Fairfield Middle School
December Update
Cold Weather Information
Going Outside
As the weather begins to change to snow and low temperatures, please ensure that your student is dressing appropriately for the weather. Students will go outside for lunch recess if the real feel temperature is 10 degrees or higher, and 5th grade will go outside for afternoon recess if the real feel temperature is above 0 degrees.
Playing in Snow
If snow is on the ground, students will go outside on hard surfaces only. Students may walk in the snow if they bring a pair of boots to change into. They also may play in the snow if they have snow boots and snow pants to wear in it. Otherwise, they will be able to be on hard surfaces only. If your student needs cold weather clothing to stay warm, please reach out to the school and let us know.
Leadership in Action!
7th & 8th Business Tours
On November 13th, our 7th and 8th grade students had the opportunity to visit local businesses in Fairfield to learn about what opportunities lay right here in town. 220 students rode on 5 buses to visit 11 businesses for a total of 30 tours all in a span of 2.5 hours, including one business who donated pizza for both grades to eat when they returned to FMS at lunch. Thank you to the following businesses for participating:
- Dexter
- Creative Edge / Bovard Studios
- AgriPlastics
- Jefferson County Law Center
- Traffix
- Schaus
- Jefferson County Health Clinic
- Iowa Army National Guard
- Water Works
- Aeron
- Sondheim Civic Center
- Village Vet
Homework Club
This year we are offering students an opportunity to get caught up on missing assignments on our 2:00 dismissals on Fridays during our Homework Club! Each week, Mrs. Marten will communicate with parents of students who need to stay after school. Then, she will set up students with an FMS staff member to assist until 3:30 with the goal to provide students time to complete their assignments and stay caught up in their classes. Be sure to be on the lookout for communication from Mrs. Marten!
Important Dates for December
Dec. 5th: FMS Family Engagement Night
Dec. 23rd - Jan. 6th: Winter Break (No School!)