Millswood Email Template
Jan 26, 2025

Millswood Middle School News: upcoming assessments
PSAT 8/9
As part of our college and career readiness efforts at Millswood, we strive to set all students up for success. That’s why we’re offering the PSAT 8/9 for FREE to our 8th-grade students. Results from the PSAT 8/9 help us establish a baseline for each student as they start their high school journey. The results help us focus classroom instruction and support our students’ growth.
Taking the PSAT 8/9 can also help our students to:
▪ Understand their strengths, and what skills they need to work on.
▪ Find out what Honors or AP® courses they’re ready to take.
▪ Explore personalized career insights aligned to their score.
The PSAT 8/9 is administered in a digital format that provides an overall easier testing experience for students. Watch this video to see what students can expect with the digital PSAT 8/9.
Our students will take the PSAT 8/9 in April using their own school-issued device. For questions about the PSAT 8/9, please contact ogandy@lodiusd.net
Parent Guide/Flyer to PSAT 8/9 Spanish
ELPAC Assessment
ELPAC testing for select students will begins this week and continues through the month.
The English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC) is a test that measures how well students understand English. The ELPAC is given to students in kindergarten through grade 12 whose primary language is not English. This test measures listening, speaking, reading and writing. If you student is participating in this assessment, it will take place during their ELA course.
Wednesday is a minimum day; we dismiss at 11:38.
Friday is a holiday for Lodi Unified School District!
Parent Club
Casa Mexicana Feb 10-14th!!
This is a HUGE fundraisers for our Parent Club. Your student directly benefits from Parent Club in ways you may not be aware of: Honor Roll events, field trips, dances, movie nights, game events, House activities, rewards, and much much more. Casa Mexicana is donating 50% of all orders right back to our Parent Club. Take a night off from cooking and eat at Casa Mexicana!
Your help is needed!
Help us keep the Student Store running!! Shifts are Monday through Friday (except minimum days) from 10:45 AM to 12:45 PM. Even helping with just one shift a month makes a big difference!
Click here to sign up. Put "training" in the signup notes if you have never worked the store before. Email bfox@lodiusd.net with any questions.
Our Parent Club needs support in many other ways as well. We are looking for parents to help with spirit wear, honor roll prizes, teacher appreciation events, decorating for dances, and more. Parent club is the only reason we are able to host dances, activities, and clubs. Please volunteer for one event, or learn more, by emailing kimberlycox0417@gmail.com
Student Leadership News:
Congratulations to Kodiak, our mid-quarter House winner! They enjoyed donuts during SSR on Friday.
All current 7th graders who are interested in Leadership as their elective next year, the application process has begun. Please fill out an application, available on Mrs. Gonzalez's Google Classroom, and submit by Wednesday, February 5. All Leadership students must have a 3.0 GPA, an excellent behavior record, and good attendance. Please email Mrs. Gandy at ogandy@lodiusd.net for more information.
Thursday is Jersey Day. Wear the jersey of your favorite sports team to prepare for the Super Bowl. We are also looking forward to a quarterback challenge at lunch!
Due to rainy weather, our Lunar New Year celebration had to be postponed. We are hoping to enjoy this celebration sometime this week!
Our weekly Reward Card winners this week were: 7th grade- Krosbie D., Jackson T., Dillon T., Raul D., and Emily M. and our 8th grade winners were Sofia W., Ali V., and Brooke C.
The Smashball winners were Khloe B. and Jaxson M.
We are making plans for our Kindness Week, February 10-14. We will have a few activities and a spirit week. Some things to look forward to:
Monday, 2/10: Pajama Day
Tuesday, 2/11: Crazy Sock Day-Wear crazy socks and bring a pair of new socks to donate to people in need!
Wednesday, 2/12: Business Rep Day-Wear a shirt from a business that you love.
Thursday, 2/13: Hobby Day-Wear gear from your favorite hobby.
Friday, 2/14: Valentine's Day-Wear red, pink, and white!
Teacher News:
The A.C.T. (A Community Transformed) Project essay is due Tomorrow!
1️⃣ Write an essay describing a specific need in our community, what would it take to meet that need and how you can be a part of the solution.
2️⃣ The A.C.T. team will review the essays and select several students to help act on their solution.
📍 Find all the details and submission guidelines in our counselor's Google Classrooms!
Don’t miss this opportunity to show leadership, compassion, and creativity while making a meaningful impact. Let’s ACT on change, Millswood!
High School Orientations
Lodi High for 2025-2026:
Orientation for current 8th grade students is Thursday, March 6th at 6:00 PM in their main gym.
Tokay High 2025-2026:
Orientation for current 8th grade students is Thursday, February 20th at 6:00 PM in their main gym.
Middle College 2025-2026 has already had their parent nights and presented to our students 2nd quarter. Applications are due January 31st.
Do you have an incoming 7th grader headed Millswood next year?
Millswood is hosting our incoming 7th grade orientation on March 4th at 6:00 pm for parents and guardians only. Students will be invited to a rally orientation that same morning at 9:15.
District News:
Spring and Summer Camp
This is a free program for middle school students. Free while on spring and summer breaks that offers great opportunities.
Click on the link below for the flyer (English):
Pacific Summer High School Institute
We are pleased to announce that the University of the Pacific Summer High School Institute will be taking place on June 2-12 and June 17-27. For eligible 8th - 11th grade Lodi Unified School District students, the tuition and registration for one 2-week session is 100% sponsored by the school district. Attendance, grades and behavior will be taken into consideration for eligibility. See details below:
· Click here for more information: Pacific Summer Institute LodiUSD 2025
· Fill out this Pre-Registration form by Jan 31st
· Attend an optional virtual meeting via Zoom on January 23rd to learn more and ask questions: https://pacific.zoom.us/j/93708656379
· Educational Services staff will send an email notification by the end of February regarding eligibility, waitlist status, or denial
· Questions? Email pacificsummer@lodiusd.net
Nutrition Services
Lunch menu
- Cupid Shuffle two mile run is Feb 14th
- No school on Feb 7th and Feb 17th
- Minimum days on Feb 5th and March 14th
- CAASPP testing is April 28- May 7