Otsego High School
Weekly Newsletter (Semester II, Q3, Week of February 15)
From the Desk of Mr. O'Shea
There is NO SCHOOL Monday for President's Day. Have a great Weekend.
CONGRATS MORGAN SMOYER!!! 1,000 Point Club. First girl in School History. Great win over Eastwood as well last night.
Tonight is our winter sports Senior Night! We will be honoring our winter sports athletes, Pep Band members and Cheerleaders before the Varsity Basketball Game tonight. Thank You seniors for your commitment, hard work and dedication. We are so proud of you. Unfortunately, I will not be able to attend. I have a daddy/daughter dance to attend. Fortunately, my wife will be there in my stead as my son will be performing with the Elementary kids singing the National Anthem. Seniors, I am sorry I will be missing this. I am so grateful for each of you. I am proud of you.
We are also asking that you wear Royal Blue to show support for the Elmwood community and their Senior Derek Sheldon that passed away earlier this year.
Upcoming Dates
12th - NO SCHOOL, Teacher Professional Development
12th - Senior Night for all winter sport athletes, pep band members, and cheerleaders
15th - NO SCHOOL, Presidents' Day
4th - Music Boosters Fish Fry
5th - FCCLA Competition at PENTA
8th - Winter Athletic Awards
9th - District Leadership Team Mtg.
10th - Maumee/BG Elks Student of the Month Luncheon
11th - OMEA band & Choir Competition
16th - 2 Hour Delay - Staff Professional In-Service
16th - Free Dinner Theater - 5:45 HS Commons
17th - HS Musical
18th - HS Musical
19th - HS Musical
20th - HS Musical
18th - End of 3rd Quarter
22nd - Board of Education Meeting, 6pm HS Library
25th - First Day of Spring Break - NO SCHOOL
4th - Classes Resume
13th - FFA Banquet
17th - Chicken BBQ
17th - Art Show
20th - 2 Hour Delay - Staff Professional In-Service
22nd - Otsego Endowment Foundation Reverse Raffle
26th - Board of Education Meeting, 6pm HS Library
29th - Choir Trip to Chicago (April 29th - May 1st)
5th - Blood Drive
6th - Reading Rewards
7th - HS Prom
10th - High School Academic Awards Ceremony, 7pm High School Auditorium
11th - 2 Hour Delay - Staff Professional In-Service
19th - HS Choir Concert, 7pm HS Auditorium
22nd - Graduation, 2pm
23rd - HS Band Concert, 7pm HS Auditorium
24th - Board of Education Meeting, 6pm HS Library
25th - Exam Day#1
26th - Exam Day #2
27th - Exam Day #3, Early Dismissal
27th - End of 4th Quarter
JD McNett
Collin Kitchen
Cameron Pollard
Pollard pins his opponent to place 3rd in the league.
Competition Cheer Team
We're in Florida
Where's Mickey & Minnie
Happy Birthday
Celebrate Reading
Spirit Tunnel
They are going Noodles
Go Knights
Hard at Work
Business as Usual
Team Celebrates
Post Game Press Conference
reminders from the High School office
- Daily Announcements Page
- Make sure you send in a written note within 48 hours of your child's absence. This is necessary in order for the absence to be excused. Even if you call your child in sick, a note is still needed.
- Please make sure you include both the first name and last name of student on the absent note.
- Sign up for Remind 101 to get text or email reminders of important events. Text to 81010 and in the message box, type otseg (there is no "o" at the end)
- Parents if you want to check on your child's homework, please access their "Google Classroom". All the teachers are posting their assignments there. You will need to know your child's username and password to get into their classroom. If you are having any issues getting into Google Classroom, let us know and we will work to fix it immediately.
- HOMEWORK CAFE - Please drop of any donated items into the HS office or send in items with your child. Call Betsy Roberts at 419-823-4381 in the HS office for any questions.
- Meningitis Vaccination New Requirements Info
Guidance Department
College & Career Preview Night
Penta Career Center: If your student(s) are interested in attending PENTA Career Center, they may start applying now. If you have any questions regarding program opportunities or the application process, contact Jennifer Wronkovich-Clark at 419-823-4381 or via email at jclark@otsegoknights.org.
PENTA Online Admissions/Applications
AP Parents & Students
Parent and Student Bulletin Please read the attached bulletin. It contains important information for Exam Takers.
New State Graduation Requirements
Applies only to the class of 2018 and beyond.
Gay-Straight Alliance Club
As some of you may know, several students in the Junior High and High School will be starting a Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA) club (one in each building). Given that this is often a socially charged issue, I think there are some things you, as parents, should know.
1) The GSA is 100% voluntary an open to all students. Students are not required to join the club nor are they required to continue participation in the club.
2) Administrators know about the GSAs. The right to start this club is protected under federal law and cannot be discouraged by the school in any way (see this link for more details: http://www.justice.gov/crt/federal-coordination-and-compliance-section-148).
3) Due to the potential for bullying, our professional staff will respect the confidentiality of the students that partake in the GSA. If the students share their participation in the club, that is obviously okay, but it will be up to students to share that information.
4) As with most clubs, there will be an informational meeting about the GSA that will be held during the school day. All following meetings will be held after school at a location TBD.
5) GSA, like many of our other clubs, is at NO COST to the board of education. We do not assist them financially in anyway.
If you have any questions regarding this club please contact the High School Office and request to speak with Mr. O'Shea.
News from the Yearbook Staff
The 2015-2016 yearbook is featuring a Senior Baby Picture section and a Senior Then and Now section. We would love to have as many people to participate as possible. Pictures must be submitted by March 1st. Senior Baby Pictures Then & Now
Senior Photo Requirements
- Photos should be a high resolution (at least 300 dpi).
- Must be a vertical photo, this allows more room for your classmates in the yearbook.
- Student must be looking at the camera; head cannot be cut off in the picture, & must be able to see student’s full face. Hands, or arms should not be blocking the shoulder shot, or touching the student's face.
- A head and shoulders shot is preferred, but will accept a shot from the waist up. No full body shots or students lying on the ground. We can crop pictures, but if the shot is too far away we will not be able to accept the picture.
- Remember, this is a formal photo, clothing should be appropriate. (Examples- no muscle tees, cleavage, or hats, or flowers in your hair, the list goes on and on.) If you have to question your clothing, then it is probably not appropriate.
- No props in the photo.
- Seniors pictures are due by: April 4th, 2016.
- If your picture is not turned in by this date, you will not be featured in the senior section of the yearbook.
- If you have any questions, you can contact Mrs. Lockhart via email: yearbook@otsegoknights.org.
Yearbook is having a clearance sale. All yearbooks from the following years are being marked down to $10!" (2008, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014). Email yearbook@otsegoknights.org for further information or to purchase one.
News from Athletics
Winter Sports Schedule
February 13 @ Delta – 1:00
February 17 @ Sylvania Southview vs. Ottawa Hills - 6:15pm (Sectionals)
February 19 @ Eastwood – 6:00
February 24 @ Oak Harbor vs. Evergreen - 8:00pm (Sectionals)
**Pre-sale tickets for the boys sectional game will be on sale Monday, February 22 through Wednesday, February 24 in the high school office 10:00-2:00. Adults $6, Students $4. All tickets will be $6 at the door. Only cash will be accepted.
February 12 (H) Elmwood – 4:45
February 19 @ Eastwood – 4:45
February 19 Sectionals @ Lake HS
February 20 Sectionals @ Lake HS
Senior Night for winter athletes and pep band members is Friday, February 12. Seniors were emailed a google form on January 20 to complete with their information. Form submissions are due no later than noon on February 10 in order to participate in Winter Senior Night.
Students and parents will report to “D” hallway with 3 minutes remaining in the JV game. There will be several posters along the hallway with the line-up order. Please reference the posters and line-up accordingly so that we can start immediately following the JV game.
Tuesday, March 8 @ 7:00pm in the High School gym
Pay-to-Participate fees are now due. Please contact athletics@otsegoknights.org if you have a question regarding your student’s balance.
Otsego Athletics is on Twitter and Facebook. Follow for high school scores and other athletic department information. Also, if you’d like to receive athletic news and updates by email please email athletics@otsegoknights.org to be added to the list.
OHS Student Council
Powder Puff Football
Student Council has some exciting news about Powder Puff, our announcement will be made soon! But as a hint, EVERYONE be ready!
Student Council Armory
HS Student Council will be collecting items, so we can open our Armory next year. Students in need will be able to "shop" the Armory, and take items at no charge. Please help us stock our shelves so we can give back to our community! Please click on the link for more information regarding the Otsego Student Council Armory
We are OHS StuCo
President: Alissa Jacobs
Vice President: Taylor Gonzalez
Secretary: Olivia Jinnings
Treasurer: Marissa Garrett
Representatives: Zane Maxwell, Zane Thomas
President: Madi Kregel
Vice President: Adam Lewis
Representatives: Parker Lazar
President: Andrew Richardson
Vice President: Julie Spencer
Representatives: Stone Zimmerman, Christina Gonzalez
President: Hayle Grimmer
Student Council is looking for students who want to help plan and put on events for second semester. Would you like to help create a biweekly Lavatory Ledger? What about help plan a movie night? A Community Euchre tournament? Or even our Spring Powder Puff game? If you are interested in getting involved, see one of your Student Council members, or Miss Pierce. We will be opening up for new member in second semester!
Student Council Advisor: Megan Pierce
Follow OHS Student Council on Twitter: @OHScouncil
Music Department
Our talented instrumental and vocal musicians have many upcoming events, come out to hear some amazing performances. We have musicians performing locally, in solo or ensemble groups, in Honor’s District level and at the All State level this year. We are so very proud of our musical Knights!
2/9 Otsego Music Boosters Meeting 6:30 in room C145
2/14 District 1 Honors Band 7pm at the Stranahan - Morgan Chambers, Leah
Dubler, Tayler Gunn, Alissa Jacobs, Felicity Jinnings and Claire Wallace
3/4 Fish Fry Otsego HS Commons 5-8pm (Click link for attached ticket order form)
3/8 Otsego Music Boosters Meeting 6:30 in room C145
3/17-3/20 – Musical
3/11 and 3/12 – Large group Solo and Ensemble Contest for HS Choir and Band
(exact day and time not yet available)
4/9 OMB/Thayer Ford “Drive4URSchool” Event – 9am -1 pm Thayer Ford
4/12 Otsego Music Boosters Meeting 6:30 in room C145
4/17 Chicken BBQ and Second annual Silent Auction. Great items of all kinds up for
bid to raise money for our Music Program needs.
5/19 Spring High School Choir Concert
TBD – Spring Band Concert dates
5/22 Graduation 2pm
5/24 Spring Junior High Choir Concert
These were our county public speakers. Top 2 from each contest move onto district. They are Ryan Lashaway, MacKenzie Wenig, Hayle Grimmer and Lucy Pullins.
Transportation Department
Sign up to receive text messages from our Transportation Department!
High School & JH Buses (Bus Routes for grades 6-12 & Penta)
Text: @otsbus6-12
to: 81010
UPDATE: We have updated our phone system so that our main voice prompts will allow callers to press option 5 for the transportation department. Option 5 will ring extension 3156.
Food Service Department
Click the links to Download the 2015-2016 Lunch and Breakfast Schedules. If you have questions please email our Food Service Supervisor, Jeanie Jeffers or follow on twitter @Otsego_Cafe
Otsego Local Schools - Prevention Newsletter Week of January 25th
Wood County - Click Here
Email: ecornish@otsegoknights.org - ATOD On-Site Specialist
Community News/Events
Free Dinner Theater - March 16th
Friday, Feb. 19th, Otsego 9th/JV/V basketball plays at Eastwood. The Eastwood NHS will be hosting a Spaghetti Dinner in the Cafeteria that night from 4:30-7PM. Adult dinners- $7; Child (age 6-12)- $ 5; 5 and under are free. If you would like tickets, please see Deputy Brian Ruckstul no later than Tues. Feb. 16th.
Julie Amos Fundraising
To continue towards our $130,000 goal we are raffling off a package of our very own Thomas Family Cattle Farm beef. The package includes a variety of steaks, roasts and ground beef (between 25-28 pounds -- a value of approximately $250). This package nearly fits into a typical recyclable grocery bag and if you win and don’t have room for all of the beef we’ll be happy to bring it to you in smaller increments. Tickets are $5 each or 5 tickets for $20. The winning ticket will be drawn on Tuesday, March 29th.
In addition, Rich and Julie’s friends have planned a chicken dinner/volleyball tournament/silent auction to be held at Otsego High School on March 5th. Please pre-order. (And for all you athletes please consider putting a team together -- the deadline for teams to register is February 29th.) DIGGING FOR JULS
If you wish to purchase raffle tickets for the beef package or you wish to make a donation please send checks payable to Rich or Julie Amos to:
Chuck & Tina Thomas
1298 County Road T3
Grand Rapids, OH 43522
Phone 419-308-0593
For more information or to see a video featuring Julie please visit their GoFundMe page – www.gofundme.comand just search “Julie Amos”. (If you make a donation on GoFundMe and put "beef" in the comment section we'll add you to the raffle.) You can also hear a radio interview with Rich and Julie from earlier this week at this link: http://bgchamber.net/interviews.html and there is more information and updates on Facebook – please search “Juls of Friendship”.
Communication with the High School
1. High School Website www.otsegoknights.org has a new look! The new Otsego Local Schools site will more effectively highlight what is important to us and the community. The new website layout uses responsive design, meaning that it will adjust for tablets and mobile devices. We will keep the high school site updated with pictures, news articles, and other important information regarding the district and the building.
2. Remind 101 (Text to: 81010 Message: @otseg there is no "o" at the end just @otseg. Thats it. You will receive a message that says you've been added to our group. You will receive text messages straight to your mobile device). If you don't want to text, you can go to https://www.remind.com/join and just type in (otseg) as the class code.
3. Twitter (follow @otsegohsoffice or @KosheaOHS)
4. District App:
Contact Us
Otsego High School
Email: Koshea@otsegoknights.org
Website: http://www.otsegoknights.org/high-school
Location: 18505 Tontogany Creek Road, Tontogany, OH, United States
Phone: (419) 823-4381
Twitter: @KosheaOHS
Classic Weekly Student Joke:
A: You Rocket, Duh.
Have a great week.