Weekly Update 9-1-24
Happy Sunday Pollocksville Families,
We successfully navigated our first week of school. We thank you for your patience this week as we figured out bus transportation. If your child has not yet been given a bus route please contact your child's teacher so we can notify transportation. At Open House or on the first day of school, your child received a packet of paperwork that needs to be completed and return to their teacher. Please make sure you get this completed as soon as possible. Also, school fees need to be paid. You can send money in to the teacher or pay online. If you wish to pay online, information can be found on the district webpage.
We do have some important events on campus this week. There is no school on Monday, September 2 in observance of Labor Day. School will resume on Tuesday, September 3. Finally on Thursday, September 5 our third graders will be participating in the Beginning of Grade exam(BOG). This exam gives us a baseline to help us see how much students will learned at the end of the year. Please make sure they come to school well and on time.
September 8 is the last day to purchase School Spirit Wear! Check out Pollocksville PTO on FB for ordering information. You can purchase t-shirts, hoodies, and long sleeve shirts. Sizes for the whole family is available. Order today and show your Panther Pride in the community!
In closing, this year we are increasing our focus on The 8 Habits of Leader In Me. This month we will be focusing on Habit #1 Be Proactive. Check out the song below to learn more about what it means to Be Proactive.
Habit #1 Be Proactive
Important Dates
Sept. 2- Labor Day No School
Sept.3-23- BOY Dibels (K-3)/STAR Testing (select 3 students and transition students)
Sept. 2-9 Leadership Applications
Sept. 5- BOG (3rd grade only)
Sept.9 Leadership Applications Due
Sept. 15-Oct.15- Hispanic Heritage Month
Sept. 19- PTO Meeting @6pm
Sept. 23- Progress Reports
Sept. 27-LoM nominations due
Sept.30-Oct.4- Custodian Appreciation Week