W.E.stchester Weekly

News from the Principal
Greetings WE families,
It has been a terrific week at Westchester. Thank you to all who attended Thanksgiving lunch. This is always a special time for everyone during this time to give thanks. Thank you for all of your support for the students and staff. We have a special place for the young and not-so-young.
PTA Bingo tonight! You are still welcome to come play Bingo even if you did not order pizza. It is a fun time for all. Thank you to our PTA for planning and supporting this event.
We are rounding out the semester. It is hard to believe we are here already. That means we are looking forward to our Fall Celebrations of Learning. The students have been working so hard as they are learning to become experts and preparing to share their new knowledge with you. You don’t want to miss this.
We are in the layered clothes season. Just a reminder to make sure we dress warmly in the morning and as it warms us in the afternoon, students remember to collect their layers that have been shed. If you send your child with sweaters, sweatshirts, etc, please be sure to label them. Check out Lost and Found for missing items.
Calendar Reminders:
November 19th: Kindergarten Celebration of Learning
November 22nd: Community Circle and 12:50 Early Release
November 25th-29th Thanksgiving Break
December 6th: 2nd Grade celebration of Learning
December 12th: 1st Grade Celebration of Learning
From your very grateful principal,
Christine Knox
Calendar of Events
School Lunch Policy: Please be sure to maintain a positive lunch balance for your child. This will help us avoid any unexpected lunch changes for students. Check your Parent Portal frequently to make sure your child has adequate funds for the cafeteria. You may also find the Parent Portal app (for Apple or Android) to be more convenient.
PTA News
Championship Chess will be offering chess classes again at Westchester Elementary! Our classes will teach your children to play in a systematic, fun way to build their chess skills during chess instruction and supervised play. Studies show that chess improves math, reading and critical thinking in young learners while they have a great time playing the classic game. Chess club will be held on Thursdays after school from 2:50-3:50 pm and we plan to start on January 5, 2025 through March 13, 2025. A spring session will also be offered starting March 20. We are looking forward to the opportunity to teach your children the wonderful game of chess! If you have any questions, please email Coach Dennis at jones4chess@gmail.com.
Community News
Let's help our DHS Wolves!
Tomrrow is the last day!
Let's support a few former Wolves who are now at DHS and doing great work for our community!
Lost and found is collecting more items. Please label all jacket and coats. All items will be donated to the hygiene drive if not picked up by Friday, November 15.
Reminders from Last Week
Visit past newsletters for answers to your questions 🤗
Westchester Elementary School
Who to Contact: Please see who the best contact is for your questions for a quicker response.
Website: https://www.csdecatur.net/Westchester
Location: 758 Scott Boulevard, Decatur, GA, USA
Phone: 404-370-4400
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/westchesterelementarycsd