher when taken by mouth
Sore throat
New uncontrolled cough that causes difficulty breathing (for students with chronic allergic/asthmatic cough, a change in their cough from baseline)
Abdominal pain
Abnormal taste and/or smell
New onset of severe headache (especially with a fever)
Children should be fever free, vomit free and diarrhea free for 24 hours without the use of
medication before sending back to school. Please provide either a parent excuse or a doctor’s excuse for absences. Contact GJM school if your child has any of the above symptoms and keep your child home. Children returning to school when they are not ready exposes other students and staff to sickness
Gratitude Scavenger Hunt for Kids and Family
1. Find something outside you enjoy looking at.
2. Find something useful for you.
3. Find something that is your favorite color.
4. Find something you know someone else will enjoy.
5. Find something that makes you happy.
6. Find something that tastes good.
7. Find something that smells amazing.
8. Discover something new.
9. Find something that makes you feel safe.
10. Find something that makes a beautiful sound.
11. Find someone you are grateful for.
12. Find something that is unique to you.
13. Find something that makes you laugh.
14. Find a story you enjoy.
15. Find something in the morning that makes you happy.
16. Find a friend you enjoy spending time with.
17. Find your favorite place to spend time with your family.
18. Find something that has been hard for you to do.
19. Find something you recently learned how to do.
20. Find something that makes you feel strong.
Important Dates for November:
Native American Heritage Month
Nov. 3rd - End of Six Weeks
Nov. 5th - Daylight Savings Time, fall back
Nov. 6th - Staff Development Day/No Students
Nov. 7th - Election Day
Nov. 10th - wear red, white and blue, Veteran's Day Assembly 8:30 am please sign in the office and Kona ICE day
Nov.13th - 17th - National Young Readers Week
Nov. 17th - Substitute Professional Day
Nov. 20th - 24th - Thanksgiving Break
Nov. 27th - Students and staff return to school