Thorpe Creek Elementary

Thorpe Creek Elementary
Candy Bar Bingo March 14th 5-7pm
The TCE PTO invites Cardinal families to join us for our "sweetest" event! Candy Bar Bingo -where everyone is a winner. This is NOT a drop off event.
March 14th 5-7pm in TCE GYM
Our staff and teachers will take turns calling BINGO throughout the evening. Chocolate and non-chocolate candy options will be available. Dominos pizza and drinks will be offered for purchase and served in the cafe.
Candy Bar Bingo--this FRIDAY!
Don't forget to check out the TCE staff experience auction and place your bids! You do not have to be present at Candy Bar Bingo to win.
Students have been enjoying another season of "The Masked Reader," and the reveal will happen on Friday night at Candy Bar Bingo. $1.00 raffle tickets will be on sale that evening for a chance for your child to be the one to "unmask" our "Masked Reader!"
Memory Maker Auction:
Check out the online silent auction to bid on some amazing experiences with our TCE staff.
Auction opens Friday, February 28th at 4:00pm and closes on the evening of our BINGO event, March 14th at 9:00pm.
Scan the QR codes on the flier below to bid on the experiences.
TCE Spring Book Fair
The Book Fair will take place March 14-21. Shopping will take place during the school day. The Book Fair will also be open at PTO Candy Bar Bingo on Friday, March 14.
We need many volunteers for our Book Fair! All volunteers get a 20% discount on purchases at the Book Fair. You can sign up to help students shop, run a cash register, or even donate items for our Teacher Book Fair Preview and Appreciation Day!
**All volunteers must have a background check on file with HSE Schools. Visit HSE Schools Safety to learn more.
TCE Kindergarten Enrollment 25-26
Enroll Online-
Students must be five (5) years old on or before August 1, 2025.
Families may apply for early entrance for students who will turn five (5) years old on or before September 30,2025.
Attend Open House-
Visit your child's elementary school on April 17, 2025 from 5-7p.m.
First Day of School August 8th-
Get ready for the first day of school.
Camp at the Creek
Camp at the The Creek
All sessions being offered to incoming Kindergarteners and Rising 1st graders
June 2-6 Fur, Fins, and Feathers
June 9-13 Little Ring Masters
June 16-20 Out of this World
Monday-Friday 1:00-4:00
Cost- $200
Please email any questions to Mrs. Gabbard jegabbard@hse.k12.in.us
Indy Zoo Discount for HSE schools
Indianapolis Zoo Ticket Partner Program - Hamilton Southeastern Schools
January 6-March 21, 2025
Adult Tickets: $10.75
Youth (2-12): $8.75
March 22, 2025-January 4, 2026
Adult Tickets: $20.75
Youth (2-12): $13.75
- Visit the Indy Zoo website
- Select ticket quantity
- Click Add to Cart
- Check your order and then click Checkout
- Enter billing and payment information
- You will then see a receipt page
- You will receive your tickets by email
- To print tickets, please save them from the receipt page when you complete your transaction.
4-H News
We at Purdue Extension Hamilton County are excited to share with your students about all the opportunities available through the 4-H Program. You may use the following or the attached pdf. Thank you for all you do to support 4-H and all of our wonderful Purdue Extension Programs!
“Don’t be caught in the cold! We encourage all families to enroll in 4-H by January 15. Participants must re-enroll every year. 4-H is an informal educational program where youth “learn by doing.” Anyone in grades 3-12 can learn life skills such as cooperation, leadership, decision-making, responsibility, and more through hands-on projects in more than 60 different subject areas.
Youth in grades K-2 may enroll in Mini 4-H. The 4-H Program is a great opportunity to develop a hobby, experience camp, make new friends, and promote family togetherness.”
For more information, contact the Purdue Extension Hamilton County Office at 317-776-0854 or visit puext.in/hamco4h.
Enroll online at in.4honline.com.
TCE Scholarship Fund
TCE Scholarship Fund
Did you know that TCE has our very own scholarship that is awarded each year? Any HSE or Fishers graduate that has attended TCE for at least one year may apply. If you are interested in making a contribution, click the link below. Nothing makes us more proud than seeing our Cardinals fly and we love investing in their future!
Mudsock Youth Sports
Updates from Mudsock Youth Athletics:
Curious about rugby? Join Mudsock Youth Rugby for a FREE Try-It Day on Sunday, February 23rd at Fall Creek Intermediate:
This event is open to 2nd–8th grade boys and girls and is the perfect opportunity to learn about this exciting, inclusive sport. Our experienced coaches and board members will be on hand to teach fundamental skills, answer questions about the upcoming spring season and introduce youth to the growing sport of rugby. Learn more including times here.
Sign Up Now - Spring Sport Registration Remains Open:
Get ready for an action-packed spring! With 9 sports to choose from, there’s something for every skill level and interest. Registration is now open at myathletics.com. Sign up for baseball, softball, soccer, boys and girls lacrosse, rugby, boys volleyball, pickleball and track & field. Explore detailed season information here and secure your spot today!
Fishers Junior High Open Gym
Fishers Junior High
Open Gym
January 26- March 30th
1-5pm Every Sunday
Global Meal
March Global Meal- Thursday, March 13th Shrimp and Grits
March 21st- Mangoes samples will be served on March 21st
The Cafe will have a free cookie with every meal on March 17th
Fish Sandwiches are served on Fridays March 7th,14th, and 21st
Nurse Resources
For more information on all things Health Related, please visit the district website's Health Services page:
Health Services - Hamilton Southeastern School Corporation (hseschools.org)
How sick is too sick?
Research shows that regular and consistent school attendance is vital for your child's academic progress and overall well-being. We all understand that life can sometimes present unexpected challenges and circumstances that disrupt our daily routines, but we do want to stress the importance of regular attendance. Attending school regularly not only ensures that your child doesn’t miss out on valuable instruction but also helps them develop essential habits that are crucial for success in school and later in life.
However, a sick child may not benefit from being at school or may disrupt the learning environment for others. If your child isn’t feeling 100% and you’re unsure whether to send them to school or not, here is a resource to help guide your decision. This resource is provided by the Indiana Department of Education and is the standard we follow in all the Hamilton Southeastern Schools.
We appreciate your help in keeping Thorpe Creek Elementary a healthy and safe environment for all students and staff.
Hamilton East Public Library
Author Varian Johnson Visit to Fishers Library
Author Varian Johnson will be at the Fishers Library on Tuesday, March 11 at 5-6pm at the Fishers Library. More information is here. I’ve also attached a flyer. Johnson is the author of several novels for children and young adults, including The Parker Inheritance, which won both Coretta Scott King Author Honor and Boston Globe/Horn Book Honor awards; The Great Greene Heist, an ALA Notable Children’s book and Kirkus Reviews Best Book; and the graphic novel Twins, an NPR Best Book.
Community Resources and Supporting Others
FYAP Snack Attack Program – Registration is open throughout school year
The Fishers Youth Assistance Program (FYAP) offers a free weekend snack program for students in HSE schools. Any students in need can participate. There is no cost, but families do need to register. At the end of each week, students receive an unmarked brown bag filled with individually wrapped snacks like granola bars, fruit cups, and peanut butter crackers to take home for the weekend.
Questions? Contact FYAPFood@gmail.com
Sign Up: https://forms.gle/qQ2GgbD32C66Dhfg7
Reduced/Free School Lunches
- Families can apply any time during the school year
- Only one application is needed, per family
- Families re-apply annually
Two ways to apply:
- Skyward Family Access Account- Directions found here https://www.hseschools.org/departments/food-services
- Paper form submitted to school office https://www.in.gov/doe/nutrition/free-and-reduced-information/free-and-reduced-forms/#Free_and_Reduced_Applications
Other Local Community Resources
Interested in supporting others?
HSE High School's National Honor Society's Adopt a Family Program
To sponsor a local family, contact HSEHS teacher Kari Richardson at kjrichardson@hse.k12.in.us
Fishers Youth Assistance Program
Volunteer: http://youthassistance.org/fishers-volunteer
Donate: http://youthassistance.org/fishersdonate
Good Samaritan Network
Volunteer: https://www.gsnlive.org/ivolunteer
Donate: https://www.gsnlive.org/donations
Central Indiana Salvation Army
Kids Coats Hamilton County
If your student will be absent or tardy for any reason please call the school (317)594-4310 or email broberts@hse.k12.in.us.
Present for Success
At Hamilton Southeastern Schools, our primary goal is to ensure every student receives a high-quality education, but we can't do it alone. Frequent absences hinder academic progress, adding stress for students, families, and teachers. That’s why we’re asking families to partner with us in ensuring regular attendance, so together, we can support every student’s academic success. Click the link to learn more: https://www.hseschools.org/posts/~board/district-news/post/present-for-success-attendance-matters
Library News
Cardinal Families-
If you are looking for ways to get more involved at TCE and help support school-wide events, please check out the many opportunities hosted by our TCE PTO.
Use this link to access the PTO Newsletter with important dates and information
Front Office Procedures
Building Hours
The TCE front office is open from 7:00 am to 3:00 pm. You can reach the TCE front office at (317) 594-4310
Attendance/Reporting Absences/Late Arrival
- Please notify the front office in regard to absences and late arrivals. If your student will be absent or tardy for any reason, please call the school (317)594-4310 or email broberts@hse.k12.in.us. Please leave detailed information, including student's first and last name and reason for the absence or late arrival.
- Please send in any doctor's notes from appointments for documentation or send a photo to broberts@hse.k12.in.us
Late Student Drop-Off Car Rider
If your student arrives after 7:40, he/she will be marked "tardy" in their Skyward account. If arriving after 7:40, please park your car and walk your student into the front office and sign in your student on the sign-in sheet. Do not drop your student off to walk in alone if you arrive after the bell
Change In Dismissal Plan
Please communicate with your student's teacher their daily routine for end of the day transportation.
- If this daily routine changes please notify your teacher and the office of the change. A written note sent with the child in the morning is the best and safest way to assure an organized
Leaving Early for Appointments
If your student needs to leave early for any reason, only family and individuals listed on the student's approved Skyward list can pick up the student. In the student's Skyward account, under the "Family and Emergency Contact" tabs, you may list people approved by you to pick up your student. Those individuals MUST show a valid driver's license when picking up the student.
Forgotten Items
If a student forgets an item at home and a parent/guardian needs to drop off that item after school has begun, that item may be dropped off in the front office vestibule. There is a table right inside the first set of doors on which you can place the item. Please have student's first and last names, and teacher's name, on the item and we will deliver it to the student.
Upcoming Calendar Dates
Wednesday, March 5th- Yearbook Orders Due
Friday, March 7-Riley Dance Marathon (Students Only)
Monday, March 10—FLEX DAY
Thursday, March 13- Spring Picture Day (Optional)
Friday, March 14—PTO Candy Bar Bingo—5:00-7:00
March 17-21 Spring Book Fair
March 22-23 District Wide Art Show
Friday, April 4-Friday, April 11—SPRING BREAK
Tuesday, April 15—Math Bowl Competition
Thursday, April 24—PTO Pancake Dinner—5:00-7:00
Sunday, April 27- Best Buddie Friendship Walk downtown Indy
Monday, April 28—2nd grade and 4th grade choir music program convo—8:00 a.m.
Wednesday, April 30—2nd grade and 4th grade choir music program—6:00 p.m.
Tuesday, May 6—PTO Public Meeting—6:00 (Elections)
Wednesday, May 7- 4th grade track meet-5:30pm
Thursday, May 8- 4th grade track meet Rain date
Thursday, May 15th-4th Grade Field Day
Friday, May 16th- K-3rd Grade Field Day
Tuesday, May 20—TCE Talent Show—8:30 a.m.
Monday, May 26—Memorial Day—NO SCHOOL
Wednesday, May 28—Last Student Day and Kindergarten Celebration
Title IV Ed-Flex Waiver
Title IV Ed-Flex Waiver
Hamilton Southeastern Schools is seeking public input on a Title IV Ed-Flex Waiver. To learn more about this waiver, how it will be used by the district, and to provide public comment please visit hseschools.org/publicnotices and click on IDOE Title IV Ed-Flex Waiver.
Rave Reviews
R.A.V.E. Reviews are Back!
Do you know of an HSE staff member who deserves a shoutout? Someone who consistently goes above and beyond to make a meaningful difference in the lives of others.
Give them a R.A.V.E. Review and share your appreciation! It’s simple to do - just complete a quick online form here: hseschools.org/rave. You can send as many reviews as you’d like throughout the school year.
R.A.V.E. stands for Recognizing All Valuable Employees, and it’s our way of celebrating the incredible staff who make Hamilton Southeastern Schools a fantastic place to learn and grow.
Any person visiting or volunteering any of our HSE schools must complete a Safe Visitor background check and anti-bullying webinar every three years. Please note, the cost is $12.95 and it may take 7-10 business days to complete. Please click on Safe Visitor Image to be directed to the website.
HSE Report It!
Submit A Tip 24/7
HSE Report It! is a school safety mobile reporting app that allows students, staff, and community members to provide anonymous information about concerns for their own safety or the safety of others. It’s anonymous and reports are made exclusively through the mobile app. HSE Report it! has no length limitations or the need to remember a short code. Reporters can attach photos, screenshots, videos, documents and/or audio recordings to their concerns and they can engage in a two-way dialogue with a real person.
Thorpe Creek Elementary District Handbook
The Thorpe Creek Elementary District Handbook has answers to many of your questions regarding policies and procedures for our upcoming school year. The handbook can be found at hseschools.org or by clicking below.
Thorpe Creek Elementary Cardinals
Website: https://tce.hseschools.org/
Location: 14642 126th Street Fishers, IN 46037