Tiger Family News
May 24, 2024
Important Dates
- 30th: 3rd Grade Concert, 6pm
- 4th: Drifter's Baseball Night, 6:35pm
- 5th: 6th Grade Orientation, Hamlin Middle School
- 6th: Dual Family Night
- 13th: Field Day - Volunteers Needed
- 14th: Early Release, dismissal 12:30pm
Key dates for the calendar include:
- School will start on Sept 4 for grades 1-5 (More info to come on Kindergarten)
- Winter Break is December 23-January 3
- Spring Break is March 24-28
- The last day of school is June 12
Following feedback from the community and staff, the grading/conference days for elementary students shifted to the week of the Thanksgiving.
SPARK Summer Camp at Guy Lee - Limited Space Available
Field Day Volunteers Needed
We need volunteers for the following times. You can use this link to sign up.
K, 1st, and 2nd Grade (9:00AM-11:00AM)
3rd, 4th, and 5th (12:30PM-2:30PM)
Both AM & PM (9:00AM-2:30PM)
All volunteers must complete a District Volunteer application, found here.
Annual Student Review - OPEN NOW
Each year, we ask returning families to complete the Annual Student Review in ParentVue.
Completing the Annual Student Review helps us plan the resources and staffing needed for a successful next year, as well as ensuring families will receive important notifications about the next school year.
What is the Annual Student Review?
Updated proof of address documents are required each year. These can be uploaded with a cell phone picture when you use the ParentVue app. (Links to download below).
Verify contact information. This will ensure that you receive important notifications from the school and the District, including inclement weather.
Update custodial information, if needed.
Update health information, if needed.
Go to the ParentVue website at www.sv.sps.sis.k12.or.us, choose “I’m a Parent” and login to your account to get started, or download the app.
Get the ParentVue app for Apple
Get the ParentVue app for Android
If you have forgotten your login or have other questions, contact Cheri 541-744-6391 for assistance. Thank you!
Cada año, pedimos a las familias que regresan que completen la Revisión Anual del Estudiante en ParentVue.
Completar la Revisión Anual del Estudiante nos ayuda a planificar los recursos y el personal necesarios para el éxito del próximo año, así como asegurar que las familias reciban notificaciones importantes sobre el próximo año escolar.
¿Qué es la Revisión Anual del Estudiante?
Cada año se requieren documentos de prueba de domicilio actualizados. Estos pueden ser cargados con una foto de teléfono celular cuando se utiliza la aplicación ParentVue. (Enlaces para descargar a continuación).
Verifique la información de contacto. Esto asegurará que usted reciba notificaciones importantes de la escuela y el Distrito, incluyendo las inclemencias del tiempo.
Actualice la información de custodia, si es necesario.
Actualice la información de salud, si es necesario.
Visite el sitio web de ParentVue en https://sv.sps.sis.k12.or.us/, seleccione «Soy padre» e inicie sesión en su cuenta para empezar, o descargue la aplicación.
Descargue la aplicación ParentVue para Apple
Descargue la aplicación ParentVue para Android
Si ha olvidado su nombre de usuario o tiene otras preguntas, póngase en contacto con nuestra oficina (541-744-6391) para obtener ayuda. Muchas gracias.
PTO Updates
Dual Family Night: Noche de Loteria
Jueves, 6 de junio ~ Thursday, June 6
6:00-7:00 p.m.
Biblioteca de Guy Lee - Guy Lee Library
Actualizaciones del programa, juegos de lotería y refrigerios
Program Updates, lotería games and refreshments
May Celebration Assemblies
On Friday we were able to celebrate students for being safe, respectful, responsible & kind. Congrats to the students being honored this month 🎉👏
5th Grade Families - Save The Date
Hamlin Middle School, 6th Grade Orientation - June 5th: Students and families will meet staff, tour the building, and receive information about PBIS, Curriculum, and the Hamlin Way. Additional information here.
5th Grade Dual Families
As part of your transition to middle school you must complete a Dual Immersion Application for Hamlin Middle School. These applications can be returned to Guy Lee, Hamlin Middle School, or Springfield Public Schools. We have applications available in the office or they can downloaded below. You can find additional information here. This must be completed by all students continuing in the Dual Immersion Program.
Drifters Baseball Night
Wear your Guy Lee gear and join us June 4th at the Drifters baseball stadium, located at Hamlin Middle School (326 Centennial Blvd.) The game starts at 6:35pm. All students will receive free entry! Adult tickets are $7 each.
School Supply Lists
In response to parent feedback, SPS has streamlined our school supply lists and are making them available now, so you'll have all summer to shop and find the best deals.
Items and brands listed are suggestions and families need only buy the items and brands that comfortably fit their budget.
All elementary grades have the same list across all schools.
Elementary supplies will be pooled for use by the school community; please only label those items indicated on the school supply list.
We've partnered with TeacherLists for convenient one-click online shopping, or the option to print or use the online checklist to do your shopping in-store.
2024-25 school supply lists are posted on the SPS website now! https://www.springfield.k12.or.us/supplies
Personal Electronic Devices
Electronic devices, such as phones, wearables, watches, and tablets, must be powered off and kept in backpacks throughout the school day. It is preferred that students keep all personal devices at home to prevent the risk of loss or damage. If you need to get a message to your student during school hours, please contact the school office 541-744-6391. When needed, students can always make calls home from the office.
Classroom Snack Guidelines
The district's Wellness Committee has created some tips and guidelines for parents to use when determining what to contribute for classroom snacks. The idea is to seek out prepackaged nutritious foods that avoid common allergens such as nuts. Snacks cannot be homemade.
General Guidelines: We suggest you keep an eye on fat and sodium content and limit artificial colors or sweeteners. Good examples are fresh or dried fruits, raw veggies; wholegrain items like crackers or cereal; or proteins like string cheese or yogurt.
For drinks, water is the preferred choice, but other uncaffeinated, relatively low sugar drinks such as juices (that actually have juice in them) or low-fat milks are acceptable.
Walking School Bus - Every Wednesday
Guy Lee Staff Recognition - ROAR
🎉You can recognize staff for their kindness, compassion & care 🎉
Click HERE to share about a teacher or staff member who has made a positive impact on our Guy Lee community. - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSencB5uvT7r43tjn-M8k_ADClcKiMwWPxQhEJaNXCGqp1hK1A/viewform?usp=sf_link
Thank you for taking a moment to show your appreciation and express your thankfulness.
🎉Usted también puede reconocer al personal por su amabilidad, compasión y atención 🎉
Haga clic AQUÍ para compartir sobre un maestro o miembro del personal que haya tenido un impacto positivo en nuestra comunidad Guy Lee. - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSencB5uvT7r43tjn-M8k_ADClcKiMwWPxQhEJaNXCGqp1hK1A/viewform?usp=sf_link
Gracias por tomarse un momento para mostrar su agradecimiento y expresar su agradecimiento.
Guy Lee Family Resource
Food / Clothes / School Supplies / Resource assistance / Family Support
I am here to help
Amber McCullers