Catching Up with the Coyotes
April May 26, 2024

Upcoming Dates
- May 27: Memorial Day - No School
- May 28: Knotty Barrel Dine-Out
- May 29: Fifth Grade Movie Night, 5:00 PM
- May 29: Student Council Spirit Day: Dress for Success
- May 30: Volunteer Brunch, 9:00 AM, MPR
- May 30: Last Team CV Meeting, 6:00 PM, In Person Only
- June 3: Fifth Grade Picnic & Kickball Game
- June 4: Canyon View Alumni Senior Clap-Out
- June 4: Fifth Grade Yearbook Signing Party
- June 5: Fifth Grade Promotion 9:00 AM, MPR
- June 6: Last Day of School/Field Day
CATCHING UP WITH... Mrs. Edmonston
Principal's Notes
Dear Coyote Families,
We had another GREAT WEEK at Canyon View Elementary School! Here are some highlights from the week: On Monday, Fifth Grade Band and Orchestra performed for fourth graders. On Wednesday, Global Language lessons focused on Filipino language and culture. Also on Wednesday, our amazing parent volunteers installed the fifth grade tiles in the lunch court! On Thursday, Third Grade went on a fieldtrip at sea on the Floating Lab, our Fifth Grade had an assembly with the WEB group to learn about Mesa Verde Middle School, and students had Cool Coyote Lunch Activities with Ms. Jenny. On Friday, we had Xplorations Day, Fun Friday lunch music and games hosted by Student Council, and our Fourth Grade went on a fieldtrip to West View High School for an Introduction to Fifth Grade Band and Orchestra Instruments.
We have lots of wonderful things planned for our last two weeks of school. Be sure to scroll through this newsletter to make sure you don't miss out!
Let's Make it a GREAT WEEK Together,
Mrs. Erica Edmonston (she/her/hers)
Principal, Canyon View Elementary School
PUSD's New VAPA Program Launches 2024-2025!
We are excited to share that a new District Elementary Visual and Performing Arts K-5 program will launch in the 2024-2025 school year. How will it work? A team of teachers will visit each school site to teach lessons in the classrooms in the five VAPA disciplines: Music, Dance, Visual Arts, Theater, and Media Arts. The lessons and activities will incorporate best instructional practices, will include global languages and culture, and will be developed through collaboration with VAPA experts from the District and community. This innovative approach will enable students at every elementary school to engage with the VAPA standards in creative and expressive ways, making arts learning more relevant, enjoyable, and impactful. PUSD’s new Elementary VAPA program is made possible through Prop 28 funds.
2024-25 ESS Interest Application
There is a new, centralized application management system for families interested in applying for before and/or after school program services through Extended Student Services (ESS). If you are interested in the program for the upcoming 2024-25 school year, please visit the ESS webpage for the latest information on the lottery draw and enrollment timeline. If you need help submitting an interest application or have questions about the ESS program, please send a message to enrollment-ess@powayusd.com.
New Student Enrollment Information
Universal TK at Poway Unified
PUSD offers Transitional Kindergarten (TK); TK is designed as the first year of a two-year kindergarten program using a modified kindergarten curriculum that is age and developmentally appropriate. EC Section 48000 [d]. Students who participate in TK will attend school daily for a partial day, including a scheduled lunch and recess. Contact your neighborhood school for specific hours and details.
For the 2024-25 school year, if your child's 5th birthday is between September 2, 2024 and June 2, 2025 (born between September 2, 2019 and June 2, 2020), you are eligible to enroll your child in Transitional Kindergarten!
Beginning with the 2025-26 school year, PUSD will provide optional TK enrollment to all eligible 4 year olds within the Poway Unified School District. We are currently in the fourth year of a phased-in process.
We can’t wait to meet our new students! School starts on August 21, for the 2024-25 school year.
Poway Unified School District is currently enrolling new students for the 2024-2025 school year!
PUSD Enrollment is an on-line process. Packets are completed digitally using any computer, tablet, or smartphone with an internet connection. You can contact your assigned school of residence to schedule an appointment if you do not have access to a device/internet or if you need assistance with completing the online enrollment packet. Please visit the PUSD Enrollment page for directions and access to the online enrollment portal.
Poway High School Robotics Team Summer Camps
Team Spyder (Poway High School Robotics Team) would like to invite you to attend our one-day Robotics/STEM Summer Camp, and FULL WEEK CAMP's. Register now!
STEM / Robotics ONE DAY Summer Camp June 8th, 2024 8am to1pm - Sign Up / Registration https://bit.ly/PowayOneDay
WEEK ONE STEM/ROBOTICS CAMP - JUNE 10-14, 2024 9AM-3PM DAILY https://bit.ly/PowayWeekOne
WEEK TWO STEM/ROBOTICS CAMP - JUNE 17-21, 2024 9AM-3PM DAILY https://bit.ly/PowayWeekTwo
Our goal is to make learning STEM and robotics a fun and inspiring experience for younger students. We encourage all interested students from grades 4th to 8th to join us. To sign up use the QR code in the attached flyer and register with a $20 fee for the one day, or $550 fee for the one-week camps.
For the one-day camp, we will have FUN workshops for students in 4-8th grade which include Metal cutting with water, laser cutting and engraving, and robots!
For the weeklong camp we will have two weeks available, and students will have fun programming and engineering Lego robots and compete.
Any student in San Diego County is welcome to attend, even home schoolers, online schools, charter, public and private. If you have any questions, please contact Rodger Dohm at rdohm@powayusd.com.
CATCHING UP WITH... CVES Student Council
CVES Foundation and PTO News
Coyote Dine-Out Fundraiser: Knotty Barrell
Join us at Knotty Barrel on May 28th from 3 to 9 pm for our next family dine-out! 15% will go back to supporting the school. Just mention Canyon View when ordering!
Volunteer Brunch
Team Canyon View (Foundation & PTO) would like to show our appreciation for our wonderful volunteers at our annual Volunteer Brunch! Please join us at 9AM on Thursday, May 30th in the MPR. You are invited to attend if you have volunteered this year in any of our PTO or Foundation events (such as set up, tear down, running stations, decorating, etc) or have volunteered in your child's class (for example as a room parent, during class parties, or chaperoned a field trip), or at the school (like at the Garden or in the EAR program among others). Please RSVP by 10PM on Tuesday, May 28th if you can make it so we can plan accordingly.
Team CV Meeting
Coyote parents (members or not) are invited to attend our monthly Team CV meetings, especially if you are interested in learning what the PTO & Foundation do, how money that is raised is spent, or are interested in training or shadowing for a position on the board/s next year. Many of our current board members are graduating out with their 5th graders this year and having people who are comfortable taking over key roles is important to ensuring we maintain a strong partnership for our younger kids. Though formal childcare is not available, children are invited to attend meetings and sit in the room with parents. Meetings occur every first Thursday of the month at 6 pm in the Innovation Station or via Zoom. For Zoom info, please DM us to be added to the distribution list. Our next meeting is Thursday, May 30th. There will be no Zoom info for this month's meeting. Hope to see you there!
Canyon View Alumni Senior Clap-Out
Please share this flyer with graduating seniors who are Canyon View Alumni!
If your High School Senior is a Canyon View Alum, we would love to have them join us on June 4th at 2 pm for our Senior Clap Out sponsored by the CVES PTO. Parents are also welcome to come and take photos while our K through 5th graders applaud their hard work and accomplishment! Our admin will be out front signing visitors in at 2 pm.
5th Grade End of Year Events
Fifth Grade Picnic and Kickball Game
The Canyon View 5th Grade Committee is excited to host the Annual 5th Grade Picnic on Monday, June 3rd. 5th Graders should have brought home a permission slip for parents to sign. This event is free for 5th Graders to attend and will include a light breakfast snack, the highly anticipated kickball game, and lunch provided by RomBomb Burger and Gelu Italian Ice.
Volunteers for the event are needed to ensure a fabulous experience. To volunteer, please visit https://bit.ly/2024picnicvolunteers to sign up. Lunch at the event is available for volunteers but volunteers MUST PRE-ORDER from the volunteer link above and bring payment the day of the event. If you pre-order a meal and end up not attending the picnic, please note we will still unfortunately have to collect the money from you as we are placing the order with our vendors in advance to ensure they stock their supplies accordingly.
Questions? Please contact Rachel at rachel.kasner@gmail.com.
Fifth Grade Movie Night
5th Graders are invited to a special End of Year Promotion Screening of Back to the Future! The 5th Grade committee will provide pizza, popcorn, snacks, and water. This event is ONLY for 5th graders and the parent volunteers, it is not a family movie night. An RSVP is required.
In addition, 5th Graders are invited to wear their 5th Grade T-Shirts and bring a small item such as photographs or a letter to add to the time capsule.
RSVP here by May 24th: https://bit.ly/5thgrademovienight2024
Volunteer here: https://bit.ly/3ypM4JJ
Fifth Grade Promotion & Reception
Volunteers Needed!
The 5th Grade Committee is looking forward to promoting our Canyon View Class of 2024 on Wednesday, June 5th. The ceremony will begin at 9 am and will be followed by a reception for our 5th Grade Families. To allow our 5th Grade Families to enjoy the event with their promoting 5th Grader, we are seeking the help of volunteers from other grade levels to set up, help run and then clean up after the reception in the lunch area. We are also seeking donations for pastries and other light food items for the reception. This is a great opportunity for families of current 4th graders to see how the Promotion Ceremony is run so that they know what to expect next year. However, volunteers from any other grade level are desperately needed and immensely appreciated. If you have some time to spare or would like to donate a food item, please visit https://bit.ly/3KmaZjK to sign up. The favor will be returned to you when your child is ready to promote from 5th grade! Thank you!
EPI School Supplies Fundraiser - Make School Shopping Easy!
Make school supply shopping easy by ordering a supply kit! Eliminate the hassle of going store to store to find all of the supplies your child will need for next school year. These kits provide the supplies requested by your child's teacher while saving money and giving back to the school. Simply visit http://www.educationalproducts.com/shoppacks and enter code CAN083. Your child's supplies will be delivered to his/her classroom by the first day of school saving you the stress of transporting heavy bags for each of your children and giving you more time to focus on capturing special memories. The deadline to order is June 23rd. Purchase through this program is voluntary and not required.
CVES Marquee Sign Fundraiser
Celebrate your students accomplishments or special events with a personalized message on the CVES marquee! This fundraiser benefits the 5th Grade Committee and allows you to purchase a message for $25 to be displayed for 2 days on the digital marquee sign in front of the school. There are 2 message slots available on a first come, first serve basis for each 2-day period. Please visit https://bit.ly/cvesmarquee2024 to purchase. Participation is voluntary and not required.
2023-2024 Yearbooks are still on sale! There is free shipping on yearbook orders made through May 1st. Yearbooks will be distributed to your student during the last week of school.
Order between May 2 and May 21st and pay for shipping, and your student will get the book with everyone else during the last week of school.
Order on or after May 22 and pay for shipping and the book will be shipped to your home, after school distribution.
Orders can be placed in the TreeRing app or on the website at https://web.treering.com/validate . Enter school code 1016614007931697 to access the Canyon View Yearbook page.
Please contact cvesyb@gmail.com for questions.
PTO Membership
Join the PTO or Sponsor an Event
It's not too late to become a member or sponsor an event this year. PTO Members receive two discount cards good until the fall of 2024 at some incredible local businesses and have a voice when deciding how money is spent and what events and initiatives the PTO supports for the enrichment of our CVES kids and community. Sign up now at the links below:
CATCHING UP WITH... More News from CVES...
Attendance Matters at CVES!
Too many absences - excused or unexcused - can keep students from succeeding in school and in life. How many are too many? 10% of the school year - that's 18 missed days or 2 days a month - can knock students off track.
If your child can't avoid missing school and will be out for three days or more, call the CVES office to request an OCIS contract.
To report an absence or request an OCIS email or call our attendance hotline:
Phone ~ (858) 484-0981 cvesattendance@powayusd.com
Office Hours ~ Monday – Friday 8:15 AM to 4:00 PM
CVES Attendance Hall of Fame
Classes with the best monthly attendance win a Cookies and Karaoke Party with Mrs. Walsh!
- January 2024: Mrs. Bay's 4th Grade
- February 2024: Mrs. Alexander's 3rd Grade
- March 2024: Mrs. Merrill's 3rd Grade
- April 2024: Ms. McIntyre's 4th and 5th Grade
Picture Books for Our Families
May is Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, Jewish American Heritage Month, and Better Speech and Hearing Awareness Month
Thank You Very Mochi by Paul Matsushima and Craig Ishii
When Kimi and her family visit Grandma and Grandpa's house for New Year's mochitsuki, they discover the mochi-machine is broken. After initial fears that mochitsuki will be cancelled, Grandpa proposes an interesting, yet old-fashioned solution of making mochi the hand-pounded way.
Big Dreams, Small Fish by Paula Cohen
But her parents think she’s too young to help. And anyway they didn’t come to America for their little girl to work. “Go play with the cat!” they urge.
This doesn’t stop Shirley’s ideas, of course. And one day, when the rest of the family has to rush out leaving her in the store with sleepy Mrs. Gottlieb…Shirley seizes her chance!
Wanda's Words Got Stuck, by Lucy Rowland and Paula Bowles
Wanda the witch is so shy she can’t talk at school. No matter how hard she tries, the words simply won't come out. But when another quiet little witch named Flo joins her class, it seems that Wanda’s not the only one who gets nervous sometimes. Then disaster strikes at the school-wide magic contest. Will Wanda have the courage to shout out the magic words and save her new friend?
Employment Opportunities
Special Education Instructional Assistant IA I and II
We are looking for enthusiastic, caring and dedicated individuals to join our amazing team of instructional assistants. We have IA II and Behavior Intervention Instructional Assistant Positions open at this time. You can learn more about these positions by clicking on the application link below. You will find a short video explaining the position as well as the job description. Our IA positions are generally 30 hours/week with benefits, with hours that align closely to the school day.
CATCHING UP WITH... School Site Council
Parking Lot Safety - Please Read!
In order to ensure a safe and efficient drop-off and pick-up for everyone, please remember to follow our CVES Parking Lot Rules! Here are a few Reminders:
- Loading/Unloading Zone: Vehicle Drop-off and Pick-Up are allowed in the supervised area directly in front of the school Office ONLY. Do not arrange to drop off or pick your child up in other areas of the lot.
- Drive Through - Avoid Parking: Please take advantage of our curb-side drop-off and pick-up. Avoid parking and walking to pick up your child requires us to stop the flow of traffic to provide access to the cross walk. Use the parking lot only when you are coming to school.
- The Green Cone Zone: This area is reserved for special needs drop/off pick/up, and ONLY with prior arrangement from the teacher/office.
- Drive the Loop: All traffic entering the lot for drop-off/pick-up must turn right and complete the entire loop. The center lane is reserved for busses only - do not cut through!
- Park in Authorized Areas: Do not park in the Handicap Parking without the appropriate placard or plate. Do not park in any reserved parking spaces without authorization
- Reunion Areas: If you are meeting your child to walk home, kindly wait in the reunion areas near the entrance of the lot. Please refrain from waiting in front of the school gates or entering the supervised grass waiting area.
- No After School Play: Please leave promptly after dismissal - Do not allow your child to use the school parking lot as an afterschool play area - this includes the area under the tree at the northeast corner of the lot. We encourage you to take advantage of our beautiful local parks if your child would like to meet up with friends afterschool!
- Cross Walk: Please use the cross walk to access your parked car - do not cut through other areas of the lot.
CATCHING UP WITH... Coyotes on Camera!
CATCHING UP WITH... Catching Up With The Coyotes!
Previous Editions of the School Newsletter
1/7/24 https://www.smore.com/q03zn
1/15/24 https://www.smore.com/qf8au
1/21/24 https://www.smore.com/d2rnq
1/28/24 https://www.smore.com/6h2yt
2/4/24 https://www.smore.com/1q80f
2/11/24 https://www.smore.com/w8qex
2/25/24 https://www.smore.com/n/us2ve
3/3/24 https://www.smore.com/n/ufyam
3/10/24 https://www.smore.com/n/xb27n
3/17/24 https://www.smore.com/n/q82dt
3/24/24 https://www.smore.com/n/2t30m
3/31/24 https://www.smore.com/n/u0a1w
4/14/24 https://www.smore.com/n/f7vxs
4/21/24 https://www.smore.com/n/np8qc
4/28/24 https://www.smore.com/n/6sph3
5/3/24 https://secure.smore.com/n/9s0p8
5/12/24 https://secure.smore.com/n/ft2wg
Nondiscrimination Philosophy and Policy Statement
The Poway Unified School District (PUSD) is an equal opportunity employer/program and is committed to an active Nondiscrimination Program. PUSD prohibits discrimination, harassment, intimidation, and bullying based on actual or perceived race, color, ancestry, national origin, nationality, immigration status, ethnicity, ethnic group identification, age, religion, marital or parental status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or gender expression or association with a person or a group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. For more information, please contact: Title IX/Equity Compliance Officer, James Jimenez, Associate Superintendent of Personnel support Services, Poway Unified School District, 15250 Avenue of Science, San Diego, CA 92128, 1-858-521-2800, extension 2121, jjimenez@powayusd.com. For students, you may contact Title IX Coordinator/504 Coordinator Jamie Dayhoff, Director of Attendance and Discipline, Poway Unified School District, 1-858-521-2840, jdayhoff@powayusd.com.