Cougar News!
May 26, 2024
OSAS SEED Survey 3-5th State Testing: June 4
The Student Educational Equity Development (SEED) Survey gathers information about the educational experiences of students in Oregon. This information helps the Oregon Department of Education (ODE) to develop appropriate and targeted resources and supports for districts in Oregon. Responses to this survey will also inform ODE research and provide key insights from students that schools and districts can leverage to improve local education experiences. The SEED Survey gathers data from students statewide, in grades 3-11. The content of the survey varies by grade level. The survey measures student perceptions in four core constructs:
• Access to learning resources
• Opportunity to learn
• Self-efficacy
• Sense of belonging
Thank you for all of your help and support as usual. State testing can be a challenging time for students. Our teachers will do their best to make the experience as stress-free as possible.
SEED Survey Participation Form (English)
SEED Survey Participation Form (Spanish)
5th Grade Promotion
Come celebrate our 5th graders at 5th grade promotion on June 13 from 10-11 in the Clarkes Gym! Watch your email for communication from PTG and 5th grade teachers as they work to pull this incredible event off.
A note from PTG
Thank you so much to all the students and families who participated in our Read-A-Thon fundraiser! Prizes are coming soon!
Field Day is coming up on June 7th and we need volunteers to make it happen! If you would like to volunteer please sign up at this link ASAP!
Thank you for your support for our amazing school!
-Clarkes PTG
Field Trip Season
Spring is upon us and that means that field trips will be in full swing shortly! Just a reminder that if you are accompanying your child's class on a field trip, you will need to be attending as a chaperone and have all of your required volunteer paperwork completed and cleared through the district office before you can attend. Chaperone spots are limited depending on the field trip. Parents who are not on the approved chaperone list will unfortunately need to wait for another field trip opportunity. Chaperones will need to ride the bus to provide supervision to their group of students. Please remember that a field trip is an educational experience for all of our students, this means that you will be in charge of a group of students, not just your own child. If you are not a chaperone, please do not show up at the field trip planning to "tag along" with the class as this poses safety concerns. Safety is of the utmost importance in all situations, but especially on field trips.
Thank you for your understanding,
Mrs. Newman
Kindergarten Registration
Please visit the attached site to learn more about kindergarten enrollment for the 24-25 school year.
Upcoming Events
Upcoming Dates
Monday, May 27: NO SCHOOL: HOLIDAY
Tuesday, May 28-Friday, May 31: 3rd-5th grade state testing
Tuesday, May 28: Mr. Doody's field trip
Wednesday, May 29: Mrs. Jackola's field trip
Thursday, May 30: Mrs. Gordon and Mrs. Given's field trip
We Are Cougars
Our mission at Clarkes Elementary is to provide each student with a safe learning environment where they are engaged, encouraged, inspired, and empowered. Our community of dedicated teachers, volunteers, and support staff makes that impact possible. Together we all succeed.
Secretary's email:
Principal's email:
Location:19100 S Windy City Rd, Mulino, OR 97042
Phone: (503) 632-3290