Warrior Nation News
August 2024

*All information subject to change*
**Please check the newsletter weekly for occasional updates. This is a live document and things can be added throughout the month**
Welcome to the 24-25 School Year
September 2024
Welcome to Grovetown High School!
Since its inception in the 2009-2010 school year, Grovetown High School has continuously excelled in the classroom and on the fields. I am privileged to be your Principal and I feel honored to work with our highly qualified staff, our wonderful students, and all the supportive parents.
The faculty and staff at Grovetown High school are dedicated to creating an outstanding educational experience to enrich your life. Challenge yourself to excel in all areas and participate in as many activities as possible. The more you put into high school, the more you will get out of the experience. This handbook contains essential information about our school and Columbia County Board of Education policies and procedures. Please take time to read its contents and I hope you find it a helpful resource.
We look forward to another outstanding year at Grovetown High School. Working together, we will continue to promote a tradition of excellence!
Andrew Young, Principal
Grovetown High School will provide a safe and supportive environment where each student will engage challenging content and receive high quality instruction resulting in academic and personal growth
Warriors Lead the Way!
- Each student will be respectful, responsible, resilient, and safe
- Each student will value and understand self-discipline
- Each student will value and understand the power of Education
Upcoming Dates 📆
- Sept 2: Labor Day Holiday
- Sept 3: Senior Picture Day
- Sept 4: Underclass Picture Day
- Sept 5: Progress Reports
- Sept 12: CSRA College Night
- Sept 13: Early Dismissal /Parent Conferences
- Sept 16: All grade Make Up pictures 11 AM-1 PM
- Sept 16: Junior Class Ring Ceremony 6:00 PM
- Sept 23-27: Homecoming Week
- Sept 28: Homecoming Dance
SRP supports GTHS
The new school year has officially begun! You can help support your high school this school year by using your Grovetown High School SRP Affinity Debit Card. Every time you use your Grovetown High School debit card, money is donated directly to our school. You can learn more at www.srpfcu.org/AffinityCards.
Existing Student Registration
All existing students, meaning those enrolled in a school within the Columbia County School District (CCSD) will need to complete student registration. This registration can be conducted online in your Parent Portal account and provides an opportunity for parents to review and update important information such as emergency contacts, residency, or medical information, among others.
Apply for free lunch
Contact the school nutrition department at central office to inquire about a student’s meal eligibility status.
Create an account on EZSCHOOLPAY and add money on your students account.
🎒 Student Life 🎓
Door Policies
Picture Day
Picture Day is coming. Visit https://www.carkoe.com/faqs for information about picture day at GTHS.
Don't Wait! Order your Yearbook Today!
Order a yearbook and create senior ads at yearbookordercenter.com
Senior Ad Deadline: March 13th
Yearbook Orders End: April 9th
Delivery Policy
Limited Vending Options
Drink machines on campus are only available before school, after school, and during lunch periods.
Students are encouraged to bring refillable water bottles. We have water filling stations located around campus.
Parking Passes
Parking Questions can be sent to julie.little@ccboe.net
📕Instructional Insights📘
📖Family Engagement 🏫
Bus Information
Find your students Bus Stop and route number: http://bus-routes.ccboe.net/liveweb/webquery/- CCBOE recommend all bus riders to download and utilize the Edulog School Bus Tracker App.
Contact the front office to get the code for the 2024-2025 school year.
Find school lunch menus on the school nutrition page. To add money to your students lunch account, use EZ School Pay https://www.ezschoolpay.com/Login.aspx
Parent Portal
If you haven't signed up for a Parent Portal/Infinite Campus account yet, now is the time. You can check attendance, grades, assignments, and get progress & report cards. Parent Portal is also utilized to send out important information throughout the year. Click below for help with Parent Portal.
Student Sign Out Procedures
The front office can no longer accept phone call sign outs for students. All requests for students to leave campus must be in writing from the parent/guardian email on file in Parent Portal.
- Students with a paid parking pass can be signed out with a parent/guardian email to gthattendance@ccboe.net
- Students without a parking pass must be signed out from the front office in person.
- Students who need to ride a bus other than the assigned route number for their address, will need a parent/guardian email to gthattendance@ccboe.net
Building Safety
All doors on campus are locked during the school day. All visitors must report to the front office.
Students should only be dropped off and picked up in the front car loop, not in the back of the building.
Change in Office Hours and Check Out Deadline
Front Office hours are 7:15 AM - 3:15 PM.
Student check outs end at 2:20 PM
Senior Picture Day Information
Senior Portrait Information:
IF you had senior portraits taken over the summer at the Carter Koenig then you have completed the yearbook/school ID requirement.
Otherwise, come to school prepared on Senior Portrait Day.
- Boys should wear a light colored t-shirt to wear under the studio supplied tuxedo.
- Girls should wear a spaghetti strap tank to wear under the studio supplied drape/cape.
- Remember to bring your own pearls or jewelry.
- Seniors must provide a parent email for viewing proofs and selecting yearbook images.
- Proofs will be available for purchase from our online gallery.
- SENIORS DO NOT use a pre-pay order form.
9th-11th Grade Picture Order Form: https://www.carkoe.com/order-forms
Help your school make this year the best ever with an SRP High School Affinity Card! Every time you use your Grovetown High School debit card, money is donated directly to our school. You can learn more at www.srpfcu.org/AffinityCards.”
Fall Sports
- Football & Competition Cheer Coach Katelyn Morgan, Coach Kristen Brown, Coach Jessica McCarthy, Coach Tizhana Bell
- Cross Country Coach Ryan Rood, Coach Kathi Stewart
- Football Coach Cory Evans, Coach Bruce Zuehlke, Coach Xavier Crain, Coach Matt Edwards, Coach Trent Lee, Coach Kristopher Starkey, Coach Nathaniel Rodgers, Coach Jared Strickland, Coach Cam Wilkerson, Coach Jerald Armstrong, Coach Nelson Hankins, Coach Chris Drayton
- Softball Coach Kyle Cartledge, Coach Tony Paschall, Coach Jaclyn Braun
- Volleyball Coach Amy Slagle, Coach Jessica Ruark, Coach Kinzie Ruark
- Flag Football Coach Wes Harrell, Coach JoAnn Spivey, Coach Nelson Hankins