Bengal Happenings
December 6, 2024
Bell Schedules - Announcements
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Main Office - (406) 324-2200
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Checking in on Math, Social Studies, Science, English, and Physical Education
As we hit the mid-term for the 2nd quarter today, please make sure you are checking in with your child on their grades and progress in classes. If you or your child have any questions on grades or assignments, please also encourage them to talk to their teacher and work through the situation earlier, rather than later. This week we also check in on Math, Social Studies, Science, English, and Physical Education. Go Bengals!
Math - English PDF, Spanish PDF, Swahili PDF
Social Studies - English PDF, Spanish PDF, Swahili PDF
Science - English PDF, Spanish PDF, Swahili PDF
English - English PDF, Spanish PDF, Swahili PDF
Physical Education - English PDF, Spanish PDF, Swahili PDF
Night to Shine Auditions
Parent Learning Night/Family Engagement Survey
As we continue to work on finding meaningful ways to engage our parents in our school community, we are hoping to gain some feedback on our next steps. Please consider completing this two question survey to help our committee plan for the remainder of the year.
The option descriptions are a little lengthier, but your feedback is genuinely appreciated.
Lockdown Drill Forthcoming
On Wednesday, December 11, we plan to hold our first Lockdown Drill for the year. Each year, we are required to hold a variety of drills - fire drills, lockdowns, shelter-in-place, etc. We try to plan these drills out to host one monthly and vary them based on the weather.
For our lockdown drill on Wednesday, teachers will work with their students to go through the protocols we need to follow if we are ever truly in that situation. We will make sure that is evident that this is a drill. If students or families ever have questions on our protocols or purpose of our drills, please do not hesitate to reach out.
Upcoming Activities at HHS
12/6 - Chili Feed; Speech and Debate Helena Invite
12/7 - WR vs Billings West/Billings Senior 11am/1pm; JV WR @ Capital 11am/1pm; Speech and Debate Helena Invite; GWR @ Butte Mixer
12/10 - Wrestling @ Capital - 6 pm; Band Concert @ HMS - 7 pm
12/13-14 - Girls' Wrestling @ Flathead Invite; Speech and Debate @ Kalispell, Wrestling @ Butte Duals
12/14 - Boys' Basketball vs Bozeman 11/12:30/2/3:30, Girls' Basketball @ Bozeman
Year at a Glance
December 2024
6 – 2nd Quarter Mid Term
20 – Holiday Assembly
23-January 3 – No School, Winter Break
From Last Week
Last Week
Checking in on Fine Arts, Special Services, World Languages, and Career and Technical Education
As we look forward to the Thanksgiving Break this coming week, it is important to give thanks and recognize all of the great and important things that are happening at HHS. While it may have seemed like a whirlwind to get to the end of November, I am deeply appreciative of our teaching staff and students for all the hard work they are putting in right now. It is great to be in classrooms and see students smiling, laughing, and engaging with their teachers on a daily basis - all while growing in their understanding of literature, building tables, putting on concerts, understanding probability and how that is used in our daily lives, and so much more. I hope everyone is able to find time to enjoy the Thanksgiving Break!
As we phase out of November, we will also check in on what is happening in CTE, World Languages, Special Education and Student Services, and Fine Arts.
CTE (Word) (PDF) - Swahili (Word) (PDF) - Spanish (Word) (PDF)
World Languages (Word) (PDF) - Swahili (Word) (PDF) - Spanish (Word) (PDF)
Special Education/Student Services (Word) (PDF) - Swahili (Word) (PDF) - Spanish (Word) (PDF)
Fine Arts (Word) (PDF) - Swahili (Word) (PDF) - Spanish (Word) (PDF)
Chili Feed Night
Bring your family to HHS on Friday, December 6 for a Chili Feed, Winter Sports/Activities Introduction Night, and to see some of the amazing artwork our students have created! The chili and fixins will be made by our culinary students, Booster Club will be present and will have gear on sale for some last minute Christmas gifts, and it will be a great opportunity to see our winter teams as they get ready for their seasons! See you there!