Ludlow Taylor Community News
January 13th, 2025
Happy New Year!
Back to it!
While the snow days seem to keep piling up between the late week restart, some of our teachers aren't missing a beat! In Mrs. Cyrus's PK4 class, students were writing in their journals their first day back. Mrs. Cyrus says she is working to ensure the students are ready for what Kindergarten will bring. Some teachers and grades have begun middle of the year assessments. These assessments help us gauge how effective teaching has been the first half of the year, and helps us plan for targeted instruction going forward. Students are taking assessments in reading and math. We use iReady for math and reading comprehension assessments in grades Kindergarten through 5th grades and DIBLES for early literacy assessments in grades Kindergarten through 2nd. Teachers will have access to information on all students by February 6th. Please be on the lookout for communication about how your student performed in the coming weeks.
3rd grade is supporting students
Mrs. Gordon's students are focused
In Mrs. Gordon's 3rd grade reading classroom, students are working on their text comprehension skills. Students are working through a series of questions around their text, "the Great Kapok Tree". Students work through using the text to answer what we call 'right there' questions. Questions about characters, setting, time, location are considered 'right there' because you can go back into the text. Next, questions that require students to think about the text come next. What is the authors' purpose, what is the genre, what is the problem the character faces, how does the character change over time, how does reading this text help me understand another, related text? Last, come questions about how a text works: what is the genre, what writing structures does the author use to tell the story, why does the author use certain writing structures, what lessons can I learn from this text? While students work on their text, others meet with Mrs. Gordon for targeted instruction to supports and extends their skills. The 3rd grade team works seamlessly to support students!
Mr. Cooper's math class is on it!
Mr. Cooper supports his students by administering an assessment on multiplication concepts. Multiplication and multi-digit addition and subtraction are major 3rd grade math skills. Mr. Cooper collects information on his students to understand how their skills are developing and then how he can use him time with them to move them to deeper understanding. today, students had tasks where they had to read real-world word problems, understand what was being asked, create math equations to model the problem, then write a sentence that clearly states their answer including the units in the task.
1st graders' resolutions
Ms. Cooper had her first graders set new goals for the coming year!
1st graders' resolutions
So much to look forward to in the new year.
Phones and SmartWatches at Ludlow Taylor
Please be advised that student use of cell phones and Smart watches during the school day is prohibited. This is a huge distraction to the learning environment. If students have their cell phones during the day, they will receive a warning. The second time, it will be taken and returned at the end of the day. The third time, it will be given to the front office and an adult will need to make arrangements to pick it up from school. Smart watches should be in SchoolTime mode during the day. If students are using watches for anything other than telling time, the above steps will be taken.
Your child's time at school is incredibly precious. We know many families choose to give their students phones and Smart watches as a mode of communication and safety. There is no need for students to have phones or Smart watches on during the day. If there is an emergency, the school will contact you promptly. Please do not contact your student during the school again. Again, this is a distraction. Research shows that distractions, when working, can take up to 20 minutes to recover to full concentration. If students are distracted even twice a day, that is the majority of a reading, math, or writing block during the day.
We ask that you help support your student's learning by reviewing these expectations with them so they understand how important their learning is and what consequences will be in place. Thank you for partnering with us on this important issue.
Upcoming Days Off
January 17th - no school, professional development
January 20th - no school, holiday
January 27th - no school, professional development and records keeping