Whittier Wire
September 18, 2022
Five Day Week!
Our first five-day week is complete, and it feels like we have a lot of positive momentum at school.
- We had our first full evacuation drill on Friday, and it may have been one of our best ever. The alarm went off, and students moved quickly, quietly, and safely to the doors. They lined up silently and waited for instruction. We were able to return to the building in a timely manner.
- Teachers and students are developing classroom routines. Teacher reports are extremely positive.
- Fall sports are underway. All teams had their first games and meets of the season last week.
- Band and chorus met four times last week. We have some roster movement as students are making decisions about their participation. Some are struggling with the idea of giving up academic support time to be in band or chorus. My suggestion is students should participate if they have interest. Homework can be done at home.
- Laptops are going home daily. Please speak with your child about charging their laptop at night and leaving the cord at home. We saw many of you dropping off your child's laptops in the morning after they left them behind. Thanks for your help!
- Clubs will start rolling out as we move into October. The Green Team met on Friday with Mr. Jones and Ms. Fanus. Students received information about how they may apply to be part of the Student Council.
- Our first dance of the year is on the calendar for October 21st.
Looking forward to a great Week 4!
Building Assets, Reducing Risks (BARR) at Whittier
The BARR program at Whittier is done to help students be successful, not only at school, but out in the world.
How do we do it?
Each student has a BARR case manager (who is one of their academic teachers) who they meet with every day during Academic Support/Flex time.
Each week the team teachers meet in block meetings. Every child is discussed and plans are created for students who might need some extra support.
I-Time lessons are done each week with the students. This is the curriculum that goes with the BARR program.
What is I-Time?
I-Time is a key tool for building assets in students. The term “I-Time” is used because these sessions focus on students learning more about themselves and building personal strengths or assets that will help them become successful in life.
The curriculum includes team-building activities, education in communication and social competencies, and energizers.
The purpose of I-Time is to create a positive school climate by engaging students and teachers in activities to build individual and group strength.
Parents are an important part!
It is crucial for the success of any child for parental involvement, including within their education.
There may be times where you are invited in to talk to your child’s teachers in the block meeting setting. This is a time where all of the key players in the child’s life can help to make a plan for success for the child.
Be on the lookout for opportunities to get involved in your child’s education at Whittier. If you have any ideas of how you might like to get involved please reach out to Mrs. Adams, Mr. Vincent, or one of your child’s teachers.
Thank you for all of your efforts! We look forward to continuing to work together to support your child!
Mr. King: Middle School Athletics
Middle school practices will have consistent times unless you hear differently. We will ask students to be responsible to let parents know if practices have been announced to be cancelled.
Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Friday practice times will be:
Boys Soccer 2:30-4:00
Girls Soccer 2:30-4:00
Cross Country 2:30-4:00
Field Hockey 3:30-5:00
Boys Soccer 2:30-4:00
Girls Soccer 1:30-3:00
Cross Country 1:30-3:00
Field Hockey no practice
Games this week:
MS Cross Country @ Greely Relays
Girls 8th/7th grade soccer @ Tripp MS (Depart 2:00)
Boys 8th/7th Soccer Home vs. Tripp
8th Field Hockey@ Cape (Depart 2:00)
Cross Country @ Durham 4:00 (Depart 2:00)
8th/7th Boys Soccer @ Freeport 3:30/4:45 (Depart 2:00)
8th/7th GirlsSoccer Home vs. Freeport 3:30/4:45
So, You're Saying There's a Chance?
WinterKids released the standing for online voting, and Whittier Middle School is in the top five! This week, we will ask our students to vote and hope we can add another 280+ to our total. Every vote counts. I am sure the final tally will be very close. Vote here!
When you vote for Whittier Middle School, you are moving us one step closer to winning the WinterKids grant and earning a classroom set of snowshoes for our students. Snowshoes mean more time outside and more activity for our students. Thank you for taking the time to submit your vote!
Mrs. Yorkey: Wellness Class
As part of teaching students about their health and well being, Wellness classes have been learning about individual ways to relieve stress when feeling overwhelmed. Fridays have been designated as stress relief Fridays. Students participate in a variety of stress relief activities. If you have any art/craft supplies that you are no longer using, please feel free to send them in. We can always use embroidery floss, beads, legos, water colors, yarn, origami paper etc. Thank you!
Tip Line
Our Tip Line represents one approach our schools and communities may use to share the responsibility of school and student safety and well-being. This Tip Line provides students, staff or other members of the public with a safe and confidential way to report a threat or potential threat to student or school safety. Call 911 in cases of immediate emergency. It is located on our website: rsu16.org and scroll down.
Grade 7 ELA
Grade 8 Math
Students in Mrs. Goss’s math class are learning about scaling and are trying to find scaled copies of polygons.
Cross-Country Meet
Bruce M. Whittier Middle School
Email: svincent@rsu16.org
Website: https://www.rsu16.org/bwms
Location: 1457 Maine Street, Poland, ME, USA
Phone: (207) 998-3462
Facebook: facebook.com/WhittierMidknights