Owatonna High School
Welcome Back Newsletter
Welcome Back!
Dear OHS Students and Families:
Happy summer to each of you! With great enthusiasm, I welcome you to the 2022-23 school year! Our first day of school will be on Monday, August 29, beginning at 8:10 a.m. and will conclude at 2:40 p.m. OHS doors will open at 7:50am this year and breakfast will be available from 7:50-8:10 in the lower commons. We are excited to kick off a successful school year and look forward to creating great memories and positive relationships.
Our mission is to Inspire Excellence. Every Learner, Every Day. To do this, we must commit to strong relationships and focused learning that is on time, on task and on target. We call this our 3OT and all students will see this as we begin the year with a foundation of how we engage as a school community. I am inspired by the excellence our teachers and staff bring to learning and know it has an amazing impact on our students. Together we will make sure you are career and college ready.
A successful school year is rooted in students being prepared on day one! We have included important information below that will ensure your student has all the tools for academic success. These include student information, schedules, activity and club sign-ups as well as upcoming open house events. Please take time to review these items and know we are excited to make this an amazing year!
On behalf of the OHS faculty, welcome to a new school year!
Kory Kath
OHS Principal
9th Grade Student & Family Open House will be held Tuesday, August 23rd from 2:30-6:00pm at OHS in the Upper Commons/C200 Plaza. This is for all new 9th graders. It is very important that a parent or guardian attend to receive information to help you have a successful year. You will take school pictures, get chromebooks (You MUST bring your OMS Chromebook to exchange), activity tickets, get your class schedule and locker. Information sessions will be held in the auditorium to support your school year. Sessions will be held at 4:00pm and 5:00 pm. - Students are expected to attend this session with parent/guardian.
9th Grade Student Session - what we call our “Link Crew Orientation” - will be held in the OHS gymnasium on Tuesday, August 23rd from 8:00 am to 12:30 pm. This session will be for students only! During orientation, freshmen will be given a guided tour of the building and lunch will be served at 12:00pm.
10th-12th Grade Open House will be held Monday, August 22nd from 9:00am-3:00pm in the OHS Upper Commons/C200 Plaza. You will receive your schedule, activity tickets, take pictures, pay technology insurance and get a locker if needed.
We require all students grades 9 through 12 to have their pictures taken to receive an ID card; there is no charge for this photo. You may elect to purchase a photo package; however, it is not required. Pictures will be taken during open houses listed above. It is very important that you make arrangements to be here one of those days. Please go to OHS C200 Plaza for photos. Once done you can order photos at lifetouch.com. The Code shared in our mailed letter is not correct due to a change made by Lifetouch, the CORRECT CODE IS: EVTMTD97X
An informational meeting will be held on Tuesday, August 23rd in the Career Center for students who are new to Owatonna High School. This meeting is for all new students in 10th, 11th and 12th grade who have never attended OHS. The meeting will run from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm. A variety of topics will be discussed to help you feel more at ease and assist you in getting your chromebook, schedule and pictures.
Monday, August 29 - 1st Day of School
Friday, September 2 - No School
Monday, September 5 - No School (Labor Day)
Wednesday, September 7 - COMPASS DAY SCHEDULE
Wednesday, September 21 - COMPASS DAY SCHEDULE
Wednesday, September 28 - Picture Re-Takes
Friday, September 30 - Early Release - Homecoming Parade
Get Involved! We want all of our students to be active in our school community and that includes the arts, athletics and activities! Please sign up for the club or activity you are interested in by clicking the link HERE.
Your class schedule is very important so please review it carefully when you receive it at Open House. If you have questions or concerns regarding your schedule, please fill out the Schedule Change Request Form available online at ohs.isd761.org or in the school office. All schedule changes must be done before the first day of school.
Students are assigned counselors according to the first letter of their last name:
Ms. Tami Langlois - A-E
Ms. Sara Craig - F-K
Ms. Amy Lageson - L-R
Ms. Margo McKay - S-Z
All schedule changes must be done prior to the beginning of each quarter. All non-substantive requests for schedule changes such as: changing hours, “I prefer to take it next year,” “I want to have a class with my friend,” etc., will not be considered. The following reasons may qualify as a necessary schedule change:
Medical restrictions (documentation required) - EXAMPLE: Student has a broken bone which prevents full Phy. Ed participation
Computer error - EXAMPLE: Student is scheduled in Composition before American Literature
Academic misplacement - EXAMPLE: Student is scheduled for Spanish 2, but has not passed Spanish 1
You may have a class that you did not sign up for or list as an alternate. Every effort is placed on making sure students are in classes rather than study halls.
Computer & Charger - Bring your Chromebook with you everyday & charged!
Notebook/Pen/Pencil - Bring these items so you are ready to work on day 1.
Water Bottle - Drinking fountains & bottle fillers are working!
Backpack - All students have been assigned a locker. If you choose to forgo your locker, backpacks are allowed throughout the school day.
Teachers will inform you of other supplies you may need on the first day of class.
Complete yearly back-to-school requirements, verify contact information the district has on file, and review annual notices via your Infinite Campus Parent account. This tool is available district-wide starting Monday, July 18th, 2022 at 8am and we ask that it be completed by Monday, August 22nd, 2022. Click here for instructions and more information.
If you need assistance with accessing or setting up your Campus Parent account, please contact Infinite Campus Support at campushelp@isd761.org | 507-444-8630.
Call between 7:00-9:00am or prior to your student’s absence.
*Attendance Info and Policy on OHS website (general info)
PARENT PORTAL - Great Resource to check your student's attendance!
Review your profile settings regarding automated notifications, current email and phone numbers.
Students - We email you information often, so please access your email daily! All students have school email accounts. Prior to school starting, we ask that students log in to their new email accounts and documents. Students can do this by doing the following:
Go to gmail.com
Sign in using the following information:
- USERNAME: first initial, last name @isd761.org **example: jdoe@isd761.org
- PASSWORD: Same as it has always been. Typically your lunch number.
Families will receive information by email on how to purchase Chromebook insurance for the 2021-22 School year.
Need Technology Support? Contact us at the Technology Hotline (507) 444-8630 or by email at technology@isd761.org
We are excited to announce that Commencement for the Owatonna High School Class of 2023 will be FRIDAY, JUNE 2nd at 7:00pm on the OHS Football Field! (Rain Date: Sunday, June 4th at 7pm)
Seniors are reminded that their yearbook pictures must be turned in to the high school office no later than Thursday, December 1. Digital Photos are preferred and should be emailed to dleer@isd761.org or if on a cd, dropped off for Mr. Leer in the high school office. If you have questions, please contact our yearbook adviser, Mr. Leer at 444-8849.
Owatonna High School
Hollie Jeska, Assistant Principal
Phil Wiken, Assistant Principal
Email: kkath@isd761.org
Website: https://ohs.isd761.org/
Location: 333 East School Street, Owatonna, MN, USA
Phone: 507-444-8800
Facebook: facebook.com/Owatonna761
Twitter: @ohsoffice