ÉRE Connection
March 2022
1. Hello ERE Families!
In the week before February Break, we saw parent volunteers involved in Hot Lunch, Valentine Cookies, Skating, 100 Day, Carnaval, reading with students, and making hot dogs for the entire school. And that was just one week of the year! Whether you are able to help out often or occasionally, your willingness to serve the community through your school is much appreciated and elevating the work done at Ecole Rocky. Once again, Thank You parent volunteers!
Now that we are back from the February Break, we set up for an important 4 week stretch that culminates with Term 2 Report Cards (Mar 17) and Parent/Teacher Interviews (Mar 23/24). A lot of new material is typically covered in Term 2 so this report is a good opportunity to reflect on how your child is progressing through the grade and where adjustments can be made for the final term.
With larger gatherings once again on the menu, we are excited to get back to planning a Centennial Event to celebrate 100 years of learning. This school has a rich history and is deeply indebted to the people that attended, volunteered and worked here over the last 100 years. Watch for a spring celebration date coming in the near future that will include an assembly, open house, entertainment and the opening of the 1989 time capsule. If you have ideas for enhancing our event, please connect with us!
We look forward to seeing your smile at the school again soon!
Tim Bowman
(403) 845-3541
2. Term 2 Report Cards & Parent Teacher Interviews
Parent-Teacher Interviews will be offered in person, by phone, or by video conference March 23 & 24, 4:30 pm - 7:30 pm.
To book an interview time, please use our online booking form: https://www.schoolinterviews.ca/code/6dnun
3. ERE Swag
We connected with Frontline (a local clothing company) to produce some fashionable ERE sweatshirts and hoodies with branding recognizing 100 years of learning. Our first staff order arrived, and the clothing looks and feels so good that parents asked if we could open up a special order for the community and. . . We Can!
Enter ERE in the shipping code to receive FREE shipping.
Orders will arrive mid-April.
4. Rainbow Trout
We are raising Rainbow Trout!
The Fish in Schools (FinS) program started at Ecole Rocky in 1999. Each year, with the assistance of Alberta Fisheries, we receive rainbow trout fish eggs that we hatch, grow to the size of your baby finger, and then release into a local lake.
Raising trout is not easy. We have to cool the water aquarium to 10 degrees Celsius, keep the fish mostly in the dark for the first few months, and carefully monitor the feeding and PH levels. All the same, we are typically successful at raising many of our fish to release.
A special thanks to Mrs. Hazelaar and our grade 3s for coordinating this project for the school.
5. 2022/23 School Registration Now Open
2022/2023 Pre-K Program
For students who turn 4 in 2022.
The Pre-K program runs Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday mornings, 8:45 am - 12:15 pm. The program is staffed with a certificated & bilingual teacher. Program cost is $100 a month. Program subsidies are available for qualifying students. The program is capped at 18 students. (Already 82% preregistered).
2022/2023 Kindergarten
For students who turn 5 in 2022.
Our English Kindergarten program runs full day Monday/Wednesday and alternating Fridays.
Our French Immersion Kindergarten program runs full day Tuesday/Thursday and alternating Fridays and already has 16 preregistered.
Rocky Elementary Staff 1977
6. School Health
A lot has changed since we last reported on School Health!
We saw a rise in school illness through to the end of January, but the peak was lower than what we saw the end of September 2021 and we returned to historically normal numbers in early February. The first few day back from break have been low illness numbers.
As of March 1, all Covid-related restrictions related to schools have been lifted. Masks are no longer required and we can once again plan larger events. We will continue to be watchful of our school health, but we are optimistic that large scale restrictions have ended for good.
We did receive a late shipment of Covid19 rapid tests and masks from the Alberta Government. Given the lifting of restrictions, we will not mass distribute these to students, but we would be happy to provide tests and/or masks to any of our families that request.
There are still isolation requirements for those that are ill. Please refer to the Daily Screening Form that was updated February 2022. If you are unsure if your child is required to isolate, please connect with the school - we are glad to guide you through the document.
Rocky Elementary, 1966
7. Assurance Surveys for Parents of Grade 4 & 5 Students
Parents of grade 4 & 5 students should receive this survey and access code in the mail from Alberta Education. You can mail back the paper survey or access the online survey at: public.education.alberta.ca/APOS
Please connect with the school if you are a parent/guardian of a grade 4 or 5 student and did not receive your Access Code.
Surveys are due back to Alberta Education by March 25.
8. School Council
Our next school council meeting will occur via video conference on Tuesday, March 8, 7:00 pm. You are invited to attend!
School Council Virtual Meeting Link: https://tinyurl.com/ERESchoolCouncil password ERE
2021 - 2022 School Council & Society Executive:
- Chairperson - Vanessa Lobley
- Vice Chair - Shea-Lynn Wright
- Treasurer - Jeanette Plante
- Secretary - Heather Halladay
- Hot Lunch Coordinator - Amanda Leavitt
The School Council executive can be reached via email: ereparentcouncil@gmail.com
9. Hot Lunch
- to order, create an account at https://ere.hotlunches.net/
- Use the access code REHL
- Hot Lunches are available on Mondays and Thursdays
10. Music Notes
Music class is more than a break from the “real learning classes” and it’s more than learning silly songs and games. Music class equips students with life skills. Here they learn cooperation, teamwork, commitment, problem solving, self-expression and creativity.
“Not only is music beneficial in and of itself, it can be used to reinforce or teach concepts and make connections among other areas of the curriculum….Music teaches body awareness and eye-hand coordination through clapping, stamping and playing an instrument….The lessons learned during music education can remain for a lifetime…Music teaches people valuable life skills. It requires commitment. It teaches cooperation, teamwork and patience….Students are free to experiment and participate in a non-judgmental environment that encourages risk-taking…such as improvisation, composition and performing solos… everyone is capable of making music… Music provides a means for self-expression, especially for those students whose first language is not English. It allows some individuals to communicate more deeply and with more emotion.”
Music aids in nurturing well-rounded individuals with skills that can be carried with them into adulthood.
Grades 3-5 students have been working well on recorders. Please encourage your child to use the musicplay website to practice at home, and bring his or her recorder to class every Thursday. At the end of March or beginning of April, students in grades 3-5 will be starting ukuleles. (The school has a class set, so you are not required to provide one.)
Keep learning, and keep making music,
Mrs. McLaughlin
For more information visit Why Music Matters in Elementary Schools
Upcoming Dates
Mar 8 - School Council, 7:00 pm, https://tinyurl.com/ERESchoolCouncil
Mar 11 - No School for Students
Mar 17 - Term 2 Report Cards go Home
Mar 21 - Wear Unique Socks for Down Syndrome Awareness
Mar 22 - PreK/K Open House, 4-6 pm
Mar 23/24 - Spring Photos
Mar 23/24 - Parent/Teacher Interviews, 4:30 - 7:30 pm
Mar 25 - March ERE TV & Backwards Day
Mar 26-Apr 2 - Spring Break
Apt 5 - Swimming starts 1B & 2U
Apr 14 - No School for Students
Apr 15-18 - No School / Easter
12. Planning for future school needs in Rocky Mountain House
More information available on the WRSD website: Rocky Mountain House Capital Plan Proposal
13. This & That
- Our February Pink Shirt Edition of ERE TV can be viewed here.
- Canadian Parents for French February Newsletter
- Our school donated 862 lbs of food to the The Lord's Food Bank in February!
- Watch for our West Country Greenhouse field trip fundraiser coming soon! It will feature hanging baskets and a special ERE Centennial Basket!
- Did you see pictures of our Carnaval in the Feb 22 edition of The Mountaineer?
- We welcome Ashley Rinkel to our school. Miss Rinkel is a 4th year education student from the UofA and at Ecole Rocky for her final practicum working with Mrs. Kwantes in 5Kw.
- Thank you Evergreen Co-op for the donation of $267 to our school breakfast program.
- Thank you Breakfast Clubs of Canada for topping up our grant with an additional $3700!
- If you are near the school this month, stop in to see the rug-hooking art in our front display featuring work from Mrs. Gillis, Mrs. Allen, and other community members.
- We held a parent information night with Jo(e) Social Media. They presented on "Having conversations with your child about social media." The session was very informative. A recording is available at https://youtu.be/vrS48FlTYio.
- If your child will be absent from school, please connect with our Student Attendance Line by phone 1-855-756-2797
- Please use your child's agenda for writing notes to the teacher and communicating the after school plan.
We'll Be There For YOU!
Handy Links
- ÉRE Parent Handbook - many of the most commonly asked questions
- Newsletter Archives - September, October, November, December, January
- ÉRE School Website - ecolerocky.wrsd.ca
- ÉRE Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/ecolerockyelementary
- ÉRE Twitter - @erepeace
In the Community
"Our Roots Run Deep" - Celebrating 100 years of learning.
Email: tim.bowman@wrsd.ca
Website: https://ecolerocky.wrsd.ca/
Location: 4703 50th Avenue, Rocky Mountain House, AB, Canada
Phone: 403-845-3541
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ecolerockyelementary/
Twitter: @EREPeace