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What's Happening at DCMS
Davis County Middle School September 22nd 2024
DCMS Cell Phone Policy
All students cell phones are expected to remain put away during classes and during passing time. 6th-8th Students are allowed to use their phone during lunch and recess. Students found in violation of this policy will have their phone turned into the office.
Violation #1: Student may pick up phone at the end of the day
Violation #2: Parent must pick up your phone from school
Violation #3: Phone is checked into the office each morning, and may be picked up at the end of the day.New attendance codes to be entered in Powerschool.
Because of changes to Iowa Law, Davis County will be changing attendance codes in PowerSchool starting Monday. Below are some of the codes you may see on your students attendance. These changes are being made to meet the requirements of the State of Iowa in regards to chronic absenteeism.
SRP - School related participant
SRNP - School related non-participant
MED - Medical
MEDX - Medical Excused
ISS - In-school suspension
OSS - Out of school suspension
CV - College Visit (2/year)
UN - Unexcused absence
FAM - Family Leave
SOV - School Office Visit
GRDX - Completed graduation requirements
CRTX - Court exempt
RELX - Religious exempt
IEPX - Individualized Education Plan
504X - Section 504
TE - Tardy - Excused
TU - Tardy - Unexcused
Activities this Week
Monday, September 23rd
- MS Girls Volleyball @ Home vs Albia
- HS Volleyball @ Centerville
- HS Cross Country @ PCM
Tuesday, September 24th
- MS Volleyball @ Home vs EBF
- HS Volleyball @ EBF
Thursday, September 26th
- MS Football @ Centerville
- MS Volleyball @ Home vs Cardinal
Friday, September 27th
- HS Football @ Mid Prairie
Important Upcoming Dates
10/7-11 - Homecoming week
10/16 - School Pictures
11/11 - Parent Teacher Conferences
11/14 - Parent Teacher Conferences
11/27-29 - Thanksgiving Break
New skill language being introduced across the district.
Students this year will be introduced to skill language across the district. This is a common language that all students and adults will be using at the the Middle School.
DCMS Student Handbook
Each grade level will be meeting with Mr. Milder to go over rules and expectations from the student handbook during the first three days of school. Below is a link to the 2024-2025 Student handbook as well as the rules and expectations presentation.
Where Do Students Go in the Morning?
Our bus riding students will be dismissed for the busses at 3:22. Students walking or being picked up will be dismissed at 3:29. If picking a student up, please wait in the car line in the church parking lot west of the school. Once busses depart, the car line will move to the S curve where students will be dismissed to be picked up.
Visitors and Parent Access
We always welcome parents and visitors to the school, please let us know before arriving at school by calling the school at 641-664-2200 ext. 3 if you are planning to visit. If visiting or picking up a student, please use the main entrance, push the call button to the office on the right side of the vestibule. Once you have entered, please come and check in the office. The office is located to the right down the steps as you enter the cafeteria.
Computer/Chromebook Information
Once school starts, students will be issued a Chromebook to use for the school year. Please encourage your child to take care of their devices. Please remember any damage to the computers will be charged to parents/guardians.
Students will pick computers up in the mornings, and return them to their carts at the end of the day. NO COMPUTERS WILL BE GOING HOME.
Where Do I Find Bus Routes?
Please contact the transportation office at 641-664-2200 ext. 6 for any transportation related questions.
Activities Information
We have lots of different Activities that go on here at DCMS. If your student is in 7th or 8th grade and planning to play any sports, they must have a signed physical form, concussion form, and social media form prior to the first day of practice. All forms are available in the office.
All activities schedules can be found at:
Davis County Middle School
Location: 500 E. North St. Bloomfield, IA 52537
Phone: 641-664-2200 Ext.
Website: www.https://www.dcmustangs.com/o/davis-county-middle-school