The New IEP Presentation
For Quincy Families who want to learn about the New IEP

For Families with kids who have 504s or IEPs
Massachusetts is requiring a new IEP format.
Chuck Zucco from The Blume Method will present to Quincy families about these changes.
Thursday, October 24th at 6:30pm
Virtual presentation on Zoom
Any questions? Email us at Qpac.Quincy@gmail.com
Please RSVP for this event through this newsletter or by emailing Qpac.quincy@gmail.com
Please let us know if you will need an interpreter by October 14th.
Event Information
Quincy SEPAC Presents Guest Speaker Chuck Zucco presents The New IEP
Thursday, Oct 24, 2024, 06:30 PM
Virtual Presentation by Zoom
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
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